Without an overwrite.js
file, the VSB is configured to take https://leipert.io/sparql as Endpoint.
Examples of overwrite.js
files can be found in the config folder.
The `overwrite.js is a basic angular.js file, which gets executed before the app runs. The minimum structure would be:
'use strict';
.config(function (globalConfig) {
globalConfig.name = 'FOO';
The globalConfig.name
property must be set. You can replace //...
with other config properties you want to overwrite.
: mandatory This name is used for saving queries in the localStorage of the user.globalConfig.baseURL
: URL for meta queries, where the VSB gets its classes and properties. Default:https://leipert.io/sparql
: URL for result queries. (Default):https://leipert.io/sparql?timeout=5000&debug=on
- TODO: defaultProperties, resultFormats, allowedLanguages, fallBackLanguages
Default Graph URIS, used in meta and result queries. Defaults to:
globalConfig.defaultGraphURIs = ['http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/', 'http://vsb.leipert.io/ns/'];
Queries used to recieve metadata from server, defaults to
globalConfig.endPointQueries = {
getDirectProperties: '<%uri%> (rdfs:subClassOf|(owl:equivalentClass|^owl:equivalentClass))* ?class .' +
'?uri rdfs:domain ?class .' +
'OPTIONAL { ?uri rdfs:range ?range } .' +
'OPTIONAL { ?uri rdf:type ?type } .' +
'OPTIONAL { ?uri rdfs:label ?label . BIND(LANG(?label) AS ?label_loc) } .' +
'OPTIONAL { ?uri rdfs:comment ?comment . BIND(LANG(?comment) AS ?comment_loc) } .' +
'FILTER ( !isBlank(?class) && !isBlank(?uri) && !isBlank(?range) ) ',
getInverseProperties: '<%uri%> (rdfs:subClassOf|(owl:equivalentClass|^owl:equivalentClass))* ?class .' +
'?uri rdfs:range ?class .' +
'OPTIONAL { ?uri rdfs:domain ?range } .' +
'OPTIONAL { ?uri rdf:type ?type } .' +
'OPTIONAL { ?uri rdfs:label ?label . BIND(LANG(?label) AS ?label_loc) } .' +
'OPTIONAL { ?uri rdfs:comment ?comment . BIND(LANG(?comment) AS ?comment_loc) } .' +
'FILTER ( !isBlank(?class) && !isBlank(?uri) && !isBlank(?range) ) ',
getSuperAndEqClasses: '<%uri%> (rdfs:subClassOf|(owl:equivalentClass|^owl:equivalentClass))* ?uri ' +
'FILTER ( !isBlank(?uri) )',
getSubAndEqClasses: '<%uri%> (^rdfs:subClassOf|(owl:equivalentClass|^owl:equivalentClass))* ?uri ' +
'FILTER ( !isBlank(?uri) )',
getAvailableClasses: '{?uri a rdfs:Class .} UNION {?uri a owl:Class .} .' +
'FILTER ( !isBlank(?uri) )' +
'OPTIONAL { ?uri rdfs:label ?label . BIND(LANG(?label) AS ?label_loc) } .' +
'OPTIONAL { ?uri rdfs:comment ?comment . BIND(LANG(?comment) AS ?comment_loc)} '
If you just want to overwrite one of the queries you can do so:
globalConfig.endPointQueries.getDirectProperties = //...
The queries just contain the inner part of a SPARQL SELECT Query (so SELECT { QUERY }). The used query parameters are mandatory, otherwise
Below are all used queries explained:
Loads all available classes from the endpoint. Contains the query parameters:
mandatory: the uri of the class?label
optional: contain the label of the class and it's language?comment
optional: contain the comment for a class and it's language
Defaults to:
{?uri a rdfs:Class .} UNION {?uri a owl:Class .} .
FILTER ( !isBlank(?uri) ) .
OPTIONAL { ?uri rdfs:label ?label . BIND(LANG(?label) AS ?label_loc) } .
OPTIONAL { ?uri rdfs:comment ?comment . BIND(LANG(?comment) AS ?comment_loc)}
Loads all direct properties of a class, once a class is added to the workspace. For example Person : age : integer or Person: Employer : Company. Contains the query parameters:
mandatory: Will be replaced with the uri of the class we want properties for.?uri
mandatory: the uri of the property?range
optional: range of the property (e.g. Integer, Organization, ...)?type
optional: type of the property (e.g. Integer, ObjectProperty, ...)?label
optional: contain the label of the class and it's language?comment
optional: contain the comment for a class and it's language
Defaults to:
<%uri%> (rdfs:subClassOf|(owl:equivalentClass|^owl:equivalentClass))* ?class .
?uri rdfs:domain ?class .
OPTIONAL { ?uri rdfs:range ?range } .
OPTIONAL { ?uri rdf:type ?type } .
OPTIONAL { ?uri rdfs:label ?label . BIND(LANG(?label) AS ?label_loc) } .
OPTIONAL { ?uri rdfs:comment ?comment . BIND(LANG(?comment) AS ?comment_loc) } .
FILTER ( !isBlank(?class) && !isBlank(?uri) && !isBlank(?range) )
Loads all inverse properties of a class, once a class is added to the workspace. For example Company : Employee : Person. Contains the query parameters:
mandatory: Will be replaced with the uri of the class we want properties for.?uri
mandatory: the uri of the property?range
optional: range of the property (e.g. Integer, Organization, ...)?type
optional: type of the property (e.g. Integer, ObjectProperty, ...)?label
optional: contain the label of the class and it's language?comment
optional: contain the comment for a class and it's language
Defaults to:
<%uri%> (rdfs:subClassOf|(owl:equivalentClass|^owl:equivalentClass))* ?class .
?uri rdfs:range ?class .
OPTIONAL { ?uri rdfs:range ?range } .
OPTIONAL { ?uri rdf:type ?type } .
OPTIONAL { ?uri rdfs:label ?label . BIND(LANG(?label) AS ?label_loc) } .
OPTIONAL { ?uri rdfs:comment ?comment . BIND(LANG(?comment) AS ?comment_loc) } .
FILTER ( !isBlank(?class) && !isBlank(?uri) && !isBlank(?range) )
Loads all super and equivalent classes of a class once this class is added to the workspace. Contains the query parameters:
mandatory: Will be replaced with the uri of the class.?uri
mandatory: the uri of super & equivalent classes
Defaults to:
<%uri%> (rdfs:subClassOf|(owl:equivalentClass|^owl:equivalentClass))* ?uri
FILTER ( !isBlank(?uri) )
Loads all sub and equivalent classes of a range of a property, once this property is added to a subject. Contains the query parameters:
mandatory: Will be replaced with the uri of the property range.?uri
mandatory: the uri of sub & equivalent classes
Defaults to:
<%uri%> (^rdfs:subClassOf|(owl:equivalentClass|^owl:equivalentClass))* ?uri
FILTER ( !isBlank(?uri) )
Prefixes used in meta and result queries. Defaults to:
globalConfig.prefixes = {
'rdfs': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#',
'foaf': 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/',
'owl': 'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#',
'vsb': 'http://vsb.leipert.io/ns/'
If you don't want to overwrite the default prefixes, you simply can add some using lodash's merge:
globalConfig.prefixes = _.merge(globalConfig.prefixes,{
bibrm: 'http://vocab.ub.uni-leipzig.de/bibrm/'
Mapping from the range of a property to an internal property type. Defaults to
globalConfig.propertyTypeByRange = {
'http://vsb.leipert.io/ns/': 'RELATION_PROPERTY',
'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/': 'RELATION_PROPERTY',
'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#(integer|float|double|decimal|positiveInteger|nonNegativeInteger)': 'NUMBER_PROPERTY',
'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#(string|literal)': 'STRING_PROPERTY',
'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date': 'DATE_PROPERTY'
Mapping from the property type to an internal property type. Defaults to
globalConfig.propertyTypeByType = {
'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#ObjectProperty': 'RELATION_PROPERTY'