TDR uses Docker containers to run services in AWS ECS. Docker containers are stored in ECR repositories. These repos have image scanning enabled. This means that if an image with a known vulnerability is pushed to ECR, an alert is sent to the TDR Slack channel and the tdr-secops email address. A scan is also run periodically to check for vulnerabilities in current images (i.e. those tagged with "latest" or a TDR environment tag).
An alert looks like this:
Open the AWS Console for the TDR management account, go to the ECR service and find the repostitory. Open the vulnerability details for the relevant image tag:
Each vulnerability will link to a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) report, which includes details of the component with the vulnerability, which versions are affected, and whether a fix is available.
To fix the vulnerability, you will need to rebuild the image and potentially
update the Dockerfile. To find the Dockerfile that the image was built from,
check the ECR repository's tags, and look for the one named ImageSource
The base Docker image may already include this fix, so it's worth rebuilding and redeploying the image to see if it fixes the alert:
- To rebuild a TDR service image, manually bump the version in the
file and raise a PR. - Once this is merged, it will build and deploy a new image to integration.
Check ECR again once the new image has been pushed. Scan results appear within a few seconds.
If you want to check the results of a scan without triggering more Slack and email alerts, create a temporary ECR repo in the Sandbox account, and push the images to that repo first. There is no GitHub action for this, so it will have to be done manually.
If the scan still reports the vulnerability, follow the instructions in the CVE
report to fix it. A common fix is to upgrade the affected package, for example
by adding a command like apk upgrade name-of-package
for images which are
based on Alpine Linux. You can then raise a pull request with this change which will deloy once merged.