Using a bastion to connect to the database should be a last resort. For business as usual tasks, we should have API endpoints which provide the required data.
To bring up a Bastion host you must:
Go to the "TDR scripts" repo on GitHub and select the "Deploy bastion", under the "Actions" tab
Click the "Run workflow" button
For "The stage to deploy the bastion to" - Enter the environment you wish to access e.g.
For "Whether to apply or destroy the bastion" - keep as
Check the box to "Allow the bastion to connect to the database"
Click the "Run workflow" button
In the list of "Workflow runs", you should see one with an orange clock called "Deploy bastion" that was "Manually run by {you}" with the status Waiting (This is because it needs to be approved).
In order to approve the run, click on "Deploy bastion"
Select "Review deployments"
Check the box with the environment next to it e.g. intg
Click the "Approve and deploy" button
To bring down a Bastion host you must:
Go to the "TDR scripts" repo on GitHub and select the "Actions" tab
Click the "Run workflow" button
For "The stage to deploy the bastion to" - Enter the environment of the Bastion you wish to destroy e.g.
For "Whether to apply or destroy the bastion" - from the dropdown menu, select
Check the box to "Allow the bastion to connect to the database"
Click the "Run workflow" button
In the list of "Workflow runs", you should see one with an orange clock called "Deploy bastion" that was "Manually run by {you}" with the status Waiting (This is because it needs to be approved).
In order to approve the run, click on "Deploy bastion"
Select "Review deployments"
Check the box with the environment next to it e.g. intg
Click the "Approve and deploy" button