This is a copy of Dave Abrahams' Elhome emacs configuration framework. The purpose of this fork is to point at a stable version that I can use in my 'production' emacs environment. It points to my stable version of the el-get project, as well. For more details, see the original documentation.
Evaluate this elisp. You can copy it (to the clipboard or kill ring such that ‘C-y’ will insert it) and then ‘M-: C-y RET’
(lambda (s) (end-of-buffer) (eval-print-last-sexp)))
There are several new directories you'll want to work with. See the README files in each one for more details:
- where everything related to this configuration is stored~/.emacs.d/elhome/startup/
- elisp that is unconditionally loaded as early in startup as possible.~/.emacs.d/elhome/settings/
- settings for specific modes, including the general customization file settings.el~/.emacs.d/elhome/site-lisp/
- elisp files placed here (or in subdirectories) will be