01-Install Flutter on Windows 10 and MacOS Catalina
02-Dart basics-variables, functions, string, list
03-Dart basics-Class, object, constructor, method
04-Dart basics-CRUD a list of objects
05-Dart basics-Final & const, Map type
06-Flutter basics-Widget, build method, StatelessWidget
07-Flutter basics-StatefulWidget, save TextField value to a state
08-Flutter basics-Widget lifecycle, observe background and foreground modes | WidgetsBindingObserver
09-Flutter basics-Add packages and format DateTime with intl
10-Flutter basics-Layout with SafeArea,Column, FlatButton, TextField
11-Flutter basics-Fetch state data to ListTile, using map function
12-Flutter basics-Add ListTile inside a Card
13-Flutter basics-Create separate widget and add ListView
14-Flutter basics-Customize AppBar and FloatingActionButton
15-Flutter basics-Customize ListView item with Column and Row
16-Flutter basics-Show and custom a Modal Bottom Sheet
17-Flutter basics-Implement actions in ModalBottomSheet
18-Flutter basics-Custom theme and fonts
19-Navigation | Screens with Food App-Base data starting
20-Navigation | Screens with Food App-GridView and Grid Item
21-Navigation | Screens with Food App-Theme and Google Fonts style
22-Navigation | Screens with Food App-Navigate and send params using Contructor
23-Navigation | Food App-Send params using RouteNames, setup 1-N data
24-Navigation | Food App-Display ListItem with FadeImage, Positioned, Card
25-Navigation | Food App-Show detail food, ingredient list, using ListTile, ListView
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