flowchart LR
sr(Send resume) --> hr(HR call)
hr(HR call) --> ti(Technical Interview) --rejected--x hri(HR Interview) -.-> o(Offer)
Sent Resume
HR Call
1402.09.12 -
Technical Interview
1402.09.13 AT 4 PM -
Rejection Letter
- Technical Interview
1 hour
Google Meet
مصاحبه با یک نفر بود.
Why Go?
What is goroutine?
What is race condition?
What is the difference between concurrency in python and go?
Waht is event driven architecture?
What is redis datastuctures?
Suppose we have a queue and a redis and more requests sent to our web server how can handle to redis. redis can handle just a few requests. What's your approach to handle scale?
We have a system, and each time we receive an API request, imagine a user gets information. In the result, there are more data. How would you cache that?
How do database index columns work?
If you want to design a database, how do you determine which technologies or approaches to use?
What is docker & kober?
We want to design a URL shortener system. How would you design it?
این از اون مصاحبههایی بود که به قول خارجیا I bombed it. بعضی از سوالا جوری بود که افتادم گوشه رینگ، خیلی سناریومحور بود. اگه از نیومدن ایمیل ریجکتیشون و پیگیری برای دونستن نتیجه که دنبال ایمیل ریجکتی بودم و آخر فرستادن بگذریم، اتفاق عجیبی رخ نداد.