These are instructions for running the reports TDR provide via our GitHub action.
You will need a GitHub account. If you don't already have one, you can create one. You will need to add two-factor authentication to your account. GitHub have a guide to setting this up
If you are already a member of the nationalarchives
GitHub organisation then you will already have access.
If not, ask the TDR team to add you to the tdr-reporting
repository as a collaborator. You can contact us on our Slack channel Once this is done, we will let you know. You will also need to request access to the Reporting Slack channel: da-tdr-reporting
Go to the tdr-reporting actions page. You will see a page similar to this
Click "Run workflow" which will give you options like this:
You can ignore the first dropdown with Branch: main in it. The other two can be configured:
This determines which of the three TDR environments the report runs against and has three options:
This will give you live data.
This is one of our test systems. It contains less data than Intg.
This is used for most of our testing and has a large amount of test data in it. The report will only return the first page of results when run on intg.
This is a detailed report containing all TDR consignments and includes the transferring body code, export date time and a file count.
This report has fewer details than the standard report and only shows judgment transfers.
The report will run and when it has finished, the Slack bot will post the CSV file with your requested report to the da-tdr-reporting
Slack channel.