Android Application for DoorPi Project. Published on Google Play Store here
Works together with DoorPi-Server.
- Run the server on a Raspberry Pi hooked up to an electronic lock of your front door.
- Connect to the server using this Android application
- Both server and android device need to be on the same network
- First device to connect can setup the server and becomes admin
- Admin can manage devices (add + remove), view statistics and create other admins
- New devices are added by scanning a QR Code
- New devices create a public / private key pair using the Android Keystore and register their public key
- Verification is done by encrypting a 'challenge' server side using the registered public key
- Challenges have a short expirary date
- Answered by decrypting challenge using private key, which is stored locally
- Access to private key is dependent on fingerprint verification
- Upon successful verification the door is unlocked using the GPIO of the Raspberry Pi