From Find Nearest Line Segments to Point
I have reproduced your example with shapefiles.
You can use Shapely and Fiona to solve your problem.
####1) Your problem (with a shapely Point
####2) starting with an arbitrary line (with an adequate length):
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString
line = LineString([(point.x,point.y),(final_pt.x,final_pt.y)])
####3) using shapely.affinity.rotate to create the radii (rotating the line from the point, look also the Mike Toews's answer at Python, shapely library: is it possible to do an affine operation on shape polygon?):
from shapely import affinity
# Rotate i degrees CCW from origin at point (step 10°)
radii= [affinity.rotate(line, i, (point.x,point.y)) for i in range(0,360,10)]
####4) now, using shapely:cascaded_union (or shapely:unary_union) to get a MultiLineString:
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
mergedradii = cascaded_union(radii)
print mergedradii.type
####5) the same with the original lines (shapefile)
import fiona
from shapely.geometry import shape
orlines ="orlines.shp")
shapes = [shape(f['geometry']) for f in orlines]
mergedlines = cascaded_union(shapes)
print mergedlines.type
####6) the intersection between the two multigeometries is computed and the result is saved to a shapefile:
points = mergedlines.intersection(mergedradii)
print points.type
from shapely.geometry import mapping
schema = {'geometry': 'MultiPoint','properties': {'test': 'int'}}
with'intersect.shp','w','ESRI Shapefile', schema) as e:
e.write({'geometry':mapping(points), 'properties':{'test':1}})
####7) but, problem, if you use a a longer radius, the result is different:
####8) And if you want to get your result, you need to select only the point with the shortest distance from the original point on a radius:
points_ok = []
for line in mergeradii:
if line.intersects(mergedlines):
if line.intersection(mergedlines).type == "MultiPoint":
# multiple points: select the point with the minimum distance
a = {}
for pt in line.intersection(merged):
a[point.distance(pt)] = pt
if line.intersection(mergedlines).type == "Point":
# ok, only one intersection
solution = cascaded_union(points_ok)
schema = {'geometry': 'MultiPoint','properties': {'test': 'int'}}
with'intersect3.shp','w','ESRI Shapefile', schema) as e:
e.write({'geometry':mapping(solution), 'properties':{'test':1}})
Final result:
I hope that is what you want.