While Docker Compose is mainly known and used in a development environment, it can actually be used in production too. This is especially suitable for prototyping or small-scale deployments, where the robustness (and the associated complexity) of Kubernetes is not required.
It is recommended that you build the Docker images in a CI (continuous integration) job, or failing which, on your development machine. The built images should then be pushed to a container registry, e.g. Docker Hub, Google Container Registry, GitLab Container Registry. On the production server, you would pull the pre-built images from the container registry. This maintains a separation of concerns between the build environment and the production environment.
If you are using the API Platform Distribution, we provide a ready-to-deploy Docker Compose setup for production, with (optional) Let's Encrypt integration.
It is designed to be used as a companion to the distribution, and as such it needs to be placed inside a subdirectory at the top level of the distribution project:
wget -O - https://github.com/api-platform/docker-compose-prod/archive/master.tar.gz | tar -xzf - && mv docker-compose-prod-master docker-compose-prod
git add docker-compose-prod
Then commit the changes to your git repository. The docker-compose-prod
directory should be checked in.
These steps should be performed in a CI job (recommended) or on your development machine.
Make sure the environment variables required for the build are set.
If you are building the images in a CI job, these environment variables should be set as part of your CI job's environment.
If you are building on your development machine, you could set the environment variables in the
file at the top level of the distribution project (not to be confused withapi/.env
which is used by the Symfony application). For example:ADMIN_IMAGE=registry.example.com/api-platform/admin CLIENT_IMAGE=registry.example.com/api-platform/client NGINX_IMAGE=registry.example.com/api-platform/nginx PHP_IMAGE=registry.example.com/api-platform/php REACT_APP_API_ENTRYPOINT=https://api.example.com VARNISH_IMAGE=registry.example.com/api-platform/varnish
must be an exact match of the target domain name where your API will be accessed from, since its value is embedded during build time. See this discussion for possible workarounds if this limitation is unacceptable for your project. -
Build the Docker images:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod/docker-compose.build.yml pull --ignore-pull-failures docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod/docker-compose.build.yml build --pull
Push the built images to the container registry:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod/docker-compose.build.yml push
These steps should be performed on the production server.
Make sure the environment variables required are set.
You could set the environment variables in the
file at the top level of the distribution project (not to be confused withapi/.env
which is used by the Symfony application). For example:ADMIN_HOST=admin.example.com ADMIN_IMAGE=registry.example.com/api-platform/admin API_HOST=api.example.com APP_SECRET=3c857494cfcc42c700dfb7a6 CLIENT_HOST=example.com,www.example.com CLIENT_IMAGE=registry.example.com/api-platform/client CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN=^https://(?:\w+\.)?example\.com$ DATABASE_URL=postgres://api-platform:4e3bc2766fe81df300d56481@db/api MERCURE_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS=0 MERCURE_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=https://example.com,https://admin.example.com MERCURE_HOST=mercure.example.com MERCURE_JWT_KEY=4121344212538417de3e2118 MERCURE_JWT_SECRET=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJtZXJjdXJlIjp7InN1YnNjcmliZSI6WyJmb28iLCJiYXIiXSwicHVibGlzaCI6WyJmb28iXX19.B0MuTRMPLrut4Nt3wxVvLtfWB_y189VEpWMlSmIQABQ MERCURE_SUBSCRIBE_URL=https://mercure.example.com/hub NGINX_IMAGE=registry.example.com/api-platform/nginx PHP_IMAGE=registry.example.com/api-platform/php POSTGRES_PASSWORD=4e3bc2766fe81df300d56481 REACT_APP_API_ENTRYPOINT=https://api.example.com TRUSTED_HOSTS=^(?:localhost|api|api\.example\.com)$ VARNISH_IMAGE=registry.example.com/api-platform/varnish
Important: Please make sure to change all the passwords, keys and secret values to your own.
Set up a redirect from e.g.
:mkdir -p docker-compose-prod/docker/nginx-proxy/vhost.d echo 'return 301 https://example.com$request_uri;' > docker-compose-prod/docker/nginx-proxy/vhost.d/www.example.com
Note: If you do not want such a redirect, or you want it to be the other way round, please adapt to suit your needs.
(optional) Set up the Let's Encrypt integration.
Note: If you are using Cloudflare, you might consider using their free SSL/TLS encryption setup as a simpler alternative. But if you would prefer to have full control, read on.
Make sure the environment variables required for the Let's Encrypt integration are set.
You could set the environment variables in the
file at the top level of the distribution project (not to be confused withapi/.env
which is used by the Symfony application). For example:LETSENCRYPT_USER_MAIL=user@example.com LEXICON_CLOUDFLARE_AUTH_TOKEN=9e06358f74cbce70602c22fc3279f0aee3077 LEXICON_CLOUDFLARE_AUTH_USERNAME=user@example.com
Note: If you are not using Cloudflare DNS, please see the documentation on how to pass the correct environment variables to Lexicon.
Configure the (sub)domains for which you want certificate(s) to be issued for in
. For example, to request a wildcard certificate for*.example.com
:*.example.com example.com autorestart-containers=api-platform_nginx-proxy_1
Note: Replace the
prefix inapi-platform_nginx-proxy_1
with your Docker Compose project name (it defaults to the project directory name). -
Pull the Docker images.
If you are not using the (optional) Let's Encrypt integration:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod/docker-compose.yml pull
If you are using the (optional) Let's Encrypt integration:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod/docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-prod/docker-compose.letsencrypt.yml pull
Bring up the services.
If you are not using the (optional) Let's Encrypt integration:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod/docker-compose.yml up -d
If you are using the (optional) Let's Encrypt integration:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod/docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-prod/docker-compose.letsencrypt.yml up -d
Sometimes, you may need to run a production-like setup locally; for example, for end-to-end testing or to troubleshoot problems which can only be reproduced with a production setup (e.g. Varnish errors or cache misses).
You may (re)use the same Docker Compose setup for production we have installed above.