flowchart LR
sr(Send resume) --> hr(HR call) --> ti1(1st Technical Interview) --rejected--x ti2(2nd Technical Interview) -.-> hri(HR Interview) -.-> o(Offer)
HR Call
1403.03.27 -
Technical Interview
1403.03.30 -
Rejection Email
- Technical Interview
1 Hour and 30 minutes
Microsoft Teams
Interviewer Told about himself and The culture in Toman.
Tell me about yourself and your experience.
Tell me about Django request life-cycle.
In which order django middlewares work
Is the order of middlewares are same when processing response compare to processing requests?
Can you tell what is the usage of UWSGI/Gunicorn?
Imagine a micro-services architecture. we want to follow up a request to have a track of them in the system. How do you suggest to track them. A: My Answer was to add a unique code in the header of the request
How can we make sure that the codes you said, are unique? A: My answer was using UUID
Ok, we made the requests unique. Where can we store them?
How queues in a message broker works? Are they working simultaneously?
How to know how many queues do we need? (I didn't know the answer!)
What if Our RabbitMQ or Celery Fails? What is your solution not too lose any of the tracking data?
Can You tell what are the migration files in django?
Did you have any sepecific challenge with the django migrations?
Have you ever changed the migration files manually for any specific reason?
Do you have any other question?
فرایند هماهنگی خوب بود. مصاحبهکننده خیلی حرفهای و همینطور صمیمانه رفتار کرد و فرهنگ شرکتو توضیح داد و از نظر من خیلی مناسب بود رفتار و جو مصاحبه. میتینگ روی مایکروسافت تیمز بود که چون نسخهٔ لینوکسی نداره با وب وصل شدم و کمی به سختی لود شد. در مجموع جوابهای منم بد نبودن و خودم راضیم. قطعاً ریجکت شدن هم پیش میاد به هر شکلی که بگذره چون عدهٔ زیادی مصاحبه میشن و شرکتهای فیتترینشونو انتخاب میکنن.