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Harbor 升级和数据库迁移向导 - release-1.5.0 分支.md

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101 lines (60 loc) · 5.09 KB

Harbor 升级和数据库迁移向导 - release-1.5.0 分支



If your install Harbor for the first time, or the database version is the same as that of the lastest version, you do not need any database migration.

首次安装 Harbor 或数据库版本和最新版本相同,则无需进行数据库迁移;


  • From v1.5.0 on, the migration tool add support for the harbor.cfg migration, which supports upgrade from v1.2.x, v1.3.x and v1.4.x.
  • From v1.2 on, you need to use the release version as the tag of the migrator image. 'latest' is no longer used for new release.
  • You must back up your data before any data migration.
  • To migrate harbor OVA, please refer migrate OVA guide


  • 从 v1.5.0 开始,迁移工具增加了针对 harbor.cfg 迁移的支持;支持以 v1.2.x, v1.3.x 和 v1.4.x 为基础版本的迁移;
  • 从 v1.2 开始,你需要使用 release version 作为 migrator 镜像的 tag ;'latest' 这个 tag 已经不再用作新 release 来使用;
  • 在任何数据迁移前,你必须备份数据;

Upgrading Harbor and migrating data

  • Before upgrading Harbor, perform migration first. The migration tool is delivered as a docker image, so you should pull the image from docker hub. Replace [tag] with the release version of Harbor (e.g. v1.5.0) in the below command:
docker pull vmware/harbor-db-migrator:[tag]

这里的说明存在问题:首先 v1.5.0 是不存在的,详见 ;其次,应该是 vmware/harbor-db-migrator 而不是 vmware/harbor-migrator ,上面已调整;

  • Back up database/harbor.cfg to a directory such as /path/to/backup.

NOTE: Upgrade from harbor 1.2 or older to harbor 1.3 must use vmware/harbor-db-migrator:1.2. Because DB engine replaced by MariaDB in harbor 1.3

注意:从 harbor 1.2 或之前的版本升级到 harbor 1.3 必须使用 vmware/harbor-db-migrator:1.2 ,因为 DB 引擎在 harbor 1.3 中被替换成了 MariaDB

docker run -it --rm -e DB_USR=root -e DB_PWD={db_pwd} -v ${harbor_db_path}:/var/lib/mysql -v ${harbor_cfg}:/harbor-migration/harbor-cfg/harbor.cfg -v ${backup_path}:/harbor-migration/backup vmware/harbor-db-migrator:[tag] backup

NOTE: By default, the migrator handles the backup for DB and CFG. If you want to backup DB or CFG only, refer to the following commands:

docker run -it --rm -e DB_USR=root -e DB_PWD={db_pwd} -v ${harbor_db_path}:/var/lib/mysql -v ${backup_path}:/harbor-migration/backup vmware/harbor-db-migrator:[tag] --db backup

docker run -it --rm -v ${harbor_cfg}:/harbor-migration/harbor-cfg/harbor.cfg -v ${backup_path}:/harbor-migration/backup vmware/harbor-db-migrator:[tag] --cfg backup

默认情况下,migrator 会同时备份 DB 和 CFG ;可以通过上述两个命令进行单独备份;

  • Upgrade database schema, harbor.cfg and migrate data.
docker run -it --rm -e DB_USR=root -e DB_PWD={db_pwd} -v ${harbor_db_path}:/var/lib/mysql -v ${harbor_cfg}:/harbor-migration/harbor-cfg/harbor.cfg vmware/harbor-db-migrator:[tag] up

NOTE: By default, the migrator handles the upgrade for DB and CFG. If you want to upgrade DB or CFG only, refer to the following commands:

docker run -it --rm -e DB_USR=root -e DB_PWD={db_pwd} -v ${harbor_db_path}:/var/lib/mysql vmware/harbor-db-migrator:[tag] --db up

docker run -it --rm -v ${harbor_cfg}:/harbor-migration/harbor-cfg/harbor.cfg vmware/harbor-db-migrator:[tag] --cfg up

NOTE: Some errors like

[ERROR] Missing system table mysql.roles_mapping; please run mysql_upgrade to create it
[ERROR] Incorrect definition of table mysql.event: expected column 'sql_mode' at position ... ...
[ERROR] mysqld: Event Scheduler: An error occurred when initializing system tables. Disabling the Event Scheduler.
[Warning] Failed to load slave replication state from table mysql.gtid_slave_pos: 1146: Table 'mysql.gtid_slave_pos' doesn't exist

will be occurred during upgrading from harbor 1.2 to harbor 1.3, just ignore them if harbor can start successfully.


Roll back from an upgrade

NOTE: Rollback from harbor 1.3 to harbor 1.2 should delete /data/database directory first, then create new database directory by docker-compose up -d && docker-compose stop. And must use vmware/harbor-db-migrator:1.2 to restore. Because of DB engine change.

从 harbor 1.3 回滚到 harbor 1.2 要求:先删除 /data/database 目录,之后通过 docker-compose up -d && docker-compose stop 创建新的数据库目录;同时必须使用 vmware/harbor-db-migrator:1.2 进行恢复;

Use test command to test mysql connection:

docker run -it --rm -e DB_USR=root -e DB_PWD={db_pwd} -v ${harbor_db_path}:/var/lib/mysql -v ${harbor_cfg}:/harbor-migration/harbor-cfg/harbor.cfg vmware/harbor-db-migrator:[tag] test

可以使用 test 命令测试 mysql 连接;