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ddu-ai-prompt-connecter is a ddu source that allows you to save commonly used prompts from AI tools and use them in a common interface with various AI chat plugins.

plug-in allows you to define prompts in a TOML file and execute them using custom commands.



To install the ai-prompt-connecter plugin using vim-plug, add the following lines to your init.vim.

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'nekowasabi/ai-prompt-connecter'
call plug#end()

After adding the lines, run :PlugInstall in your editor to install the plugin.


Prompts Configuration

For store prompts, create a TOML file and set the prompt_toml variable in Add the following lines to your init.vim.

let g:prompt_toml = '/path/to/prompt.toml'
title = "fix: error handling"
word = """
Must: The description must be translated into Japanese.
Check the following code for proper error handling,
If it is not, please point it out and suggest a fix if possible.
The code is shown below:
Check if the error handling of this code is done properly,
If necessary, please suggest improvements.

title = "fix: logic error"
word = """
Must: The description must be translated into Japanese.
Check the following code for logical completeness,
If not, point it out, and if possible, suggest a fix,
If possible, please suggest a fix.
The code is shown below:
Check that the logical integrity of this code has been taken into account,
if necessary, please suggest improvements.

ddu.vim Configuration

The following example shall use CopilotC-Nvim/CopilotChat.nvim.

Other vim plugins that can be executed as commands in the form :ExampleAiPluginCommand XXX can do the same.

call ddu#custom#patch_global(#{
    \   kindOptions: #{
    \     prompt: #{
    \       defaultAction: 'execute',
    \     },
    \   }
    \ })

call ddu#custom#patch_global(#{
    \   sourceOptions: #{
    \     _: #{
    \       matchers: ['matcher_matchfuzzy'],
    \       ignoreCase: v:true,
    \     },
    \     prompt: #{
    \       matchers: ['matcher_matchfuzzy'],
    \     },
    \   }
    \ })

nnoremap <silent> <Leader>P
  \ <Cmd>call ddu#start({'sources': [{'name': 'prompt', 'params': {'command': 'CopilotChat'}}]})<CR>

vnoremap <silent> <Leader>P
  \ y<Cmd>call ddu#start({'sources': [{'name': 'prompt', 'params': {'command': 'CopilotChat', 'selected': @@}}]})<CR>


  1. Install the plugin: Follow the installation instructions for your editor to add the ai-prompt-connecter plugin.
  2. Configure the plugin: Create a TOML file with your prompts and set the prompt_toml variable in your editor's configuration to point to this file.
  3. Run a prompt: Use the command :call ddu#start({'sources': [{'name': 'prompt', 'params': {'command': 'CopilotChat'}}]}) to open the prompt selection interface. Select a prompt to execute it.

Option command

:AiOpenPrompts : Open the prompt file for adding and editing favorite prompts.