Create Gatekeeper constraints from Rego policies
konstraint create <dir> [flags]
Create constraints in the same directories as the policies
konstraint create examples
Save the constraints in a specific directory
konstraint create examples --output generated-constraints
Create constraints with the Gatekeeper enforcement action set to dryrun
konstraint create examples --dryrun
--constraint-custom-template-file string Path to a custom template file to generate constraints
--constraint-template-custom-template-file string Path to a custom template file to generate constraint templates
--constraint-template-version string Set the version of ConstraintTemplates (default "v1")
-d, --dryrun Set the enforcement action of the constraints to dryrun, overriding the @enforcement tag
-h, --help help for create
--log-level string Set a log level. Options: error, info, debug, trace (default "info")
-o, --output string Specify an output directory for the Gatekeeper resources
--partial-constraints Generate partial Constraints for policies with parameters
--skip-constraints Skip generation of constraints
- konstraint - Konstraint