This document gives the instructions to install all dependencies required by VisionSelfCheckout
Navigate to the directory path: VisionSelfCheckout/checkoutFrontEnd/
Download npm packages
npm install package.json
Start front-end
npm start
NOTE: To use React, you must have Node.js and npm installed locally on your system. To download Node.js, click here.
Navigate to the directory path: VisionSelfCheckout/checkoutBackEnd/
Download pip dependencies
pip install -r requirments.txt
Start back-end
uvicorn main:app
NOTE: If you would like to use your GPU when running the model, you must have PyTorch configured locally. For documentation, click here.
This repository makes use of a local PostgreSQL database, serving as a basis for potential project scalability. For a more comprehensive understanding of the database schema, you can explore it here. In addition, adjustments to the database connection can be made here.