-- import "github.com/improbable-eng/grpc-web/go/grpcweb"
implements the gRPC-Web spec as a wrapper around a gRPC-Go Server.
It allows web clients (see companion JS library) to talk to gRPC-Go servers over the gRPC-Web spec. It supports HTTP/1.1 and HTTP2 encoding of a gRPC stream and supports unary and server-side streaming RPCs. Bi-di and client streams are unsupported due to limitations in browser protocol support.
See https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/PROTOCOL-WEB.md for the protocol specification.
Here's an example of how to use it inside an existing gRPC Go server on a separate http.Server that serves over TLS:
grpcServer := grpc.Server()
wrappedGrpc := grpcweb.WrapServer(grpcServer)
tlsHttpServer.Handler = http.HandlerFunc(func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if wrappedGrpc.IsGrpcWebRequest(req) {
wrappedGrpc.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
// Fall back to other servers.
http.DefaultServeMux.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
If you'd like to have a standalone binary, please take a look at grpcwebproxy
func ListGRPCResources(server *grpc.Server) []string
ListGRPCResources is a helper function that lists all URLs that are registered on gRPC server.
This makes it easy to register all the relevant routes in your HTTP router of choice.
type Option func(*options)
func WithAllowedRequestHeaders(headers []string) Option
WithAllowedRequestHeaders allows for customizing what gRPC request headers a browser can add.
This is controlling the CORS pre-flight Access-Control-Allow-Headers
and applies to all gRPC handlers. However, a special *
value can be passed
in that allows the browser client to provide any header, by explicitly
whitelisting all Access-Control-Request-Headers
of the pre-flight request.
The default behaviour is []string{'*'}
, allowing all browser client headers.
This option overrides that default, while maintaining a whitelist for
gRPC-internal headers.
Unfortunately, since the CORS pre-flight happens independently from gRPC handler execution, it is impossible to automatically discover it from the gRPC handler itself.
The relevant CORS pre-flight docs: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Access-Control-Allow-Headers
func WithCorsForRegisteredEndpointsOnly(onlyRegistered bool) Option
WithCorsForRegisteredEndpointsOnly allows for customizing whether OPTIONS
requests with the X-GRPC-WEB
header will only be accepted if they match a
registered gRPC endpoint.
This should be set to false to allow handling gRPC requests for unknown endpoints (e.g. for proxying).
The default behaviour is true
, i.e. only allows CORS requests for registered
func WithOriginFunc(originFunc func(origin string) bool) Option
WithOriginFunc allows for customizing what CORS Origin requests are allowed.
This is controlling the CORS pre-flight Access-Control-Allow-Origin
. This
mechanism allows you to limit the availability of the APIs based on the domain
name of the calling website (Origin). You can provide a function that filters
the allowed Origin values.
The default behaviour is *
, i.e. to allow all calling websites.
The relevant CORS pre-flight docs: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Access-Control-Allow-Origin
func WithWebsocketOriginFunc(websocketOriginFunc func(req *http.Request) bool) Option
WithWebsocketOriginFunc allows for customizing the acceptance of Websocket requests - usually to check that the origin is valid.
The default behaviour is to check that the origin of the request matches the host of the request.
func WithWebsockets(enableWebsockets bool) Option
WithWebsockets allows for handling grpc-web requests of websockets - enabling bidirectional requests.
The default behaviour is false, i.e. to disallow websockets
type WrappedGrpcServer struct {
func WrapServer(server *grpc.Server, options ...Option) *WrappedGrpcServer
WrapServer takes a gRPC Server in Go and returns a WrappedGrpcServer that provides gRPC-Web Compatibility.
The internal implementation fakes out a http.Request that carries standard gRPC, and performs the remapping inside http.ResponseWriter, i.e. mostly the re-encoding of Trailers (that carry gRPC status).
You can control the behaviour of the wrapper (e.g. modifying CORS behaviour)
using With*
func (w *WrappedGrpcServer) HandleGrpcWebRequest(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
HandleGrpcWebRequest takes a HTTP request that is assumed to be a gRPC-Web request and wraps it with a compatibility layer to transform it to a standard gRPC request for the wrapped gRPC server and transforms the response to comply with the gRPC-Web protocol.
func (w *WrappedGrpcServer) HandleGrpcWebsocketRequest(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
HandleGrpcWebsocketRequest takes a HTTP request that is assumed to be a gRPC-Websocket request and wraps it with a compatibility layer to transform it to a standard gRPC request for the wrapped gRPC server and transforms the response to comply with the gRPC-Web protocol.
func (w *WrappedGrpcServer) IsAcceptableGrpcCorsRequest(req *http.Request) bool
IsAcceptableGrpcCorsRequest determines if a request is a CORS pre-flight request for a gRPC-Web request and that this request is acceptable for CORS.
You can control the CORS behaviour using With*
options in the WrapServer
func (w *WrappedGrpcServer) IsGrpcWebRequest(req *http.Request) bool
IsGrpcWebRequest determines if a request is a gRPC-Web request by checking that the "content-type" is "application/grpc-web" and that the method is POST.
func (w *WrappedGrpcServer) IsGrpcWebSocketRequest(req *http.Request) bool
IsGrpcWebSocketRequest determines if a request is a gRPC-Web request by checking that the "Sec-Websocket-Protocol" header value is "grpc-websockets"
func (w *WrappedGrpcServer) ServeHTTP(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
ServeHTTP takes a HTTP request and if it is a gRPC-Web request wraps it with a compatibility layer to transform it to a standard gRPC request for the wrapped gRPC server and transforms the response to comply with the gRPC-Web protocol.
The gRPC-Web compatibility is only invoked if the request is a gRPC-Web request as determined by IsGrpcWebRequest or the request is a pre-flight (CORS) request as determined by IsAcceptableGrpcCorsRequest.
You can control the CORS behaviour using With*
options in the WrapServer