Utility library ( static ) based on NSFoundation
Fits for any apple system : iOS, MacOS, WatchOS, tvOS
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Returns the target date with hours and minutes set to 0 (GMT)
Returns the target date with given hour ( modulo 24 ) and minute ( modulo 60 )
**-(NSDate*)dateBySettingHour:(NSUInteger)hour minute:(NSUInteger)minute;**
Returns true if target date is the same day than given date.
Returns true if target date is the same month than given date.
oneMonthLater oneMonthEarlier oneDayLater oneDayEarlier secondsSinceStartOfDay components
Returns the target date plus one month.
Returns the target date minus one month.
Returns the target date plus one day.
Returns the target date minus one day.
Returns the number os seconds since the beginning of the day ( midnight of previous day ).
Returns the date components, based on the current system calendar.
MFFoundationFramework - ©2007-2016 Tristan Leblanc - MooseFactory Software