- Brought in renamed j5-io-types
- BREAKING CHANGE: dropped support for Node.js < 6
- Removed the ARM CPU requirement for unit test infrastructure reasons. Don't run this on a not-Raspberry Pi unless you know what you're doing. Doing so is not supported.
- Added
method to the base module to conform to Core IO Types refactor
- Ok, fixed those bugs mentioned in 5.2.1 for realz this time.
- Fixed a bug where destroying peripherals with more than one pin would cause the
method to be called more than once. - Fixed a bug where destroyed peripherals weren't removed from the registry of active pins.
- Added
, andgetActivePeripherals
methods to the base module. This functionality existed in raspi-peripheral already and was moved here.
- Moved dependencies to devDependencies that weren't supposed to be dependencies
- Updated TypeScript to v3 (no compiled output change)
- Added
export to conform with Core IO types
- Non-ish-code change: Reworked the TypeScript type definition for the signature. It's the same signature, just specified in a way that is easier for DefinitelyTyped to consume.
- Updated the tsconfig.json and tslint.json configuration files to use a newer style, build tools updated
- Note: the compiled output did not change
- Non-code change: updated the README and republishing to make sure it's in npm
- BREAKING CHANGE: dropped support for Node.js < 4.0.0, and now enforce it via package.json "engines" field.
- SORT OF BREAKING-ISH CHANGE: dropped support for attempting to install on non-arm platforms via package.json's "cpu" field.
- Attempting to install this on a non-Raspberry Pi platform before didn't do much, since most of the Raspi.js suite wouldn't install on non-Raspberry Pi platforms. This module would install, even though you couldn't do anything with it.
- Removed Wiring Pi. There shouldn't be any breaking changes, but since this is a large architectural change, I'm doing a major version bump anyways
- Publishing a new version to update the README on npmjs.com. No other changes.
- Fixed broken publish
- Added proper .npmignore
- Added types declaration to package.json
- Converted the project to TypeScript and cleaned up a bunch of odds and ends
- Note: there is no functionality change or bug fixes with this release
- Removed raspi-wiringpi dependency because Raspbian now ships with it by default.
- Removed gulp in favor of npm run scripts
- Updated dependencies
- Upgraded to NAN 2
- The API has not changed, but the build requirements have
- Make sure you are running Raspbian Jessie because this module no longer builds on stock Raspbian Wheezy
- See https://github.com/fivdi/onoff/wiki/Node.js-v4-and-native-addons for more information
- Updated dependencies
- Updated the repository links to point to their new location
- Added code linter
- Update code style to use newer best practices
- Updated dependencies
- Switched from traceur to babel for ES6->ES5 compilation
- Upgraded NAN to get support for Node.js 0.12
- io.js support is theoretically there, but won't work until nodejs/node-gyp#564 is landed
- Renamed this package to raspi.js (raspi in NPM) to better reflect the purpose.
- Locked down the NAN version for now since code breaks on 1.5
- Updated the README
- Added a README
- Fixed a script compile issue that prevented 1.1.2 from including the reentrant fix
- Made
properly reentrant
- Bug fix in package.json
- Switched to ECMAScript 6
- This is a breaking API change! The export structure is slightly different
- Fixed a bad NPM publish
- Switched to using wiringPiSetup instead of wiringPiSetupGpio
- Implemented initial functionality and worked out the kinks in building during
npm install