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This is an opensshd docker image based on the OQS OpenSSH 7.9 fork, which allows ssh to quantum-safely negotiate session keys and use quantum-safe authentication with algorithms from the Post-Quantum Cryptography Project by NIST.

This image has a built-in non-root user to permit execution without particular docker privileges. This is necessary as logging in as root in ssh is not recommended practice. But it is worth to note that this user, per default called oqs, is not set as the default user when the image starts. The reason for that is that the the start up script needs root permissions to generate all host keys and start the sshd service. This means that when executing a command as the user oqs, the docker exec command needs to be used together with the option --user oqs.

If you built the docker image yourself following the instructions here, exchange the name of the image from 'openquantumsafe/openssh' in the examples below suitably.

Quick start

  1. Start an OpenSSH server with post-quantum cryptography support by running

     docker run --name oqs-openssh-server -dit --rm openquantumsafe/openssh
  2. Connect to that server running

     docker exec --user oqs -it oqs-openssh-server ssh oqs@localhost
  3. Accept the host key and authenticate with the default password Pa55W0rd

  4. To clean up, exit the ssh session with exit and run

     docker stop oqs-openssh-server

    to stop (and remove) the container.

Note: Due to the --rm option the container will be removed as soon as it is stopped, it may be omitted to keep the container. But because we're just testing its basic functionality right now this is not required.


For limitations of the post-quantum algorithms themselves, refer to this.

Slightly more advanced usage options

Connect from container to container via OQS-SSH

To easily connect from one container to another, we can make use of the docker's own networking capabilities.

  1. Create a docker network with

     docker network create oqs-openssh-net
  2. Start a new container that is connected to that network with

     docker run --rm -dit --net oqs-openssh-net --name oqs-openssh-server openquantumsafe/openssh
  3. Then access this server using OQS-SSH through the docker network with

     docker run --rm -it --net oqs-openssh-net openquantumsafe/openssh ssh oqs@oqs-openssh-server

    type yes to add the host to the known_hosts and authenticate the user oqs with its default password Pa55W0rd.

Congratulations, you just connected from one docker container to another in a quantum safe manner! To use this in a more practical setting, see how to use docker to quantum safely connect to a remote host in section Using oqs-ssh for quantum safe remote access with minimal intrusion down below.

Access the man pages of oqs-ssh

Man pages for oqs-ssh are installed in <INSTALL_DIR>/share/man and can be viewed by for example

docker run -it --rm openquantumsafe/openssh man -l /opt/oqs-ssh/share/man/man1/ssh.1


docker run -it --rm openquantumsafe/openssh man -l /opt/oqs-ssh/share/man/man5/ssh.5

Note that those man pages do not differ from the original ssh man pages. So it might be easier to consult them on your local system or the internet.

Direct links to man pages: ssh(1), sshd(8), ssh_config(5), sshd_config(5)

Key-based client authentication

Key-based client authentication works just as it does with normal SSH. Just add your post-quantum public key (normally located in ~/.ssh/*.pub) to the authorized_keys file on the server (normally located in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys).

Using oqs-ssh for quantum-safe remote access with minimal intrusion

One use case of quantum-safe ssh running in docker could be accessing a remote system without messing with its ssh(d) installation or other parts of the system you maybe don't want to interact with. This means minimal intrusion and everything can easily be removed again. This is done by running this docker image on said system and sharing its network space. Thus it is possible to access host ports from within the docker container. Normally, the use case of docker is one of isolation with some shared directories and published ports at max. So this solution works around the usual docker limitations.

Additionally, it is advised to change the default username and password and then building the image yourself because your plan is to expose it to the world.

Structure of quantum-safe remote access using docker containers

+------------------+                +----------------------+
|      Client      |                |         Host         |
|  +------------+  |                |  +----------------+  |
|  |            |  |                |  |                |  |
|  |   Docker   +--------------------->+     Docker     |  |
|  |            |  |       Port 2222|  |                |  |
|  +------------+  |                |  +-------+--------+  |
|                  |                |          |           |
+------------------+                |  Port 22 v           |
                                    |  +-------+--------+  |
                                    |  |                |  |
                                    |  |  sshd on Host  |  |
                                    |  |                |  |
                                    |  +----------------+  |
                                    |                      |

Set up the server (docker container on target host)

To start the ssh server, meaning the docker container on the host system, follow those instructions:

  • Run the docker image with

     docker run -dit --network host --name oqs-ssh openquantumsafe/openssh
  • Or, if you want the container to automatically start with docker

     docker run -dit --network host --name oqs-ssh --restart unless-stopped openquantumsafe/openssh

The --network host option will attach the container directly to your host's network, sharing its IP. The sshd in the container is now accessible from the outside using the host's IP address and the specified port (2222 per default).

Be aware that the port 2222 also needs to be open in any firewalls there may be!

If you want to seriously use this image to connect to a machine, it is strongly advised to change the default password of the oqs user. This can be done in the running container with

docker exec -it oqs-ssh passwd oqs

Or you build the image yourself with a different default password from the sources on Github.

Enable classical SSH

Because we want to be able to connect to our host that does not run OQS-SSH, we first need to enable classical SSH capabilities for the client on the host system.

  1. After running the image, run a shell with docker exec -it oqs-ssh /bin/bash

  2. Run nano /opt/oqs-ssh/ssh_config and

    • uncomment the line # IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519,
    • add ssh-ed25519 to HostkeyAlgorithms and PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes (comma-separated)
    • add to KexAlgorithms (comma-separated)
  3. Save and exit your editor

  4. Run rc-service oqs-sshd restart

  5. Run /opt/oqs-ssh/scripts/

  6. Run ssh <username>@localhost -p 22 with <username> being your host's username to test your setup

  7. If everything went smoothly, your docker container connected with your host's classical sshd

Set up the client

For the client side, run the image with

docker run -it openquantumsafe/openssh ssh <username>@<remote-host-ip> -p 2222

You then are prompted to enter the password for the remote server. Defaults are oqs for <username> and as password. It is strongly adviced to change this password as described above.

You may omit -p 2222 if this port is configured accordingly in ssh_config on the client (which is the default).

And most importantly, we can now access the host's sshd from within the docker image by addressing port 22 via the localhost, using the host's credentials.

ssh <username>@localhost -p 22

To omit the -p 22 option, the specification of the port, this can be set as default in ssh_config.

Seriously more advanced usage options

Configuring ssh and sshd

If you are using the pre-compiled image from Dockerhub you can only make changes to the configuration at run time. Those changes will only be specific to the current container and won't persist through multiple containers and will be lost upon removing the container. The configuration files ssh_config and sshd_config are located in /opt/oqs-ssh/ssh_config and /opt/oqs-ssh/sshd_config respectively.

If you built the docker image yourself following these instructions, you can make changes to ssh_config and sshd_config before building the image (they will be copied to the image at build time). Firstly, this will make your changes the default for your containers and secondly you won't lose them in case you remove the container.

The configuration files can be edited with pre-installed nano or vi editors, e.g.:

docker exec -it <name-or-hash-of-container> nano /opt/oqs-ssh/ssh_config

After changing anything in and only in sshd_config, run

docker exec -it <name-or-hash-of-container> rc-service oqs-sshd restart

After adding new IdentityKey or HostKey values, generate those new keys with

docker exec -it <name-or-hash-of-container> /opt/oqs-ssh/scripts/

Choosing the SIG and KEX algorithms

For a list of all signature and key exchange algorithms see here. Be aware that there is a limitation of what algorithms are enabled in PQS-OpenSSH per default, more information in the section Enabling additional PQC algorithms below. It is recommended to only use the hybrid variants to maintain established classical security. The post-quantum safe algorithms have not yet received enough confidence to be relied on as the only security mechanism.

The image's default key exchange algorithm is ecdh-nistp384-kyber-768-sha384. For host and identity keys (server and client authentication, respectively) the ssh-ecdsa-nistp384-dilithium3 algorithm is used. Those algorithms may be changed by adjusting the files ssh_config and sshd_config respectively.

In ssh_config (client side)

  • KexAlgorithms: Comma-separated list of enabled key-exchange algorithms. Priority given by order. Names according to this KEX naming scheme.
  • IdentityKey: Path to identity key files. One entry for one file, can have multiple entries. SSH will look for those files when connecting to a host. Names of the key files need to be ~/.ssh/id_<SIG> in order for them to be successfully generated. <SIG> is a post-quantum signature algorithm according to this SIG naming scheme, with every - replaced by _. A list with of some possible IdentityKey values can be found here.
  • PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes: Comma-separated list of identity keys the client offers to the host. Priority given by order. Note that if no corresponding IdentityFile is specified, this algorithm is ignored.
  • HostKeyAlgorithms: Comma-separated list of the host key types the client accepts from the server. Names according to this SIG naming scheme.

In sshd_config (server side)

  • KexAlgorithms: Comma-separated list of enabled key-exchange algorithms. Priority given by order. Names according to this KEX naming scheme.
  • HostKey: Path to host key files. One entry for one file, can have multiple entries. SSHD will look for those files when offering a host key to a client. Names of the key files need to be /opt/oqs-ssh/ssh_host_<SIG>_key in order for them to be successfully generated. <SIG> is a post-quantum signature algorithm according to this SIG naming scheme, with every - replaced by _. A list with of some possible HostKey values can be found here.
  • HostKeyAlgorithms: Comma-separated list of the host offers to the client. Priority given by order. Note that if no corresponding HostKey is specified, this algorithm is ignored. Names according to this SIG naming scheme
  • PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes: Comma-separated list of public keys the host will accept from the client.

Be aware that configurations for sshd and ssh may be entirely different as long as you don't want to connect to localhost. For example can ssh be configured like a classical ssh client and sshd may support post-quantum algorithms only with no backwards compatibility at all.


  • After changing any of the settings above, don't forget to rc-service oqs-sshd restart to apply the changes.
  • After adding either a new host or identity key, run /opt/oqs-ssh/ to generate the key files as specified. Already existing files won't be altered during this process.
  • New keys won't have any effect if they are not configured to be used in HostKeyAlgorithms or PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes or if other keys have higher priority (first listed in HostKeyAlgorithms/PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes has highest priority).

Automatic key generation

The generation of the host and identity keys happens via the script that is executed automatically every time the container started or run. The script checks if the required key already exist and generates it if necessary. This script is called every time the container is started, meaning the first time the container is run (docker run ...) and it is started again (docker start ...) after a reboot or a docker stop ... command. It checks for existing keys before it generates new ones so it will never overwrite an already existing key. It also makes sure sshd is started after at boot time or is restarted after new host keys were generated.

Which keys to generate is determined using the configuration files (ssh_config and sshd_config). The need for a specific key is determined based on the following parameters:

  1. IdentityFile (in ssh_config) for identity keys: For every entry (there may be multiple) the corresponding identity key is generated.
    • e.g. IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 or
    • IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ssh-ecdsa-nistp384-dilithium3
  2. HostKey (in sshd_config) for host keys: For every entry (there may be multiple) the corresponding host key is generated.
    • e.g. HostKey /opt/oqs-ssh/ssh_host_ssh-ecdsa-nistp384-dilithium3_key or
    • HostKey /opt/oqs-ssh/ssh_host_ssh-falcon512_key

In order to generate the host keys and start the sshd the image needs to be run as the root user, meaning the docker run command shall not contain the --user oqs option.

As mentioned above, those keys will only be generated if they don't yet exist. So even though the script is executed every time a container is started (or run), it usually only does something the first time. If any host key was generated, the sshd service will be restarted.

The location where is looking for ssh_config/sshd_config is the install directory of oqs-ssh, normally /opt/oqs-ssh/.

Enabling additional PQC algorithms

Post-quantum safe algorithms must (in theory) be enabled at docker image build time when compiling OQS-OpenSSH. For this reason, in this pre-built image on Dockerhub no more algorithms can be enabled. However, before jumping over to the build instructions, please continue reading as there is a big BUT.

Long story short: Thus far, no more algorithms may be enabled for this Docker image than described here. Find out More details on the why below.

More details on the why

It is not quite straight forward how to figure out what PQC algorithms are actually enabled, where to enable them and how. The supported algorithms in release OQS-OpenSSH-snapshot-2020-08 (the one used when building this Docker image) are listed in this section. Be especially aware of the limitation for the signature algorithms, where only all L1 signature algorithms and all Rainbow Classic variants are enabled by default. Classic rainbow only, documentation has it slightly wrong there. This is corrected and clarified in more detail in newer releases.

Enabling more algorithms would require changing openssh/oqs_templates/generate.yml according to this documentation. Additionally, you need to make sure that the algorithms are enabled in liboqs as well (see here for more information). Enabling more algorithms in liboqs can be done at Docker build time using the build option LIBOQS_BUILD_DEFINES. But enabling them in OpenSSH would require changing openssh/oqs_templates/generate.yml after checking out openssh in the Dockerfile, and in this docker image this is just not implemented at this moment in time.

Compatibility with standard SSH

As this is a demonstration of post-quantum cryptography, backwards compatibility (enabling classical algorithms) is not activated by default. It can be enabled easily by adding the desired classical algorithms in ssh_config and sshd_config.

To enable classical SSH support on client side, edit/add lines in ssh_config as follows:


HostKeyAlgorithms ssh-ecdsa-nistp384-dilithium3,ssh-ed25519

PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ssh-ecdsa-nistp384-dilithium3,ssh-ed25519

IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

For adding support for classical SSH on server side, edit/add lines in sshd_config as follows:


HostKeyAlgorithms ssh-ecdsa-nistp384-dilithium3,ssh-ed25519

PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ssh-ecdsa-nistp384-dilithium3,ssh-ed25519

HostKey /opt/oqs-ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key

Further options

docker run --name and --rm options

To ease rapid startup and teardown, we strongly recommend using the docker --name and automatic removal option --rm.

List of specific configuration options at a glance

Port: 2222

Port at which (oqs-)sshd listens for quantum-safe ssh connections. Defined/changeable in sshd_config.
