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Run Torus on Kubernetes

Running Torus on a kubernetes cluster is as easy as running the included torus-k8s-oneshot.yaml. However, this will not install the FlexVolume plugin to allow you to use Torus as a volume provider for other Kubernetes pods.

Installing a new Torus-enabled Kubernetes on CoreOS (Vagrant, KubeAWS, other services)

1) Use my branch of coreos-kubernetes

git clone
cd coreos-kubernetes
git remote add barakmich
git fetch barakmich
git checkout barakmich/torus-k8s

When this sets up a multinode cluster (using the generic scripts) it will pull the mount tool from S3

2) Set up your kubectl

On Vagrant, use the kube-config. The 10m-k8s scripts are helpful for other cloud providers.

3) Launch all things torus on the cluster

kubectl create -f torus-k8s-oneshot.yaml

And you're done.

4) Connect, look around

Grab the latest release and use the included torusctl tool. Or just build it from source.

torusctl -C $IP_IN_CLUSTER:32379 list-peers

Which should tell you everything about the cluster.

5) Create a volume

Create a volume, eg:

torusctl -C $IP_IN_CLUSTER:32379 volume create-block pg1 2GiB

6) Run Postgres

And now use this volume in any other kubernetes pods, for example:

kubectl create -f postgres-oneshot.yaml

7) Put some data into postgres

TORUSPOD=$(kubectl get pods -l app=postgres-torus -o name | cut -d/ -f2)
kubectl exec -i $TORUSPOD -- psql postgres -U postgres < test-data.sql
kubectl exec $TORUSPOD -- psql postgres -U postgres -c 'select * from films'

8) Move postgres to another node

First lets cordon off the node postgres is currently on, so that when we kill it, it doesn't go to the same node.

PGNODE=$(kubectl get pods -l app=postgres-torus -o jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.nodeName}')
kubectl cordon $PGNODE
kubectl get nodes

Node we will delete the existing postgres pod, and then watch for a new one to come up and replace it

kubectl delete pod -l app=postgres-torus
kubectl get pod -l app=postgres-torus -w

You should see some output similar to

$ kubectl get pods -w -l app=postgres-torus
NAME                             READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
postgres-torus-1844296455-6z492   1/1       Terminating         1          8m
postgres-torus-1844296455-mv6v9   0/1       ContainerCreating   0          13s
NAME                             READY     STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
postgres-torus-1844296455-6z492   0/1       Terminating   1          9m
postgres-torus-1844296455-6z492   0/1       Terminating   1         9m
postgres-torus-1844296455-6z492   0/1       Terminating   1         9m
postgres-torus-1844296455-mv6v9   1/1       Running   0         1m

Finally we can verify that the data is still there:

TORUSPOD=$(kubectl get pods -l app=postgres-torus -o name | cut -d/ -f2)
kubectl exec $TORUSPOD -- psql postgres -U postgres -c 'select * from films'

Lastly, let's uncordon that node we cordoned in the beginning:

kubectl uncordon $PGNODE

Cleanup deployments

You can cleanup resources you deployed:

kubectl delete pod etcd-torus
kubectl delete svc etcd-torus etcd-torus-internal
kubectl delete daemonset torus

kubectl delete svc postgres-torus
kubectl delete deployment postgres-torus

Installing the Torus FlexVolume plugin on generic Kubernetes installations

1) Install torus(torusblk) in kubelet volume plugin directory

NOTICE: The FlexVolume functionality currently uses systemd to manage its lifecycle. Running as a FlexVolume on non-systemd systems is TBD

Kubernetes v1.2 supports FlexVolumes by placing a plugin binary in a specific location. By default, that is


The torusblk tool already conforms to this interface, so it's a simple matter of naming it correctly and placing it correctly.

mkdir -p /usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/
cp torusblk /usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/

Notice that the cp command renames torusblk as torus in the target directory.

After that, restart the kubelet (ie, systemctl restart kubelet, or /etc/init.d/kubelet restart) -- and the plugin is ready.

2) Enable nbd kernel module

Currently the FlexVolume uses nbd kernel module. You have to enable nbd kernel module on Node hosts.

modprobe nbd nbds_max=32