- Thea Flowers: Welcome to PyCascades
- Katie McLaughlin: Turning 'wat' into 'why' - video
- Al Sweigart: The Amazing Mutable, Immutable Tuple - video
- Jigyasa Grover: Perceiving Python Programming Paradigms - video
- Josh Weissbock: Distributed Web Scraping in Python - video
- Paul Watts: Given this, assert that: fluent testing using fixtures and properties - video
- Maria McKinley: Hunting the bugs - video
- Norah Klintberg Sakal: Guide to your own artificial intelligence applicationin 3 easy steps - video
- Ania Kapuścińska: Lint your code responsibly! - video
- Ben Berry: Who to blame for all your problems - video
- Hayley Denbraver: Recursion, Fractals, and the Python Turtle Module - video
- Day 1 Closing slides
Lightning Talks
- Veronica Hanus: To comment or not to comment? - video
- Roller Angel: PyBUG Python BSD Users Groups - video
- Hanna Landrus: Knitting - Will it Compile? - video
- Aly Sivji: Busy-Beaver - video
- Derek Ardolf: Absurdities in Terminologies - video
- Alan Vezina: Welcome to Day 2
- Nina Zakharenko: Light Up Your Life - With Python and LEDs!
- Dustin Ingram: Data Protection for Developers: Past, Present, and Future
- Omayeli Arenyeka: Building a Gendered Dictionary
- Andy Fundinger: A Taxonomy of Decorators: A-E
- Chirag Shah: Understanding Multithreading
- Kyungyun Lee: So tell me, what is your musical taste?
- Chris Waigl: Abstraction for students of all the things
- Abhishek Kapatkar: Nim for Python Programmers
- Philip James and Asheesh Laroia: Account Security for the Fashionable App Developer
- Trey Hunner: Meaningful Mentoring Moments
- Mariatta: PyCascades Appreciations
Lightning Talks
- Alex LordThorsen: Reviewability with GIFs
- Jason Wattier: A Light in the Dark. The Importance and Roles of Mentors
- Nick Ballenger: Tech Work in Political Orgs
- Mariatta: Mentored Sprint at PyCon US
- Casey Faist: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1gFI8S6ji1yMmmJzesu44R_eJdYhQB4bhvHhHr-sVvBk/edit?usp=sharing
Back to the :ref:`Welcome Wagon <index>`.