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GPIOs and pinmux

Jonathan Neuschäfer edited this page May 29, 2021 · 22 revisions

GPIO pins (numbered 0-127) are organized into eight ports (numbered 0-7). Each pin can be configured to operate as a GPIO or to perform a special function, using the MFSEL registers.

Level- and edge-triggered interrupts ("events") are available for GPIOs 0-15 and 24-25.

Interrupt routing

The GPIO controller has four interrupt lines. The interrupt-capable GPIOs correspond to the interrupt lines as follows:

2 GPIO 0-3
3 GPIO 4-11
4 GPIO 12-15
5 GPIO 24-25

Comparison with NPCM7xx

The Nuvoton NPCM7xx SoCs fundamentally use the same mechanism for pinmuxing (MFSEL registers in GCR), but the GPIO registers have been redesigned, and are now organized in banks. Some pin assignments are the same between WPCM450 and NPCM7xx.


The GPIO controller has the following registers in the MMIO window at 0xb8003000:

offset name description
0x00 GPEVTYPE event type
0x04 GPEVPOL event polarity
0x08 GPEVDBNC event debounce
0x0c GPEVEN event enable
0x10 GPEVST event status

Some registers are duplicated per port. Note that GPIOPnPE is in the GCR block.

0 0x14 0x18 -- -- 0x1c 0x20 --
1 0x24 0x28 0x2c 0x30 0x34 0x38 GCR+0x1c
2 0x3c 0x40 0x44 -- 0x48 0x4c GCR+0x20
3 0x50 0x54 0x58 -- 0x5c 0x60 GCR+0x24
4 0x64 0x68 0x6c -- 0x70 0x74 --
5 0x78 0x7c 0x80 -- 0x84 0x88 GCR+0x2c
6 -- -- -- -- -- 0x8c GCR+0x30
7 0x90 0x94 0x98 -- 0x9c 0xa0 GCR+0x34

GPEVTYPE - GPIO event type

GPEVTYPE determines for each interrupt-capable GPIO, whether it is edge-triggered or level-triggered.

bit description
0 event type of GPIO 0
1 event type of GPIO 1
... ...
15 event type of GPIO 15
16 event type of GPIO 24
17 event type of GPIO 25

The following types exist:

type description
0 edge-triggered
1 level-triggered

GPEVPOL - GPIO event polarity

GPEVPOL determines for each interrupt-capable GPIO, whether it is triggered on rising edges / high levels, or falling edges / low levels. It has the same layout as GPEVTYPE.

polarity description
0 falling edge or low level
1 rising edge or high level

GPEVDBNC - GPIO event debounce

GPEVDBNC enables/disables debouncing for each interrupt-capable GPIO. Debouncing can only be enabled for GPIO 0-15.

bit description
0 event type of GPIO 0
1 event type of GPIO 1
... ...
15 event type of GPIO 15
debounce description
0 debounce disabled
1 debounce enabled

GPEVEN - GPIO event enable

GPEVEN controls for each interrupt-capable GPIO, whether interrupts are generated. It has the same layout as GPEVTYPE.

enable description
0 event does not generate interrupts
1 event generates interrupt

How the 18 events map to the four interrupt lines is described above.

GPEVST - GPIO event status

GPEVST tracks the interrupt status of each interrupt-capable GPIO. It has the same layout as GPEVTYPE.

status read write
0 event has not occurred no action
1 event has occurred clear event status

GPEVST bits are set regardless of GPEVEN.

GPEVST are never cleared automatically, even in level-triggered mode.

CFG0 - data direction configuration

This port-specific register determines whether for each pin in a port, whether it is an input or an output.

bit description
0 direction of pin 0 of the port (0=input, 1=output)
1 direction of pin 1 of the port (0=input, 1=output)
... ...

BLINK - blink control

This port-specific register controls automatic blinking. It exists only for port 1.

bit description
0:2 blinking mode of pin 0
3 reserved (0)
4:6 blinking mode of pin 1
7 reserved (0)
... ...
28:30 blinking mode of pin 7
31 reserved (0)

The following modes exist:

mode description
0 off - use value in DATAOUT
... ...

The blinking patterns of different pins do not run synchronously with each other. When blinking is enabled for a pin, it starts immediate, and at a defined point in the cycle. Thus, by timing register writes carefully, two blinking patterns can be made to run in- or out-of-phase with each other.

DATAOUT - data output

This port-specific register determines whether for each pin in a port, whether it is driver low or high when it is in output mode (see CFG0).

bit description
0 output level of pin 0 of the port (0=low, 1=high)
1 output level of pin 1 of the port (0=low, 1=high)
... ...

Bits in DATAOUT can be configured before switching the corresponding pins to output mode. This can be done to avoid glitches.

DATAIN - data input

This port-specific register contains the logic level detected at each pin within a port.

bit description
0 status of pin 0 of the port (0=low, 1=high)
1 status of pin 1 of the port (0=low, 1=high)
... ...

DATAIN reflects the status of a pin even when it is configured as output in CFG0.


Pin multiplexing is configured through the multifunction selection registers MFSEL1 and MFSEL2. See below to see which functions affect which pins.

bit MFSEL1 description MFSEL2 description
0 SMB3SEL FI0SEL fan input 0
1 SMB4SEL FI1SEL fan input 1
2 SMB5SEL FI2SEL fan input 2
3 SCS1SEL enable SPI chip select 1 FI3SEL fan input 3
4 SCS2SEL enable SPI chip select 2 FI4SEL fan input 4
5 SCS3SEL enable SPI chip select 3 FI5SEL fan input 5
6 SMB0SEL FI6SEL fan input 6
7 SMB1SEL FI7SEL fan input 7
8 SMB2SEL FI8SEL fan input 8
9 BSPSEL serial port... FI9SEL fan input 9
10 HSP1SEL serial port pins 1 FI10SEL fan input 10
11 HSP2SEL serial port pins 2 FI11SEL fan input 11
12 R1ERRSEL Ethernet... FI12SEL fan input 12
13 R1MDSEL Ethernet MAC 1 MDIO FI13SEL fan input 13
14 RMII2SEL Ethernet... FI14SEL fan input 14
15 R2ERRSEL Ethernet... FI15SEL fan input 15
16 R2MDSEL Ethernet... PWM0SEL PWM output 0
18 DVOSEL[0] PWM2SEL PWM output 2
19 DVOSEL[1] PWM3SEL PWM output 3
20 DVOSEL[2] PWM4SEL PWM output 4
22 SMISEL PWM6SEL PWM output 6
23 UINCSEL something related to USB PWM7SEL PWM output 7
27 related to VCD HG3SEL

Table of pins

In the following table:

  • GPIO# is the GPIO pin number (0-127)
  • port is the port number (0-7) as extracted from the Dell driver
  • index is the pin number within a port. It is also used as a bit index in port-specific registers
  • MFSEL (Z1) indicates the MFSEL register and bit used to configure this pin to a special function or the GPIO function (extracted from Dell)
  • MFSEL (Z2) contains the differences in MFSEL configuration from chip version Z2 onward. In the Dell driver, the MFSEL bits indicated in this column are cleared in addition to those indicated in the previous column
GPIO# port index MFSEL (Z1) MFSEL (Z2)
0 0 0 -- --
1 0 1 -- --
2 0 2 -- --
3 0 3 -- --
4 0 4 -- --
5 0 5 -- --
6 0 6 -- --
7 0 7 -- 1.30 SDIOSEL
8 0 8 -- --
9 0 9 -- --
10 0 10 -- --
11 0 11 -- --
12 0 12 1.24 GSPISEL 1.31 SSPISEL
13 0 13 1.24 GSPISEL 1.31 SSPISEL
14 0 14 1.24 GSPISEL 1.31 SSPISEL
15 0 15 1.24 GSPISEL 1.31 SSPISEL
16 1 0 -- 2.22 PWM6SEL
17 1 1 -- 2.23 PWM7SEL
18 1 2 -- --
19 1 3 1.23 UINCSEL --
20 1 4 2.24 HG0SEL 2.20 PWM4SEL
21 1 5 2.25 HG1SEL 2.21 PWM5SEL
22 1 6 2.26 HG2SEL 1.30 SDIOSEL
23 1 7 2.27 HG3SEL --
24 1 8 2.28 HG4SEL --
25 1 9 2.29 HG5SEL --
26 1 10 1.2 SMB5SEL --
27 1 11 1.2 SMB5SEL --
28 1 12 1.1 SMB4SEL --
29 1 13 1.1 SMB4SEL --
30 1 14 1.0 SMB3SEL --
31 1 15 1.0 SMB3SEL --
32 2 0 1.3 SCS1SEL --
33 2 1 1.4 SCS2SEL --
34 2 2 1.5 SCS3SEL --
35 2 3 1.29 XCS1SEL --
36 2 4 1.28 XCS2SEL --
37 2 5 1.18 DVOSEL --
38 2 6 1.18 DVOSEL --
39 2 7 1.18 DVOSEL --
40 2 8 1.18 DVOSEL --
41 2 9 1.9 BSPSEL --
42 2 10 1.9 BSPSEL --
43 2 11 1.10 HSP1SEL 1.30 SDIOSEL
44 2 12 1.10 HSP1SEL 1.30 SDIOSEL
45 2 13 1.10 HSP1SEL 1.30 SDIOSEL
46 2 14 1.10 HSP1SEL 1.30 SDIOSEL
47 2 15 1.10 HSP1SEL 1.30 SDIOSEL
48 3 0 1.11 HSP2SEL --
49 3 1 1.11 HSP2SEL --
50 3 2 1.11 HSP2SEL --
51 3 3 1.11 HSP2SEL --
52 3 4 1.11 HSP2SEL --
53 3 5 1.11 HSP2SEL --
54 3 6 1.11 HSP2SEL --
55 3 7 1.11 HSP2SEL --
56 3 8 1.12 R1ERRSEL --
57 3 9 1.13 R1MDSEL --
58 3 10 1.13 R1MDSEL --
59 3 11 2.30 HG6SEL --
60 3 12 2.31 HG7SEL 1.30 SDIOSEL
61 3 13 1.10 HSP1SEL --
62 3 14 1.10 HSP1SEL --
63 3 15 1.10 HSP1SEL --
64 4 0 2.0 FI0SEL --
65 4 1 2.1 FI1SEL --
66 4 2 2.2 FI2SEL --
67 4 3 2.3 FI3SEL --
68 4 4 2.4 FI4SEL --
69 4 5 2.5 FI5SEL --
70 4 6 2.6 FI6SEL --
71 4 7 2.7 FI7SEL --
72 4 8 2.8 FI8SEL --
73 4 9 2.9 FI9SEL --
74 4 10 2.10 FI10SEL --
75 4 11 2.11 FI11SEL --
76 4 12 2.12 FI12SEL --
77 4 13 2.13 FI13SEL --
78 4 14 2.14 FI14SEL --
79 4 15 2.15 FI15SEL --
80 5 0 2.16 PWM0SEL --
81 5 1 2.17 PWM1SEL --
82 5 2 2.18 PWM2SEL --
83 5 3 2.19 PWM3SEL --
84 5 4 1.14 RMII2SEL --
85 5 5 1.14 RMII2SEL --
86 5 6 1.14 RMII2SEL --
87 5 7 1.14 RMII2SEL --
88 5 8 1.14 RMII2SEL --
89 5 9 1.14 RMII2SEL --
90 5 10 1.15 R2ERRSEL --
91 5 11 1.16 R2MDSEL --
92 5 12 1.16 R2MDSEL --
93 5 13 1.17 KBCCSEL --
94 5 14 1.17 KBCCSEL --
95 5? 15 -- --
96 6 0 1.21 CLKOSEL --
97 6 1 1.22 SMISEL --
98 6 2 -- --
99 6 3 -- --
100 6 4 -- --
101 6 5 -- --
102 6 6 -- --
103 6 7 -- --
104 6 8 -- --
105 6 9 -- --
106 6 10 -- --
107 6 11 -- --
108 6 12 1.18 DVOSEL --
109 6 13 1.18 DVOSEL --
110 6 14 1.18 DVOSEL --
111 6 15 1.18 DVOSEL --
112 6! 16 1.18 DVOSEL --
113 6! 17 1.18 DVOSEL --
114 7 0 1.6 SMB0SEL --
115 7 1 1.6 SMB0SEL --
116 7 2 1.7 SMB1SEL --
117 7 3 1.7 SMB1SEL --
118 7 4 1.8 SMB2SEL --
119 7 5 1.8 SMB2SEL --
120 7 6 1.18 DVOSEL --
121 7 7 1.18 DVOSEL --
122 7 8 1.18 DVOSEL --
123 7 9 1.18 DVOSEL --
124 7 10 1.18 DVOSEL --
125 7 11 1.18 DVOSEL --
126 7 12 1.18 DVOSEL --
127 7 13 1.18 DVOSEL --


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