- about page loading time (462d273)
- about unnecesary theme change problem (1695f84)
- add hreflang <link to the HEAD (c3ac446)
- add readOnly for hamberger menu checkbox's input (577696d)
- add the correct link for the section header of projects on about (f49542b)
- add the link href for section header (80a6e29)
- build error (e2d9fba)
- build error (9c97974)
- build error and remove unused packages (7d9ce43)
- build errors (1d7f53d)
- build errors (9764c17)
- build errors (5128716)
- build errors (48d32d3)
- build errors (77bad18)
- fix drawer error log (8095939)
- fix the hover effect for company logos on home page (5d4d296)
- footer style (e7b0c98)
- for blinking on home page, remove strict mode (5b5d9ac)
- for build errors (bf3d11e)
- for building step (eec647d)
- for companies logos on home page (e0c0eb4)
- for deploy to production (faf36f4)
- for first load and fix the styling problem of first loading without css (63714ce)
- for footer (7cb42b6)
- for footer menu item alignment problem (3a74f2c)
- for messages and boardmessages (f45db6a)
- for navbar control panel alignment (b423f39)
- for navbar control panel margins (a06f6b6)
- for release.yml (da5dad9)
- for sending email (6b2fb12)
- for socket connection (9abaa22)
- for styled-components server side settings (605be26)
- for styled-components settings in next.config.js (aeb1f52)
- for type error on window object (f51c3a3)
- for welcome component and icon component the ref problem (31e286e)
- husky commit lint error (426954f)
- image preview height for whatsapp (175ec42)
- remove cypress tests from jest (515f44c)
- remove if from release process (af37c7e)
- the problem of dynamic meta title (4322e44)
- type errors (894b4f4)
- zindex hotfix (6f2dab3)
- src: some stying bug fixes & Aws to Vercel (52f2ef2)
- [v3.0.0] landed v3.0.0 with new code base and next.js version 13 (f14d147)
- add @next/bundle-analyzer and next-compose-plugins (efdd20d)
- add about welcome section to /about page. and some fixes (ac07aa5)
- add aliases and use them to import (97e57d1)
- add all-contributors settings for the project (097129e)
- add animation for welcome component (7831ecc)
- add bundle analyzer to next config (6d5b5de)
- add changelog page (2df7914)
- add docker files (fdf71a1)
- add favicon and heads (2a672e8)
- add feed and room pages (b200b33)
- add framer motion and add animations for blog posts (4699057)
- add generators (f73f7cd)
- add help page (4d53a70)
- add help section to the footer, edit footer styles (6659d40)
- add home page tests (96a4867)
- add husky settings (e788f3f)
- add latest updates (6cb97bb)
- add licence file (6bfa187)
- add mozio's case studie (a4bf32f)
- add necessary packages (df548c6)
- add new design and more about me to home page (138fee6)
- add new readme logo (31c8310)
- add new slogan and link preview (7273083)
- add old README.md and it will be edited soon (8560ca3)
- add PINS section more dynamically (cd0f25b)
- add posts by years (539a8cf)
- add prettier configs (1b51f25)
- add react-toastify (4fc1d9b)
- add recommended extensions to the projects by adding .vscode/extensions.json (1e19cb1)
- add translated locales files of turkish language (62e6c82)
- create an api to get distance from api (3ef19ee)
- cypress init (5d03136)
- dockerize mucahid.dev (5b87555)
- dynnamic multi language title and description for metas (24e7be0)
- edit layout and add social links (9f38217)
- edit new release workflows (b0e7882)
- index.tsx: add new main landing page (40dbf00)
- loading spinner for adding comment (1638fb5)
- next-upgrade@12.1.0 and add sharp for image performance optimization on production (028bd50)
- package.json: upgraded all packages and upgraded React 18 (6e86ecc)
- remove the deprecated files and folders (25b1b65)
- seo improvments (949a69f)
- smooth scrolling (4b92004)
- stats for the users (872e077)
- update all packages to the latest ones (b8da33f)
- update lock.yaml file (a6aecb5)
- upgrade all packages to latest version (d589830)
- upgrade next.js to 13 (d628633)
- use hashnode to get your blog posts (912f5e7)
- add optimized compressed images (e959fb8)
- deleted unnecesary files and use dynamic structure for loties (2e44e8f)
- use react strict mode as a highest hoc (725d171)
- package.json: React 18 and packages upgrades
- src: github action workflow converted to next.js workflow for release