Adldap2 requires Composer for installation.
Once you have composer installed, insert Adldap2 into your composer.json
file located in the root of your project directory:
"require": {
"adldap2/adldap2": "7.0.*"
Run composer update
in the root of your project.
You're all set!
// Construct new Adldap instance.
$ad = new \Adldap\Adldap();
// Create a configuration array.
$config = [
// Your account suffix, for example:
'account_suffix' => '',
// The domain controllers option is an array of your LDAP hosts. You can
// use the either the host name or the IP address of your host.
'domain_controllers' => ['', ''],
// The base distinguished name of your domain.
'base_dn' => 'dc=corp,dc=acme,dc=org',
// The account to use for querying / modifying LDAP records. This
// does not need to be an actual admin account.
'admin_username' => 'admin',
'admin_password' => 'password',
// Add a connection provider to Adldap.
try {
// If a successful connection is made to your server, the provider will be returned.
$provider = $ad->connect();
// Performing a query.
$results = $provider->search()->where('cn', '=', 'John Doe')->get();
// Finding a record.
$user = $provider->search()->find('jdoe');
// Creating a new LDAP entry. You can pass in attributes into the make methods.
$user = $provider->make()->user([
'cn' => 'John Doe',
'title' => 'Accountant',
'description' => 'User Account',
// Setting a model's attribute.
$user->cn = 'John Doe';
// Saving the changes to your LDAP server.
if ($user->save()) {
// User was saved!
} catch (\Adldap\Auth\BindException $e) {
// There was an issue binding / connecting to the server.