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Implement your own admin API


Create your own Admin API and connect it to WorkAdventure if:

  • you want to connect WorkAdventure to your own database
  • you want some of your users to have special privileges (tags)
  • you want to create rooms dynamically
  • you want to have "pretty URLs" for your rooms

{.alert.alert-warning} Be aware that WorkAdventure is licensed under "AGPL-3 restricted by the commons clause". It means in particular you are not allowed to sell a version of WorkAdventure online as a service. If in doubt, please contact us at We can offer special licenses depending on your use-case.


graph LR
    style API stroke:#ff475a,stroke-width:2px,stroke: 5 5
    subgraph WorkAdventure
        F(Front) <--> P("Pusher") --> B(Back)
    subgraph YW["Your website"]
        API("Admin API")
        P ---> API

First you need to understand how Work Adventure architecture is made. WorkAdventure is divided in 3 sections :

  • Front
    The front is the visible part of Work Adventure, the one that serves the game.
  • Pusher
    The pusher is the one that centralizes the connections and makes exchanges through WebSocket tunnels with the clients of the Front. In addition, he speaks with the Back and the admin API if it's determinate.
  • Back
    The back is the service that allows all metrics, movements, bubbles to persist.

Finally, the Admin API is the part where the members are managed. This part is fully optional. If you are reading this documentation this is surely because you want to implement your own admin API.


Important! It is not your site that will call the pusher but the reverse.
The pusher will directly ask your admin API for the information and authorizations it needs.

    participant F as Front
    participant P as Pusher
    participant API as Admin API
    F ->>+ P: /map
    P ->>+ API: /api/map
    API -->>- P: MapDetailsData
    P -->>- F: MapDetailsData
    F ->>+ P: /room/access
    P ->>+ API: /api/room/access
    API -->>- P: FetchMemberDataByUuidResponse
    P -->>- F: FetchMemberDataByUuidResponse
    F ->>+ P: /woka/list
    P ->>+ API: /api/woka/list
    API -->>- P: WokaList
    P -->>- F: WokaList

The most important endpoints are:

  • /api/map
    On the sequence diagram this is the call n°2.
    This end point maps the URL of the map to the map info (in particular the URL to the Tiled JSON file. It will process the playURI and the uuid to return the information of the map if the user can access it.
    In case of success, this endpoint returns a MapDetailsData object.
  • /api/room/access
    On the sequence diagram this is the call n°6.
    This end point returns the member's information if he can access this room.
    In case of success, this endpoint returns a FetchMemberDataByUuidResponse object.
  • /api/woka/list
    On the sequence diagram this is the call n°10.
    This end point returns a list of all the woka from the world specified.
    In case of success, this endpoint returns a WokaList object.

What to do

  1. You will need to implement, in your website, all the URLs that are listed in this swagger documentation : WA Pusher.
  2. In the .env file :
    • Set the URL of your admin API, set the environment variable : ADMIN_API_URL=
    • Set the token of the API to check if each request is authenticated by this token : ADMIN_API_TOKEN=myapitoken If the call is not correctly authenticated by the Bearer token in the header, make sure to answer with a 403 response.