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Syntax Summary

Syntax Summary

The following descriptions of Scala tokens uses literal characters ‘c’ when referring to the ASCII fragment \u0000\u007F.

Unicode escapes are used to represent the Unicode character with the given hexadecimal code:

UnicodeEscape ::= ‘\’ ‘u’ {‘u’} hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit
hexDigit      ::= ‘0’ || ‘9’ |A||F|a||f

Lexical Syntax

The lexical syntax of Scala is given by the following grammar in EBNF form:

whiteSpace       ::=  ‘\u0020| ‘\u0009| ‘\u000D| ‘\u000Aupper            ::=A||Z| ‘\$’ | ‘_’  // and Unicode category Lu
lower            ::=a||z’ // and Unicode category Ll
letter           ::=  upper | lower // and Unicode categories Lo, Lt, Nl
digit            ::=  ‘0’ || ‘9’
paren            ::=  ‘(’ | ‘)’ | ‘[’ | ‘]’ | ‘{’ | ‘}’
delim            ::=  ‘`’ |' |" | ‘.’ | ‘;’ | ‘,’
opchar           ::= // printableChar not matched by (whiteSpace | upper | lower |
                     // letter | digit | paren | delim | opchar | Unicode_Sm | Unicode_So)
printableChar    ::= // all characters in [\u0020, \u007F] inclusive
charEscapeSeq    ::= ‘\’ (‘b|t|n|f|r|" |' | ‘\’)

op               ::=  opchar {opchar}
varid            ::=  lower idrest
plainid          ::=  upper idrest
                 |  varid
                 |  op
id               ::=  plainid
                 |  ‘`’ { charNoBackQuoteOrNewline | UnicodeEscape | charEscapeSeq } ‘`’
idrest           ::=  {letter | digit} [‘_’ op]

integerLiteral   ::=  (decimalNumeral | hexNumeral) [‘L|l’]
decimalNumeral   ::=  ‘0’ | nonZeroDigit {digit}
hexNumeral       ::=  ‘0’ (‘x|X’) hexDigit {hexDigit}
digit            ::=  ‘0’ | nonZeroDigit
nonZeroDigit     ::=  ‘1’ || ‘9’

                 ::=  digit {digit} ‘.’ digit {digit} [exponentPart] [floatType]
                 |  ‘.’ digit {digit} [exponentPart] [floatType]
                 |  digit {digit} exponentPart [floatType]
                 |  digit {digit} [exponentPart] floatType
exponentPart     ::=  (‘E|e’) [‘+|-’] digit {digit}
floatType        ::=F|f|D|dbooleanLiteral   ::=true|falsecharacterLiteral ::='’ (charNoQuoteOrNewline | UnicodeEscape | charEscapeSeq) ‘'

stringLiteral    ::="’ {stringElement} ‘"|"""multiLineChars"""stringElement    ::=  charNoDoubleQuoteOrNewline
                 |  UnicodeEscape
                 |  charEscapeSeq
multiLineChars   ::=  {[‘"’] [‘"’] charNoDoubleQuote} {‘"’}

                 ::= alphaid ‘"’ {printableChar \ (‘" | ‘\$’) | escape} ‘"
                 |  alphaid"""’ {[‘"’] [‘"’] char \ (‘" | ‘\$’) | escape} {‘"’} ‘"""escape           ::= ‘\$\$’ 
                 | ‘\$’ id 
                 | ‘\$’ BlockExpr
alphaid          ::= upper idrest
                 |  varid

symbolLiteral    ::='’ plainid

comment          ::=  ‘/*’ “any sequence of characters; nested comments are allowed‘*/’
                 |  ‘//’ “any sequence of characters up to end of line”

nl               ::=  $\mathit{“new line character”}$
semi             ::=  ‘;’ |  nl {nl}

Context-free Syntax

The context-free syntax of Scala is given by the following EBNF grammar:

  Literal           ::=  [‘-’] integerLiteral
                      |  [‘-’] floatingPointLiteral
                      |  booleanLiteral
                      |  characterLiteral
                      |  stringLiteral
                      |  interpolatedString
                      |  symbolLiteral
                      |nullQualId            ::=  id {‘.’ id}
  ids               ::=  id {‘,’ id}

  Path              ::=  StableId
                      |  [id ‘.’] ‘thisStableId          ::=  id
                      |  Path ‘.’ id
                      |  [id ‘.’] ‘super’ [ClassQualifier] ‘.’ id
  ClassQualifier    ::=  ‘[’ id ‘]’

  Type              ::=  FunctionArgTypes ‘=>’ Type
                      |  InfixType [ExistentialClause]
  FunctionArgTypes  ::= InfixType
                      | ‘(’ [ ParamType {‘,’ ParamType } ] ‘)’
  ExistentialClause ::=forSome’ ‘{’ ExistentialDcl {semi ExistentialDcl} ‘}’
  ExistentialDcl    ::=typeTypeDcl
  InfixType         ::=  CompoundType {id [nl] CompoundType}
  CompoundType      ::=  AnnotType {‘withAnnotType} [Refinement]
                      |  Refinement
  AnnotType         ::=  SimpleType {Annotation}
  SimpleType        ::=  SimpleType TypeArgs
                      |  SimpleType ‘#’ id
                      |  StableId
                      |  Path ‘.’ ‘type|  ‘(’ Types ‘)’
  TypeArgs          ::=  ‘[’ Types ‘]’
  Types             ::=  Type {‘,’ Type}
  Refinement        ::=  [nl] ‘{’ RefineStat {semi RefineStat} ‘}’
  RefineStat        ::=  Dcl
  TypePat           ::=  Type

  Ascription        ::=  ‘:’ InfixType
                      |  ‘:’ Annotation {Annotation}
                      |  ‘:’ ‘_’ ‘*Expr              ::=  (Bindings | [‘implicit’] id | ‘_’) ‘=>’ Expr
                      |  Expr1
  Expr1             ::=if’ ‘(’ Expr ‘)’ {nl} Expr [[semi] ‘elseExpr]
                      |while’ ‘(’ Expr ‘)’ {nl} Expr
                      |try’ (‘{’ Block ‘}’ | Expr) [‘catch’ ‘{’ CaseClauses ‘}’] [‘finallyExpr]
                      |doExpr [semi] ‘while’ ‘(’ Expr ‘)’
                      |for’ (‘(’ Enumerators ‘)’ | ‘{’ Enumerators ‘}’) {nl} [‘yield’] Expr
                      |return’ [Expr]
                      |  [SimpleExpr ‘.’] id ‘=’ Expr
                      |  SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs ‘=’ Expr
                      |  PostfixExpr
                      |  PostfixExpr Ascription
                      |  PostfixExprmatch’ ‘{’ CaseClauses ‘}’
  PostfixExpr       ::=  InfixExpr [id [nl]]
  InfixExpr         ::=  PrefixExpr
                      |  InfixExpr id [nl] InfixExpr
  PrefixExpr        ::=  [‘-|+| ‘~’ |!’] SimpleExpr
  SimpleExpr        ::=new’ (ClassTemplate | TemplateBody)
                      |  BlockExpr
                      |  SimpleExpr1 [‘_’]
  SimpleExpr1       ::=  Literal
                      |  Path
                      |  ‘_’
                      |  ‘(’ [Exprs] ‘)’
                      |  SimpleExpr ‘.’ id
                      |  SimpleExpr TypeArgs
                      |  SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs
                      |  XmlExpr
  Exprs             ::=  Expr {‘,’ Expr}
  ArgumentExprs     ::=  ‘(’ [Exprs] ‘)’
                      |  ‘(’ [Exprs ‘,’] PostfixExpr ‘:’ ‘_’ ‘*’ ‘)’
                      |  [nl] BlockExpr
  BlockExpr         ::=  ‘{’ CaseClauses ‘}’
                      |  ‘{’ Block ‘}’
  Block             ::=  BlockStat {semi BlockStat} [ResultExpr]
  BlockStat         ::=  Import
                      |  {Annotation} [‘implicit|lazy’] Def
                      |  {Annotation} {LocalModifier} TmplDef
                      |  Expr1
  ResultExpr        ::=  Expr1
                      |  (Bindings | ([‘implicit’] id | ‘_’) ‘:’ CompoundType) ‘=>’ Block

  Enumerators       ::=  Generator {semi Generator}
  Generator         ::=  Pattern1 ‘<-Expr {[semi] Guard | semi Pattern1 ‘=’ Expr}

  CaseClauses       ::=  CaseClause { CaseClause }
  CaseClause        ::=casePattern [Guard] ‘=>’ Block
  Guard             ::=ifPostfixExpr

  Pattern           ::=  Pattern1 { ‘|Pattern1 }
  Pattern1          ::=  varid ‘:’ TypePat
                      |  ‘_’ ‘:’ TypePat
                      |  Pattern2
  Pattern2          ::=  varid [‘@’ Pattern3]
                      |  Pattern3
  Pattern3          ::=  SimplePattern
                      |  SimplePattern { id [nl] SimplePattern }
  SimplePattern     ::=  ‘_’
                      |  varid
                      |  Literal
                      |  StableId
                      |  StableId ‘(’ [Patterns] ‘)’
                      |  StableId ‘(’ [Patterns ‘,’] [varid ‘@’] ‘_’ ‘*’ ‘)’
                      |  ‘(’ [Patterns] ‘)’
                      |  XmlPattern
  Patterns          ::=  Pattern [‘,’ Patterns]
                      |  ‘_’ ‘*TypeParamClause   ::=  ‘[’ VariantTypeParam {‘,’ VariantTypeParam} ‘]’
  FunTypeParamClause::=  ‘[’ TypeParam {‘,’ TypeParam} ‘]’
  VariantTypeParam  ::=  {Annotation} [‘+|-’] TypeParam
  TypeParam         ::=  (id | ‘_’) [TypeParamClause] [‘>:’ Type] [‘<:’ Type]
                         {‘<%’ Type} {‘:’ Type}
  ParamClauses      ::=  {ParamClause} [[nl] ‘(’ ‘implicitParams ‘)’]
  ParamClause       ::=  [nl] ‘(’ [Params] ‘)’
  Params            ::=  Param {‘,’ Param}
  Param             ::=  {Annotation} id [‘:’ ParamType] [‘=’ Expr]
  ParamType         ::=  Type
                      |  ‘=>’ Type
                      |  Type*ClassParamClauses ::=  {ClassParamClause}
                         [[nl] ‘(’ ‘implicitClassParams ‘)’]
  ClassParamClause  ::=  [nl] ‘(’ [ClassParams] ‘)’
  ClassParams       ::=  ClassParam {‘,’ ClassParam}
  ClassParam        ::=  {Annotation} {Modifier} [(‘val|var’)]
                         id ‘:’ ParamType [‘=’ Expr]
  Bindings          ::=  ‘(’ Binding {‘,’ Binding} ‘)’
  Binding           ::=  (id | ‘_’) [‘:’ Type]

  Modifier          ::=  LocalModifier
                      |  AccessModifier
                      |overrideLocalModifier     ::=abstract|final|sealed|implicit|lazyAccessModifier    ::=  (‘private|protected’) [AccessQualifier]
  AccessQualifier   ::=  ‘[’ (id |this’) ‘]’

  Annotation        ::=  ‘@’ SimpleType {ArgumentExprs}
  ConstrAnnotation  ::=  ‘@’ SimpleType ArgumentExprs

  TemplateBody      ::=  [nl] ‘{’ [SelfType] TemplateStat {semi TemplateStat} ‘}’
  TemplateStat      ::=  Import
                      |  {Annotation [nl]} {Modifier} Def
                      |  {Annotation [nl]} {Modifier} Dcl
                      |  Expr
  SelfType          ::=  id [‘:’ Type] ‘=>’
                      |this’ ‘:’ Type ‘=>’

  Import            ::=importImportExpr {‘,’ ImportExpr}
  ImportExpr        ::=  StableId ‘.’ (id | ‘_’ | ImportSelectors)
  ImportSelectors   ::=  ‘{’ {ImportSelector ‘,’} (ImportSelector | ‘_’) ‘}’
  ImportSelector    ::=  id [‘=>’ id | ‘=>’ ‘_’]

  Dcl               ::=valValDcl
                      |type’ {nl} TypeDcl

  ValDcl            ::=  ids ‘:’ Type
  VarDcl            ::=  ids ‘:’ Type
  FunDcl            ::=  FunSig [‘:’ Type]
  FunSig            ::=  id [FunTypeParamClause] ParamClauses
  TypeDcl           ::=  id [TypeParamClause] [‘>:’ Type] [‘<:’ Type]

  PatVarDef         ::=valPatDef
  Def               ::=  PatVarDef
                      |type’ {nl} TypeDef
                      |  TmplDef
  PatDef            ::=  Pattern2 {‘,’ Pattern2} [‘:’ Type] ‘=’ Expr
  VarDef            ::=  PatDef
                      |  ids ‘:’ Type ‘=’ ‘_’
  FunDef            ::=  FunSig [‘:’ Type] ‘=’ Expr
                      |  FunSig [nl] ‘{’ Block ‘}’
                      |thisParamClause ParamClauses
                         (‘=’ ConstrExpr | [nl] ConstrBlock)
  TypeDef           ::=  id [TypeParamClause] ‘=’ Type

  TmplDef           ::=  [‘case’] ‘classClassDef
                      |  [‘case’] ‘objectObjectDef
  ClassDef          ::=  id [TypeParamClause] {ConstrAnnotation} [AccessModifier]
                         ClassParamClauses ClassTemplateOpt
  TraitDef          ::=  id [TypeParamClause] TraitTemplateOpt
  ObjectDef         ::=  id ClassTemplateOpt
  ClassTemplateOpt  ::=extendsClassTemplate | [[‘extends’] TemplateBody]
  TraitTemplateOpt  ::=extendsTraitTemplate | [[‘extends’] TemplateBody]
  ClassTemplate     ::=  [EarlyDefs] ClassParents [TemplateBody]
  TraitTemplate     ::=  [EarlyDefs] TraitParents [TemplateBody]
  ClassParents      ::=  Constr {‘withAnnotType}
  TraitParents      ::=  AnnotType {‘withAnnotType}
  Constr            ::=  AnnotType {ArgumentExprs}
  EarlyDefs         ::= ‘{’ [EarlyDef {semi EarlyDef}] ‘}’ ‘withEarlyDef          ::=  {Annotation [nl]} {Modifier} PatVarDef

  ConstrExpr        ::=  SelfInvocation
                      |  ConstrBlock
  ConstrBlock       ::=  ‘{’ SelfInvocation {semi BlockStat} ‘}’
  SelfInvocation    ::=thisArgumentExprs {ArgumentExprs}

  TopStatSeq        ::=  TopStat {semi TopStat}
  TopStat           ::=  {Annotation [nl]} {Modifier} TmplDef
                      |  Import
                      |  Packaging
                      |  PackageObject
  Packaging         ::=packageQualId [nl] ‘{’ TopStatSeq ‘}’
  PackageObject     ::=package’ ‘objectObjectDef

  CompilationUnit   ::=  {‘packageQualId semi} TopStatSeq