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screenkhorn: Screening Sinkhorn Algorithm for Regularized Optimal Transport

Python implementation of Screenkhorn algorithm from paper Screening Sinkhorn Algorithm for Regularized Optimal Transport (to appear in NeurIPS 2019).

Package dependencies

It requires the following Python packages:

  • numpy
  • scipy
  • matplotlib
  • autograd
  • POT

Included modules

From a console or terminal clone the repository:

git clone
cd screenkhorn/

The folder contains the following files:

- Screenkhorn class

- Time comparison of Sinkhorn and Screenkhorn algorithms on a toy example

- Dimension reduction with screened optimal transport
- experiments

- Domain adaptation with screened optimal transport
- experiments

Small Demo

Given a ground metric C, the discrete measures a and b, and the entropy parameter reg that define the Sinkhorn divergence distance. The parameters ns_budget and nt_budget correspond to the number budget of points to be keeped in the source and the target domains, respectively. Then the Screenkhorn object is created.

>>> from screenkhorn import Screenkhorn 
>>> screenkhorn = Screenkhorn(a, b, C, reg, ns_budget, nt_budget, verbose=False, log=False)

>>> # screened transportation plan 
>>> Psc = screenkhorn.lbfgsb()

>>> # screened marginals
>>> a_sc = Psc @ np.ones(b.shape)
>>> b_sc = Psc.T @ np.ones(a.shape)


  • Mokhtar Z. Alaya
  • Maxime Bérar
  • Gilles Gasso
  • Alain Rakotomamonjy


If you use screenkhorn in a scientific publication, we would appreciate citations. You can use the following bibtex entry:

title = {Screening Sinkhorn Algorithm for Regularized Optimal Transport},
author = {Alaya, Mokhtar Z. and Berar, Maxime and Gasso, Gilles and Rakotomamonjy, Alain},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32},
editor = {H. Wallach and H. Larochelle and A. Beygelzimer and F. d\textquotesingle Alch\'{e}-Buc and E. Fox and R. Garnett},
pages = {12169--12179},
year = {2019},
publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
url = {}