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314 lines (271 loc) · 21.6 KB

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314 lines (271 loc) · 21.6 KB

7.10.1 (12/13/2021 - 02/11/2022)

  • search: update to es 7.17.0, high level rest client is deprecated, migrated to elasticsearch java client !!! Query API changed

    refer to the new API in my opinion abused java lambda, which added lots accidental complexity, and not jvm/gc friendly (although the bottleneck of es call usually is not on java side),
    in many cases it's actually much harder to use compare to old HLRC

  • maven-repo: deleted all 6.x version except 6.13.9

    recommend to upgrade to latest version

  • monitor: support pagerduty (thanks Ajax for the contribution !!!)
  • log: set kafka log appender "enable.idempotence" to false

    since kafka 3.0.0, enable.idempotence is default to true, and it overrides "acks" to "all" so this is set back to previous behavior, which means possible duplicate log messages if there is connection error

  • api: allow using custom-built httpClient into api().createClient()

    for regression ajax test use case, it can use stateful httpClient(enabled cookies)

  • json: JSON.class won't allow null as json string or instance, to make sure always return non-null result

    generally we never use "null" as json text, and it was triggering Intellij's warning (dereference of JSON.from() may produce NullPointerException)

  • cache: removed redisLocal support, now cache only supports local or redis store

    RedisLocalCacheStore (use pubsub to evict in memory keys) is not as useful as expected, and it also assumes cache redis is shared across services it violates "share nothing" design principle, based on our experience, only few places requires high performance of local/in-memory cache for those places, we can simply use local cache and kafka message to invalidate cache and performance of redis cache is fast enough, usually 100 redis calls per action took less than 10ms cache().add(name).local() for local store, for sensitive data or performance reason

  • db: removed DBConfig.maxOperations() (default is 2000), added Database.maxOperations(threshold)

    in real application, only very few actions do large number of db operations (e.g. replay, sync), so added per action basis threshold

  • db: check "*" for execute sql as well, for case like "insert into table select * from table"
  • log: tweak trace log truncation, and added defensive logic to print actionLog/trace to console, if it's larger than kafka maxRequestSize
  • kafka: update kafka to 3.1.0

7.9.3 (11/23/2021 - 12/10/2021)

  • monitor: improve kube pod monitor error message for "Unschedulable" condition
  • action: fixed webserviceClient/messagePublisher/executor only pass trace header when trace = cascade
  • action: redesigned maxProcessTime behavior, use http client timeout and shutdown time out as benchmark

    for executor task actions, use SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT as maxProcessTime for kafka listener, use SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT as maxProcessTime for each message handling (just for warning purpose), ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG is still 30min for http handler, use request timeout header or HTTPConfig.maxProcessTime(), (default to 30s) for scheduler job, use 10s, scheduler job should be fast, generally just sending kafka message

  • db: updated "too many db operations" check

    if within maxProcessTime, it logs warning with error code TOO_MANY_DB_OPERATIONS, otherwise throws error not break if critical workload generates massive db operations, and still protect from infinite loop by mistake

  • db: added stats.db_queries to track how many db queries (batch operation counts as 1 perf_stats.db operation)

    log-processor / kibana.json is updated with new diagram

7.9.2 (11/03/2021 - 11/22/2021)

  • db: validate timestamp param must be after 1970-01-01 00:00:01

    with insert ignore, out of range timestamp param will be converted to "0000-00-00 00:00:00" into db, and will trigger "Zero date value prohibited" error on read refer to Data conversions that would trigger errors abort the statement if IGNORE is not specified. With IGNORE, invalid values are adjusted to the closest values and inserted; warnings are produced but the statement does not abort. current we only check > 0, make trade off between validating TIMESTAMP column type and keeping compatible with DATETIME column type most likely the values we deal with from external systems are lesser (e.g. nodejs default year is 1900, it converts 0 into 1900/01/01 00:00:00) if it passes timestamp after 2038-01-19 03:14:07 (Instant.ofEpochSecond(Integer.MAX_VALUE)), it will still trigger this issue on MySQL so on application level, if you can not ensure the range of input value, write your own utils to check before assigning

  • jre: 17.0.1 released, published "neowu/jre:17.0.1"
  • app: added external dependency checking before startup

    it currently checks kafka, redis/cache, mongo, es to be ready (not db, generally we use managed db service created before kube cluster) in kube env, during node upgrading or provision, app pods usually start faster than kafka/redis/other stateful set (e.g. one common issue we see is that scheduler job failed to send kafka message) by this way, app pods will wait until external dependencies ready, it will fail to start if not ready in 30s log kafka appender still treat log-kafka as optional for es, it checks http://es:9200/_cluster/health?local=true

  • http: Request.hostName() renamed to Request.hostname() to keep consistent with other places !!! breaking change but easy to fix
  • action: replaced ActionLogContext.trace() to ActionLogContext.triggerTrace(boolean cascade)

    for audit context, we may not want to trace all correlated actions, with this way we can tweak the scope of tracing

  • app: startupHooks introduced 2 stages (initialize and start), removed lazy init for kafka producer / elasticsearch / mongo

    since client initialize() will be called during startup, it removes lazy init to simplify if you want to call Mongo/ElasticSearch directly (e.g. local arbitrary main method), call initialize() before using

  • log-processor: removed elasticsearch appender support

    in prod env, we use null log appender for log-processor, since log-processor is stable, and not necessary to double the amount of action logs in log-es if anything wrong happened, error output of log-processor is good enough for troubleshooting

7.9.1 (10/22/2021 - 11/03/2021)

  • site: StaticDirectoryController will normalize path before serving the requested file, to prevent controller serving files outside content directory

    it's not recommended serving static directory or file directly through java webapp, better use CDN + static bucket or put Nginx in front of java process to server /static

  • db: use useAffectedRows=true on mysql connection, return boolean for update/delete/upsert !!! pls read this carefully

    refer to the MySQL affected rows means the row actually changed, e.g. sql like update table set column = 'value' where id = 'id', the affected row = 0 means either id not found or column value is set to its current values (no row affected) so if you want to use update with optimistic lock or determine whether id exists, you can make one column always be changed, like set updatedTime = now()

  • db: added Repository.upsert() and Repository.batchUpsert()

    upsert is using "insert on duplicate key update", a common use case is data sync !!! due to HSQL doesn't support MySQL useAffectedRows=true behavior, so upsert always return true we may create HSQL upsert impl to support unit test if there is need in future (get by id then create or update approach)

  • db: Repository update and delete operations return boolean to indicate whether updated

    normally we expect a valid PK when updating by PK, if there is no row updated, framework will log warning, and the boolean result is used by app code to determine whether break by throwing error

  • db: removed DBConfig.batchSize() configuration

    with recent MySQL server and jdbc driver, it is already auto split batch according to max_allowed_packet refer to com.mysql.cj.AbstractPreparedQuery.computeBatchSize and MySQL prefers large batch as the default max_allowed_packet value is getting larger

  • db: mysql jdbc driver updated to 8.0.27
  • redis: added Redis.list().trim(key, maxSize)

    to make it easier to manage fixed length list in redis

7.9.0 (09/29/2021 - 10/21/2021) !!! only support java 17

  • jdk: updated to JDK 17

    for local env, it's easier to use intellij builtin way to download SDK, or go to adoptium (renamed from adoptopenjdk) doesn't provide JRE docker image anymore, you should build for yourself (or use JDK one if you don't mind image size) refer to docker/jre folder, here it has slimmed jre image for generic core-ng app

  • message: make Message.get() more tolerable, won't fail but log as error if key is missing or language is null

    use first language defined in site().message() if language is null return key and log error if message key is missing, with integration test context, still throw error if key is missing, to make message unit test easier to write

  • http: update undertow to 2.2.12
  • actionLog: added ActionLogContext.trace() to trigger trace log

    e.g. to integrate with external services, we want to track all the request/response for critical actions recommended way is to use log-processor forward all action log messages to application kafka then to create audit-service, consume the action log messages, save trace to designated location (Cloud Storage Service)

  • action: removed ActionLogContext.remainingProcessTime(), and httpClient retryInterceptor won't consider actionLog.remainingProcessTimeInNano

    it's not feasible to adapt time left before making external call (most likely http call with timeout), due to http call is out of control (e.g. take long to create connection with external site), or external sdk/client not managed by framework so it's better to careful plan in advance for sync chained http calls maxProcessTime mechanism will be mainly used for measurement/visibility purpose (alert if one action took too long, close to maxProcessTime)

7.8.2 (09/20/2021 - 09/28/2021)

  • java: target to Java 16

    since all projects are on java 16 for long time, this should not be issue, will update to java 17 LTS soon

  • kafka: update client to 3.0.0
  • es: update to 7.15.0
  • db: added "boolean partialUpdate(T entity, String where, Object... params)" on Repository, to support updating with optimistic lock

    to clarify, Repository.update() must be used carefully, since it's update all columns to bean fields, regardless it's null in actual project, common use cases generally are like to update few columns with id or optimistic lock, so always prefer partialUpdate over update for accumulated update (like set amount = amount + ?), it's still better use Database.execute() + plain sql

  • db: updated Repository.batchInsertIgnore to return boolean[], to tell exactly whether each entity was inserted successfully

7.8.1 (08/19/2021 - 09/14/2021)

  • db: batchInsert returns Optional<long[]> for auto incremental PK
  • db: update mysql driver to 8.0.26
  • httpClient: support client ssl auth
  • site: removed Session.timeout(Duration), it proved not useful, for app level remember me, it's better handle in app level with custom token
  • redis: support password auth for redis/cache
  • ws: added WebContext.responseCookie to allow WS to assign cookie to response

7.8.0 (08/04/2021 - 08/17/2021) !!! breaking changes, pls read details

  • es: update to 7.14.0
  • log-processor: kibana 7.14 added duration human precise formatter, updated all time fields of index pattern

    must update kibana/es to 7.14 to use this version of log-processor

  • api: always publish /_sys/api, for internal api change monitoring
  • api: added /_sys/api/message to publish message definition, for future message change monitoring
  • error: refactored ErrorResponse and AJAXErrorResponse, !!! changed ErrorResponse json field from "error_code" to "errorCode"

    !!! for consistency, it breaks contract, it's transparent if both client/server upgrade to same framework version, ErrorResponse only be used when client is from coreng if client uses old version of framework, RemoteServiceException will not have errorCode ErrorResponse is renamed to InternalErrorResponse, AJAXErrorResponse is renamed to ErrorResponse

  • api: changed system property "sys.publishAPI.allowCIDR" to "sys.api.allowCIDR", !!! update if this is used

7.7.5 (07/20/2021 - 07/26/2021)

  • mongo: updated driver to 4.3.0
  • action: added ActionLogContext.remainingProcessTime() for max time left for current action, to control external calling timeout or future get with timeout
  • http: update undertow to 2.2.9

7.7.4 (06/23/2021 - 07/16/2021)

  • site: added Session.timeout(Duration), to allow application set different timeout

    e.g. use cases are like longer mobile app session expiration time, or "remember me" feature

  • http: disabled okHTTP builtin retryOnConnectionFailure, use RetryInterceptor to log all connection failures explicitly, more failure case handling

7.7.3 (06/14/2021 - 06/22/2021)

  • log: fixed error when third-party lib calls slf4f logger with empty var args (Azure SDK)
  • executor: updated way to print canceled tasks during shutdown (with JDK16, it cannot access private field of internal JDK classes)
  • log-processor: add first version of action flow diagram, pass actionId to visualize entire action flow with all related _id and correlation_id

    e.g. https://localhost:8443/diagram/action?actionId=7A356AA3B1A5C6740794

7.7.2 (06/03/2021 - 06/14/2021)

  • monitor: fixed overflowed vmRSS value, use long instead of int
  • api: added "app" in APIDefinitionResponse
  • monitor: api config json schema changed !!!

    changed from map to List, to simplify config. it requires the latest framework, refers to above

          "api": {
            "services": ["https://website", "https://backoffice"]

7.7.1 (05/25/2021 - 06/02/2021)

  • log-processor/kibana: added http server/client dashboard and visualizations (http / dns / conn / reties / delays)
  • http: added "action.stats.http_delay" to track time between http request start to action start (time spent on HTTPIOHandler) added action.stats.request_body_length/action.stat.response_body_length to track
  • httpClient: track request/response body length thru perf_stats.http.write_entries/read_entries
  • db: fixed insertIgnore reports write_entries wrong, mysql 8.0 return SUCCESS_NO_INFO (-2) if insert succeeds

7.7.0 (04/26/2021 - 05/25/2021)

  • api: replaced /_sys/api, to expose more structured api info

    one purpose is to create api monitoring, to alert if api breaks backward compatibility !!! for ts client code generator, refer to

  • redis: support pop with multiple items

    !!! only be supported since redis 6.2, use latest redis docker image if you use this feature pop without count still uses old protocol, so it's optional to upgrade redis

  • monitor: support to monitor api changes, alert config json schema changed !!!

    refer to ext/monitor/src/test/resources/monitor.json, ext/monitor/src/test/resources/alert.json for example config !!! alert config -> channels changed, to support one channel with multiple matchers, e.g.

      "notifications": [
          {"channel": "backendWarnChannel", "matcher": {"severity": "WARN", "indices": ["trace", "stat"]}},
          {"channel": "backendErrorChannel", "matcher": {"severity": "ERROR", "indices": ["trace", "stat"]}},
          {"channel": "frontendWarnChannel", "matcher": {"severity": "WARN", "indices": ["event"]}},
          {"channel": "frontendWarnChannel", "matcher": {"severity": "WARN", "errorCodes": ["API_CHANGED"], "indices": ["stat"]}},
          {"channel": "frontendErrorChannel", "matcher": {"severity": "ERROR", "indices": ["event"]}},
          {"channel": "frontendErrorChannel", "matcher": {"severity": "ERROR", "errorCodes": ["API_CHANGED"], "indices": ["stat"]}},
          {"channel": "additionalErrorCodeChannel", "matcher": {"apps": ["product-service"], "errorCodes": ["PRODUCT_ERROR"]}}
  • log-processor: updated kibana objects to be compatible with kibana 7.12.0, rebuild objects with kibana object builder

    refer to core-ng-demo-project/kibana-generator

  • es: update to 7.13.0, updated ElasticSearch.putIndexTemplate impl to use new PutComposableIndexTemplateRequest

    !!! refer to must update index template format to match new API, refer to ext/log-processor/src/main/resources/index/action-index-template.json as example

7.6.15 (04/13/2021 - 04/25/2021)

  • log-processor: support to forward action-log/event to another kafka for data warehouse sink

    !!! env vars are now starts with APP_, e.g. APP_KIBANA_URL, APP_KIBANA_BANNER (needs to update existing config) configure by env APP_LOG_FORWARD_CONFIG, kube example:

        - name: APP_LOG_FORWARD_CONFIG
          value: |
                  "kafkaURI": "kafka-0.kafka",
                  "action": {
                      "topic": "action",
                      "apps": ["website", "mobile-api"],
                      "ignoreErrorCodes": ["FORBIDDEN", "PATH_NOT_FOUND", "UNAUTHORIZED", "METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED"]
  • log-processor: arch diagram supports excludes query param

    generally many lines are caused by backend-test-service or regression-test-service, now it can be excluded to simplify diagram e.g. https://localhost:8443/diagram/arch?excludes=backend-test-service,regression-test-service

  • internal: support java 16

    still will be released under java 15, runtime can update to java 16 first (build server, app docker base image) !!! to use adoptopenjdk/openjdk16:alpine-jre, must add following to your Dockerfile, the kafka/snappy lib requires it to load native lib RUN apk add --no-cache gcompat

  • kafka: update to 2.8.0

    2.8.0 client works fine with 2.7.0 broker in docker/kafka docker compose, it shows kafka kraft preview usage, kafka without zookeeper

  • monitor: add kafka used disk metrics / dashboard, alert

    added "highDiskSizeThreshold" in kafka monitor config, use absolute size, not percentage refer to ext/monitor/src/test/resources/monitor.json to example config

7.6.14 (03/18/2021 - 04/13/2021)

  • search: update es to 7.12.0
  • action: change error "action log context value too long" to warning
  • mongo: MongoMigration supports overwriting property by env
  • es: ElasticSearchMigration supports overwriting property by env
  • log-processor: generate system arch diagram

    call https://log-processor:8443/diagram/arch?hours=24, use port-forward in kube env, hours param is optional click nodes and edges to show extra info in tooltip

7.6.13 (03/01/2021 - 03/18/2021)

  • mongodb: update driver to 4.2.2
  • search: update es to 7.11.2

    since 7.11, elasticsearch no longer publishes OSS version, refer to docker/es for latest es/kibana configures. codelibs stopped to publish modules we use, so we publish them under core.framework.elasticsearch.module. (refer to pls update gradle maven repo setting as following

      repositories {
          maven {
              url ''
              content {
                  includeGroupByRegex 'core\\.framework.*'
  • db: allow using "multiply operator" (not wildcard) in sql, e.g. select column*3 from table

7.6.12 (02/02/2021 - 03/01/2021)

  • cache: for redis local cache, handle exception as warning if redis is not accessible
  • http: parse content-type value case insensitively

    refer to treat, "Application/json" same as "application/json"

  • rate: fix concurrent requests might cause negative timeElapsed bug

7.6.11 (01/26/2021 - 02/01/2021)

  • http: change max allowed url length from 1000 to 2000

    Microsoft Azure AD oauth call back url may have long query param, by considering browser limitation/search engine/CDN/etc, to use 2000 as default setting

  • redis: add hyperLogLog support

7.6.10 (01/18/2021 - 01/25/2021)

  • api: for max process time, webservice will consider both http client timeout and remaining process time of current action
  • monitor: support multiple alert channels
  • es: update to 7.10.2
  • http: collect http server active requests to reflect how many active requests are in process (to analyze performance with cpu usage, worker thread pool size and etc)

7.6.9 (01/04/2021 - 01/15/2021)

  • contentType: according to RFC and iana, application/json should not have charset, and use utf8 as default charset.

    refer to,

  • http: introduced HTTPConfig.maxProcessTime(), to specify client timeout or cloud lb backend timeout,

    for default value, http uses 30s for initial request, kafka listener uses 30mins for whole polled batch. maxProcessTime will be passed to subsequent sync action thru "timeout" http header, via WebServiceClient http client retry will consider time left from max process time action will check for slow process if took more than 80% max process time

  • http: added HTTPConfig.maxEntitySize(), to specify max body size and multipart file upload size