- sse: send ErrorResponse to client via "event: error" on exception
- sse: log clientIP on sse:close action
- log-exporter: export action and event in parquet format
- sse: support client side "x-trace-id" header
- http_client: tweak sse checking
- undertow: updated to 2.3.18.Final
due to vulnerability of old versions, has to update to latest despite potential memory consumption is higher
- sse: support method PUT/POST with body
- sse: channel.close() now closes sse connection gracefully
- sse: change retry instruction to 5s
in cloud env, backend timeout is set to 600s
- sse: channel.send() returns if sent successfully
- log-exporter: change gsutil to "gcloud storage"
- log-exporter: remove trace exporting
trace is only for troubleshooting, unnecessary for long term
- mongo: update driver to 5.2.1
gsutil is deprecated and requires old version of python
- http_server: always write multipart uploading for temp file
- http_client: use 1 hour TTL for fallback dns cache
report error for permanent DNS issue after 1 hour
- jre: published neowu/jre:21.0.5
- log-exporter: replace "rm -rf" with "find -delete"
"find" is more memory efficient, "rm -rf" may cause OOM with deep dir and many files
- undertow: rolled back to 2.3.10
though 2.3.18 fixed memory leak, the memory consumption is much worse under load test (heap usage and GC)
- kafka: update to 3.9.0
changed compression from SNAPPY to ZSTD
- validation: @Pattern supports @Pattern(ignoreCase = true)
- search: make core.framework.search.ElasticSearch.deleteIndex idempotent (ignore if index is missing/deleted)
- redis: support expiring specific hash field
supported by redis 7.4
- search: loading from json into search request
for complex aggregation, refer to ElasticSearchAggregationIntegrationTest.java for usage
- log-processor: updated d3-graphviz, supports "includes" in
- undertow: update to 2.3.17
io.undertow.server.DefaultByteBufferPool.threadLocalCache memory leak issue is fixed, though i think it's worse than native ThreadLocal impl (with one thread per task model), now it's using Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<>())
- search: update es to 8.15.0
- tweak search query builder !!! breaking API change, just fix compiler error
to construct SearchRequest.query, use one of following core.framework.search.query.Queries co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.QueryBuilders
- ws/sse: updated max process time
- kafka: update to 3.8.0
- http_client: preliminary sse support
example usage:
var request = new HTTPRequest(HTTPMethod.GET, "https://localhost:8443/sse");
try (EventSource source = client.sse(request)) {
for (EventSource.Event event : source) {
System.out.println(event.id() + " " + event.data());
- monitor: fix stats type for mongo 7
- uuid: added uuid v7, can be used as db friendly primary key
- jre: published neowu/jre:21.0.3
- mysql: updated and patched to 8.4.0-r4
use "core.framework.mysql:mysql-connector-j:8.4.0-r4" fixed native_auth_plugin, was configured as clear_text_plugin (not impact cloud env)
- sse: support server sent event
- ws: API changed !!! check all compilation errors
renamed all "room" to "group" change WebSocketContext to WebSocketContext, to support multiple websocket endpoints, be consistent with sse
- db: add azure IAM auth support
update db user to "iam/azure/username" format
- kafka: update to 3.7.1
- monitor: refresh kube client auth token every 10 mins
- mysql: updated and patched to 8.4.0-r2
use "core.framework.mysql:mysql-connector-j:8.4.0-r2"
- kafka: disabled client metric push
- kafka: respect @IOWarnings in /topic/:topic/key/:key/handle KafkaController
- search: update es to 8.14.0
- mongo: update driver to 5.10.0
- mysql: updated and patched to 8.3.0, fixed CJException should be wrapped as SQLException
make sure use "core.framework.mysql:mysql-connector-j:8.3.0-r2"
- thread: replace all synchronized with ReentrantLock/Condition, including RateControl/ShutdownHandling/Test
- http: convert some http error as warning
undertow "UT000133: Request did not contain an Upgrade header, upgrade is not permitted" "response was sent, discard the current http transaction"
- search: update es to 8.13.2
- mongo: update mongo driver to 5.0.1
- kafka: update to 3.7.0
update kafka docker demo with official image, refer to docker/kafka/docker-compose.yml
- message: change message listener FAILED_TO_STOP from warning to error
- executor: tweak shutdown handling, print all tasks not complete
- jre: published neowu/jre:21.0.2
- db: validate enum must have @Property for json field List
to make it consistent with JSON serialization and ensure refactoring safety
- search: update es to 8.12.2
the JDK 21.0.2 issue is fixed
- virtualThread: update jdk.virtualThreadScheduler.parallelism to cpu * 8
- httpClient: revert okIO back to 3.2.0
okIO 3.3.0 may cause virtual thread deadlock with Http2Writer will wait to see if future version JVM or okHTTP fix the issue
- undertow: revert back to 2.3.10
undertow 2.3.11 has memory leak issue with virtual thread, will keep eye on it https://github.com/undertow-io/undertow/commit/c96363d683feb4b1066959d46be59cf2d59a7b7c
!!! okIO issue https://github.com/square/okio/commit/f8434f575787198928a26334758ddbca9726b11c#diff-f63e8920e14cc4bf376a495cfcd1fbfa2eee7bbcdfec0ad10f2bc51237c59725 for some reason, Http2Writer.flush (synchronized) -> AsyncTimeout$Companion.cancelScheduledTimeout (changed to reentrantLock) triggered VirtualThreads.park, make all other virtual threads which share same http2connection deadlocked
#20985 "kafka-listener-19336" virtual
java.base/jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
java.base/java.lang.VirtualThread.parkOnCarrierThread(Unknown Source)
java.base/java.lang.VirtualThread.park(Unknown Source)
java.base/java.lang.System$2.parkVirtualThread(Unknown Source)
java.base/jdk.internal.misc.VirtualThreads.park(Unknown Source)
java.base/java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(Unknown Source)
java.base/java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.acquire(Unknown Source)
java.base/java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.acquire(Unknown Source)
java.base/java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$Sync.lock(Unknown Source)
java.base/java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock.lock(Unknown Source)
// rest similar threads are all locked
#20984 "kafka-listener-19335" virtual
#20974 "kafka-listener-19325" virtual
#20995 "kafka-listener-19346" virtual
- json: update jackson to 2.16.1
refer to https://cowtowncoder.medium.com/jackson-2-16-rc1-overview-55dbb90c22d9
- mysql: updated and patched to 8.3.0
use "core.framework.mysql:mysql-connector-j:8.3.0-r2"
- db: support azure IAM auth
azure mysql flexible server supports IAM service account auth, to use access token instead of user/password set db user to "iam/azure" to use azure iam auth
- search: update es to 8.12.0, switch es module repo to codelibs
!!! integration test breaks with JDK 21.0.2 (even with old version of es lib), refer to elastic/elasticsearch#104347 !!! to run with JDK 21.0.2, workaround is to create EsExecutors.java and apply the fix locally !!! add codelib maven repo to project
maven {
url = uri("https://maven.codelibs.org/")
content {
- jre: published neowu/jre:21.0.1
- mysql: aggressively simplified mysql jdbc driver, removed unused features
add slow query support, decoupled core-ng and mysql classes must use "core.framework.mysql:mysql-connector-j:8.2.0-r3"
- kafka: updated client to 3.6.1
- db: tweaked datetime related operations for virtual thread
use new date api if possible, mysql driver uses too many locks/sync for old Date/Timestamp impl it recommends to map MySQL column type: LocalDate -> DATE, LocalDateTime -> DATETIME(6), ZonedDateTime -> TIMESTAMP(6) with Timestamp, in mysql console, it is easier to use "SET @@session.time_zone" to adjust datetime value displayed
- mysql: updated mysql driver according to profiling result
use "core.framework.mysql:mysql-connector-j:8.2.0-r2" simplified and tuned used code path
- stats: dump virtual threads on high cpu
- http: response "connection: keep-alive" header if client sends keep-alive header
to be compatible with http/1.0 client, like ab (apache benchmark) with "-k"
- mysql: patched mysql jdbc driver to support virtual thread and gcloud auth
use "core.framework.mysql:mysql-connector-j:8.2.0" !!! for db-migration, pls continue to use "com.mysql:mysql-connector-j:8.2.0", as our patched version may remove unused features refer to https://github.com/neowu/mysql-connector-j refer to https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=110512
- thread: updated default virtual thread scheduler parallelism to at least 16
jdbc is not fully supported virtual thread yet, allow more virtual thread unfriendly tasks to run parallel refer to https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=110512
- kafka: updated kafka listener to virtual thread, increased default concurrency to cpu * 16
now only 1 thread is pulling messages, and dispatched to {concurrency} threads
- thread: track virtual thread count
- http: use virtual thread to replace undertow worker pool
- kafka: updated client to 3.6.0
- search: update es to 8.11.1
- executor: removed executor config, provide builtin Executor binding, backed by virtual thread
virtual thread doesn't support currentThreadCPUTime, thus if in virtual thread, action.cpu_time won't be tracked
- sys: add "_sys/thread/virtual" diagnostic controller to print virtual thread dump
refer to https://openjdk.org/jeps/444 for more info about virtual thread
- mongo: update driver to 4.11.0
improved for virtual thread, https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/java/sync/current/whats-new/#std-label-version-4.11
- mysql: update driver to 8.2.0
(pmd only support java 21 from 7.0, and 7.0/gradle pmd 7.0 support is not released yet, refer to gradle/gradle#24502)
- mysql: update driver to 8.1.0
- kafka: updated client to 3.5.1
- search: update es to 8.9.0
- kafka: updated client to 3.5.0
- gradle: updated test dependency and kotlin DSL
prepare for gradle 9.0
- mongo: update driver to 4.10.1
- redis: supports SortedSet.increaseScoreBy()
- mongo: set connect timeout to 5s
- search: update es to 8.8.1
- search: set connect timeout to 5s
generally es is within same network, it doesn't need long connect timeout in order to fail fast
- kafka: updated client to 3.4.1
- http: updated okhttp to 4.11.0
- search: support es cloud
es host can be configured as full uri, e.g. http://es-0.es, or https://es-0.es:9200 added searchConfig.auth(apiKeyId, apiKeySecret)
- kibana: support es cloud
configure auth via: app.kibana.apiKey, sys.elasticsearch.apiKeyId, sys.elasticsearch.apiKeySecret
- api: support create api client with custom httpclient
removed api().httpClient(), pass custom built httpClient into api.client() instead
- search: fixed ElasticSearchLogInterceptor logging issue with chunked http entity
failed to generate trace log with bulkIndex
- search: fixed default max conn settings
- search: updated default timeout to 15s
tolerant more when es is busy
- db: update mysql driver to 8.0.33
- json: update jackson to 2.15.0
- ws: response corresponding close-code on connect according to exception
- httpClient: disabled okHTTP built-in followup and http-to-https redirect
those behavior should be impl on application level to have complete trace
- scheduler: trigger job via /_sys/job links refId and correlationIds
- search: update es to 8.7.0
- ws: update perf stats to track bytes read/write, similar like http client
- log: updated ws_active_channels, http_active_requests visualization
max -> split by host -> stacked
- ws: onMessage/onClose dispatched to task pool
- ws: websocket abnormal closure will trigger onClose event
- ws: add "ws_active_channels" stats
- kafka: update to 3.4.0
- ws: allow to provide custom rate limit config for ws connecting
use http().limitRate().add(WebSocketConfig.WS_OPEN_GROUP, ...)
- mongo: update driver to 4.9.0
- hash: removed hmac md5/sha1, hash.sha1 support
not used anymore
- monitor: added mongo monitor
- ws: add rate limit on ws connect
establish wss connection is expensive, especially won't be able to reuse http conn pool from LB by default only allow to create 10 connections every 30s
- db: update mysql driver to 8.0.32
- kafka: update to 3.3.2
- mongo: update MongoMigration with 1 hour timeout
index creation on large collection could take long
- mongo: added runAdminCommand, and enhanced MongoMigration to support get properties easier
make it easier to determine env, and run different command
- mongo: not checking dns if mongodb+srv protocol
srv protocol is mainly used by mongo atlas, the readiness probe is mainly for self-hosting mongo in kube cluster
- mongo: added dropIndex() for migration
- search: update es to 8.6.0