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File metadata and controls

109 lines (74 loc) · 6.36 KB


wp-now streamlines the process of setting up a local WordPress environment.

It uses automatic mode detection to provide a fast setup process, regardless of whether you're working on a plugin or an entire site. You can easily switch between PHP and WordPress versions with just a configuration argument. Under the hood, wp-now is powered by WordPress Playground and only requires Node.js.

Getting Started

To install wp-now directly from npm:

npm install -g @wp-now/wp-now

Alternatively, you can install wp-now via git clone if you'd like to hack on it too. See Contributing for more details.

Once installed, you can start a new server like so:

cd wordpress-plugin-or-theme
wp-now start

Use the --php=<version> and --wp=<version> arguments to switch to different versions on the fly:

wp-now start --wp=5.9 --php=7.4

Use wp-now php <file> to execute a specific PHP file:

cd wordpress-plugin-or-theme
wp-now php my-file.php

Automatic Modes

wp-now automatically operates in a few different modes for both the start and the php commands. The selected mode depends on the directory in which it is executed:

  • plugin, theme, or wp-content: Loads the project files into a virtual filesytem with WordPress and a SQLite-based database. Everything (including WordPress core files, the database, wp-config.php, etc.) is stored in the user's home directory and loaded into the virtual filesystem. The latest version of WordPress will be used, unless the --wp=<version> argument is provided. Here are the heuristics for each mode:
    • plugin mode: Presence of a PHP file with 'Plugin Name:' in its contents.
    • theme mode: Presence of a style.css file with 'Theme Name:' in its contents.
    • wp-content mode: Presence of plugins and themes subdirectories.
  • wordpress: Runs the directory as a WordPress installation when WordPress files are detected. An existing wp-config.php file will be used if it exists; if it doesn't exist, it will be created along with a SQLite database.
  • wordpress-develop: Same as wordpress mode, except the build directory is served as the web root.
  • index: Starts a PHP webserver in the working directory and simply passes requests to index.php.


wp-now start currently supports the following arguments:

  • --path=<path>: the path to the PHP file or WordPress project to use. If not provided, it will use the current working directory;
  • --php=<version>: the version of PHP to use. This is optional and if not provided, it will use a default version which is 8.0(example usage: --php=7.4);
  • --port=<port>: the port number on which the server will listen. This is optional and if not provided, it will pick an open port number automatically. The default port number is set to 8881(example of usage: --port=3000);
  • --wp=<version>: the version of WordPress to use. This is optional and if not provided, it will use a default version. The default version is set to the latest WordPress version(example usage: --wp=5.8)

Of these, wp-now php currently supports the --path=<path>, --php=<version>, and --wp=<version> arguments.

Technical Details

  • The ~/.wp-now home directory is used to store the WP versions and the wp-content folders for projects using 'theme', 'plugin', and 'wp-content' modes. The path to wp-content directory for the 'plugin', 'theme', and 'wp-content' modes is ~/.wp-now/wp-content/${projectName}-${directoryHash}.
  • For the database setup, wp-now is using SQLite database integration plugin. The path to SQLite database is ~/.wp-now/wp-content/${projectName}-${directoryHash}/database/.ht.sqlite

Known Issues


Laravel Valet

If you are migrating from Laravel Valet, you should be aware of the differences it has with wp-now:

  • wp-now does not require you to install WordPress separately, create a database, connect WordPress to that database or create a user account. All of these steps are handled by the wp-now start command and are running under the hood;
  • wp-now works across all platforms (Mac, Linux, Windows);
  • wp-now does not support custom domains or SSL (yet!);
  • wp-now works with WordPress themes and plugins even if you don't have WordPress installed;
  • wp-now allows to easily switch the WordPress version with wp-now start --wp=version.number(make sure to replace the version.number with the actual WordPress version);
  • wp-now does not support Xdebug PHP extension (yet!)

Some similarities between Laravel Valet and wp-now to be aware of:

  • could be used for non-WordPress projects;
  • deployments are not possible with neither Laravel Valet, nor wp-now;
  • possible to switch easily the PHP version;
  • possibility to work on multiple WordPress sites simultaneously


If you are migrating from wp-env, you should be aware of the differences it has with wp-now:

  • wp-now supports non-WordPress projects;
  • wp-now does not need Docker;
  • wp-now does not support Xdebug PHP extension (yet!);
  • wp-now does not include Jest for automatic browser testing

Some similarities between wp-env and wp-now to be aware of:

  • no support for custom domains or SSL;
  • plugin, themes and index modes are available on wp-env and wp-now;
  • deployments are not possible with neither wp-env, nor wp-now;
  • possible to switch easily the PHP version


See Contributing