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186 lines (144 loc) · 5.49 KB

Arri Kotlin Codegen


1) Add the generator to your arri config

// arri.config.ts
import { defineConfig, generators } from "arri";

export default defineConfig({
    generators: [
            clientName: "MyClient",
            outputFile: "./client/src/MyClient.g.kt",


Name Description
clientName The name of the generated client class (Defaults to "Client")
outputFile (required) Path to the file that will be created by the generator
typePrefix Add a prefix to the generated class names

2) Install dependencies

The generated code relies on the following dependencies:

Using the Generated Code

Initialize the client

fun main() {
    // create a Ktor HTTP client
    val httpClient = HttpClient() {
    // initialize your generated client and pass it the httpClient
    // the client name will match whatever options you passed into your arri config
    val client = MyClient(
        httpClient = httpClient,
        baseUrl = "",
        // a function that returns a mutable map of headers
        // this function will run before every request. Or before every reconnection in the case of SSE
        headers = {
            mutableMapOf(Pair("x-example-header", "<some-header-value>"))
    runBlocking {

The root client will be a class containing all of the services and procedures in a single class. If you only need a particular service, you can initialize just that service.

val service = MyClientUsersService(
        httpClient = httpClient,
        baseUrl = "",
        headers = {
            mutableMapOf(Pair("x-example-header", "<some-header-value>"))

Client / Service Options

Name Type Description
httpClient HttpClient An instance of ktor HttpClient
baseUrl String The base URL of the API server
headers (() -> MutableMap<String, String>?)? A function that returns a map of http headers
onError (Optional) ((err: Exception) -> Unit) A hook that fires whenever any exception is thrown by the client

Calling Procedures

Standard HTTP Procedures

runBlocking {
    // procedure with no parameters
    val getUsersResponse = myClient.users.getUsers()

    // procedure with parameters
    val getUserResponse = myClient.users.getUser(GetUserParams(userId = "12345"))

Event Stream Procedures

Basic Usage
runBlocking {
        onData { message ->
            println("New message: ${message}")
        onOpen {
            println("Connection established")
        onRequestError { err ->
            println("Error connecting to server: ${err}")
        onResponseError { err ->
            println("Server returned an error: ${err.code} ${err.message}")
        onClose {
            println("Connection closed")
Cancelling Requests

Event stream procedures can be cancelled from inside one of the hooks by throwing a CancellationException

runBlocking {
        onResponseError { err ->
            println("Server returned an error: ${err.code} ${err.message}")
            throw CancellationException()

You can also spawn a job and cancel that job in order to cancel the Event stream procedure from the outside

val job = someCoroutineScope.launch {
Other Options
Option Type Description
bufferCapacity Int Max buffer size that can be allocated towards reading messages received. Default is 1024 * 1024 (1MB).
maxBackoffTime Long? Max wait time between retries in milliseconds. Default is 30000ms

Using Arri Models

All generated models will be data classes. They will have access to the following features:


  • toJson(): String
  • toUrlQueryParams(): String

Factory Methods:

  • new()
  • fromJson(input: String)
  • fromJsonElement(input: JsonElement, instancePath: String)

Other Notes

  • All Enums will have a serialValue property.
  • Discriminator schemas are converted to sealed classes


# build the library
pnpm nx build codegen-kotlin

# test
pnpm nx test codegen-kotlin

# lint
pnpm nx lint codegen-lint