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TimotheeGreg edited this page Oct 16, 2023 · 32 revisions
  • key(code) -> is_pressed
  • key() -> is_any_pressed


  • code : the key code to check (1..65), see the table below or type help keys in console.


  • pressed : a Boolean value which indicates whether or not the specified key is currently pressed.
  • is_any_pressed : If no keycode is specified, returns a Boolean value indicating if any key is pressed.


Letters Digits Characters Edits /
Modifiers /
Function Keys
Numeric Keypad
01 = A 27 = 0 37 = MINUS 50 = RETURN 62 = CAPSLOCK 79 = NUMPAD0
02 = B 28 = 1 38 = EQUALS 51 = BACKSPACE 63 = CTRL 80 = NUMPAD1
03 = C 29 = 2 39 = LEFTBRACKET 52 = DELETE 64 = SHIFT 81 = NUMPAD2
04 = D 30 = 3 40 = RIGHTBRACKET 53 = INSERT 65 = ALT 82 = NUMPAD3
05 = E 31 = 4 41 = BACKSLASH 83 = NUMPAD4
06 = F 32 = 5 42 = SEMICOLON 54 = PAGEUP 66 = ESC 84 = NUMPAD5
07 = G 33 = 6 43 = APOSTROPHE 55 = PAGEDOWN 67 = F1 85 = NUMPAD6
08 = H 34 = 7 44 = GRAVE 56 = HOME 68 = F2 86 = NUMPAD7
09 = I 35 = 8 45 = COMMA 57 = END 69 = F3 87 = NUMPAD8
10 = J 36 = 9 46 = PERIOD 58 = UP 70 = F4 88 = NUMPAD9
11 = K 47 = SLASH 59 = DOWN 71 = F5 89 = NUMPADPLUS
12 = L 48 = SPACE 60 = LEFT 72 = F6 90 = NUMPADMINUS
13 = M 49 = TAB 61 = RIGHT 73 = F7 91 = NUMPADMULTIPLY
14 = N 74 = F8 92 = NUMPADDIVIDE
15 = O 75 = F9 93 = NUMPADENTER
16 = P 76 = F10 94 = NUMPADPERIOD
17 = Q 77 = F11
18 = R 78 = F12
19 = S
20 = T
21 = U
22 = V
23 = W
24 = X
25 = Y
26 = Z
| ESC |  F1  |  F2  |  F3  |  F4  |  F5  |  F6  |  F7  |  F8  |  F9  |  F10 |  F11 |  F12 |
.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.  .----------------------.  .------------------------------.
|  `  |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  0  |  -  |  =  |  Backsps  |  |  Ins  |  Home | PgUp |  | NumLck | NP/ | NP* |   NP-   |
|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|  |----------------------|  |------------------------------|
|  Tab   |  Q  |  W  |  E  |  R  |  T  |  Y  |  U  |  I  |  O  |  P  |  [  |  ]  |   \    |  |  Del  |  End  | PgDn |  |   NP7  | NP8 | NP9 |   NP+   |
|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|  '----------------------'  |--------------------|         |
|  CapsLck  |  A  |  S  |  D  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  ;  |  '  |    Enter  |                            |   NP4  | NP5 | NP6 |         |
|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|          .-------.         |------------------------------|
|  Shift       |  Z  |  X  |  C  |  V  |  B  |  N  |  M  |  ,  |  .  |  /  |       Shift  |          |   Up  |         |   NP1  | NP2 | NP3 | NPEnter | 
|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|  .----------------------.  |--------------------|         |
|  Ctrl  |  Alt  |                                                       |  Alt  |  Ctrl  |  |  Left |  Down | Rght |  |       NP0    | NP. |         |
'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'  '----------------------'  '------------------------------'

Note: Esc, F7-F9 and F11 already are functional hotkeys in game.


The function returns true if the key denoted by keycode is pressed otherwise it returns false.

Input Tag

Set the metadata input tag to keyboard to display only the on-screen keyboard on Android devices and hide the gamepad.

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