The presence of this file indicates that this vocabuary is based on voc4cat-template.
To avoid merge conflicts on updates, this file should mainly change via merging an updated version from the template repository. Therefore, please consider submitting your requests for changes/improvements as issue in the voc4cat-template repository.
To experience the workflow, we suggest that you try contributing to voc4cat which is a "deployment" of this repository. If you are interested in understanding the technical details or in developing your own vocabulary, follow the instructions below.
All vocabularies based on this template have the same standard contribution process of
- get and update the vocabulary file (xlsx),
- submit a pull request with the updated file,
- collaborate on the pull request with editors or other github users,
After approval your pull request is ready to be merged by the editors. The merge will include your contribution into the SKOS-vocabulary file in the vocabularies
-folder. Upon merge the corresponding documentation and a joined turtle file will be automatically built and published to gh-pages.
The Excel/xlsx files submitted as pull request are automatically checked and (if all is good) converted to turtle. By using a vocabulary-specific configuration more thorough validation can be activated, e.g. if terms get removed in a PR or if correct IRIs are used. To validate IRIs the configuration supports ID-ranges (similar to OBO idrange but we use the toml-format). The idea is that every author gets their own range of IDs to consume. This allows independent work and avoids using the same ID repeatedly.
The voc4cat-template implements automatic storage of different versions of the vocabularies in gh-pages:
- Directory with artifacts built from the most recent commit to the main branch.latest
- Directory with all files built for the latest release.vYYYY-MM-DD
(for examplev2023-08-16
) - Directory with all files built for the release with this tag.
For all versions, multiple files are stored (see nfdi4cat/voc4cat-template#11 (comment) for details). The correct version string is automatically inserted to all build artifacts. For dev
, the first eight characters of the commit hash are used as version (for example v_fadfa5f9
- Taking into account the above scheme, the url for the artifacts for the
version in gh-pages ishttps://{gh-org-name}{repository-name}/dev/{vocabulary-name}/
- For example, in repository
the vocabularyvocab_example
is documented at
In addition to the specific versions, an index page is generated that links to all vocabularies and the tagged releases.
It is placed at the root of gh-pages (https://{gh-org-name}{repository-name}/
Please strongly consider contributing to voc4cat instead of creating your own.
To discuss about the SKOS vocabularies maintained with this template, create an issue in the vocabulary repository itself (but not in this template-repository).
To contribute new concepts or collections or change existing ones, you may either submit your contributions as Excel/xlsx-file or (as an expert) as new/changed turtle file.
Here are the steps for submitting updates in Excel.
- Get the Excel/xlsx-vocabulary file
- The most recent version of the vocabulary is always available via github-pages.
- The general url is
- For example in nfdi4cat/voc4cat-template the most recent vocabulary
can be downloaded from
- The general url is
- For setting up a new vocabulary, use the xlsx-file from the templates-folder.
- The most recent version of the vocabulary is always available via github-pages.
- Make changes to the Excel file
- Add the xlsx file to your clone of the repository into the folder
- The name of the file must match the vocabulary that you want to update (e.g. myvoc.xlsx to update a vocabulary named "myvoc").
- New vocabularies will be named like the xlsx-file (minus the
- Create a pull request with the updated Excel-file on GitHub.
- Please describe your changes and the motivation for the changes in the pull request note or link to an issue with this information. This will help reviewers to understand the proposed change and decide about it.
- Your pull request will be processed automatically by a CI/CD pipeline that typically runs less than a minute.
- Review the artifacts/logs generated by the CI pipeline.
- The workflow artifact will contain an updated xlsx file that is recreated from the updated turtle-file.
- If all is good your contribution will be either
- directly merged by the maintainers
- or a discussion will be started about what else is needed
- or why the proposed change may not fit.
- If you need to fix something update the pull request branch. This will trigger the pipeline to run again.
Finally, when the proposed pull request is accepted, your changes will be integrated in the vocabularies in the folder vocabularies
. The vocabularies are stored in split form using one folder per vocabulary. Each concept, collection and concept scheme is stored in a separate file using the ID-part of the IRI as file name.
See inbox-excel-vocabs/ for a minimal example how to test the submission process.
To discuss about the workflow for maintaining SKOS vocabularies based on this template, create an voc4cat-template issue.
To discuss about the tool that converts Excel to SKOS in gh-actions of this template, create an voc4cat-tool issue.
The template can be used to create your own independent repository for SKOS vocabularies maintenance.
First create a new repository on github without any contents, named e.g. "my-new-vocabulary". Then set up your own independent vocabulary repository on the command line:
git init my-new-vocabulary
cd my-new-vocabulary
git pull
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main
This adds all commits made in the template´s main branch to your new repository. In addition to this basic setup you may want to
- Adjust the file for your vocabulary.
- Adjust the configuration of your vocabularies in
- Adjust settings of your new GitHub repository. Typically you will want to
- Forbid pushing to main via branch protection rules (Settings > Branches, edit rules for "main")
- Set up rules for required approvals (Settings > Branches, edit rules for "main")
- Configure GitHub pages to use as source "deploy from a branch" and select the branch
(Settings > Pages > Build and deployment)
- Optionally
- Add a different license for your vocabulary.
- Adjust the styling of the Excel template for your vocabulary.
After these steps your repository should work just like voc4cat.
To review the changes made in the template after you last pulled it use:
git fetch
git diff ...FETCH_HEAD
If you want to take over the changes, pull them into your repository
git pull
and push the change to the remote repository.
git push
It is suggested to merge the changes from the template repository before every new release of your vocabulary. This ensures that the centrally maintained features and best practices trickle into your project.
This repository template contains a justfile
which pre-defines series of commands as tasks. Theses tasks are run with the just command runner.
In the justfile, uv is used to install and update the Python package voc4cat.
The justfile helps to tun (almost) the same commands as are used in the GitHub workflows locally on your computer. This makes local testing of a modified vocabulary xlsx-file easier. Read the header of the justfile for more info on setting up your environment.
Once you have just
installed type the command just
at the root of the git-project to list the available commands. For version 0.8.7 of the template, it gives:
$ just
Available recipes:
all # Run all steps as in gh-actions: check xlsx, convert to SKOS, build docs, re-build xlsx
check # Check the voc4cat.xlsx file in inbox/ for errors
clean # Remove all generated files/directories
convert # Convert the voc4cat.xlsx file in inbox/ to turtle
docs # Run voc4cat (build HTML documentation from ttl files)
setup # Run initial setup (run this first)
update # Updates voc4cat-tool installation
xlsx # Rebuild the xlsx file from the joined ttl file.
If you have some Python knowledge, you can of course also install and use the voc4cat Python package just like any other Python package, starting with pip install voc4cat
and continuing from there.