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File metadata and controls

112 lines (84 loc) · 5.48 KB


A membership site where entrepreneurs can meet developers. This Software-as-a-Service, Ruby on Rails App is the final product at the completion of Upskill's The Essential Web Developer Course. The site features a user registration/authentication supplied from Devise, user profiles, email notifications with Mailgun, image uploads provided by Amazon S3, and subscription membership billing with the use of Stripe. The front-end UI and layout utilizes the Twitter Bootstrap library and borrows an icon from Font Awesome. The back-end consists of form validations and relational databases amongst the plans, users, and profiles tables. The highlight that stands out in this project was to successfully integrate Stripe:

  1. Users will have an associated stripe customer token.
  2. When forms are submitted, every user record will have a membership plan associated: a Basic account or Pro account.
  3. Regarding a Pro account, javascript will prevent the form from submitting:
    • first, the CC info will be validated by the Stripe module before sending it to Stripe
    • then, the form will wait for Stripe to return with a card token.
  4. Javascript will send user fields and card token to our rails app for validation.
  5. Once validated, Rails should send user info: email, plan id, and card token to Stripe server and Stripe will create a subscription and send back the customer token. Rails will save customer token and user information to our database.

Functionality Modifications

Notes: This app was completed in October 2019. Rob Dey has updated The Essential Web Developer Course. I have not viewed the video tutorials so I can neither confirm nor deny that he resolved the issues prior to the October 2019 edition. Below are crucial updates and resolutions to some issues.

Issue Resolution
Paperclip is deprecated ActiveStorage is utilized in development
Since Heroku momentarily stores user images, Amazon's S3 is used in production
No image validations gem 'active_storage_validations', '~> 0.8.9' in the Gemfile
validates :avatar, content_type: { in: %w[image/jpeg image/gif image/png], message: "must be a valid image format" }, size: { less_than: 5.megabytes, message: "should be less than 5MB" } in profile.rb
<script type="text/javascript"> $("#profile_avatar").bind("change", function() { const size_in_megabytes = this.files[0].size/1024/1024; if (size_in_megabytes > 5) { alert("Maximum file size is 5MB. Please choose a smaller file."); $("#profile_avatar").val(""); } }); </script> in the _form.html.erb file
No image resizing $ sudo yum -y install ImageMagick (yum because of Amazon Linux)
gem 'image_processing', '~> 1.10', '>= 1.10.3' & gem 'mini_magick', '~> 4.10', '>= 4.10.1' in Gemfile
def display_avatar avatar.variant(combine_options: { auto_orient: true, gravity: "center", resize: "128x128^", crop: "128x128+0+0" }) end in profile.rb
update @user.profile.avatar.url to @user.profile.display_avatar in show.html.erb in the users folder
update user.profile.avatar.url to user.profile.display_avatar in index.html.erb in the users folder
Mailgun only allows sending to just authorized recipients Update production email service to Sendgrid


1. To get started with the app, clone the repo and then install the needed gems:

$ bundle install --without production

Prerequisites Before Continuing with Installation

i. You will need to create a Stripe account to obtain the API key.

Create your Stripe account.

On your dashboard, your test API keys are directly below the Get your test API keys section. Click on the show/ hide icon to view the Secret Key.

Stripe dashboard

ii. The following commands are written in the terminal:

bundle exec figaro install
touch config/initializers/stripe.rb

iii. The following text is written in config/initializers/stripe.rb

Stripe.api_key = ENV["stripe_api_key"]
STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY = ENV["stripe_publishable_key"]

iv. The following text is written in the config/application.yml (Put your Stripe API keys in this file)

stripe_api_key: sk_test_6Wa4cw7hhDiS2oabcdefg123456
stripe_publishable_key: pk_test_gj3DgfQoHLUabcdefg123456
  stripe_api_key: sk_test_6Wa4cw7hhDiS2oabcdefg123456
  stripe_publishable_key: pk_test_gj3DgfQoHLUabcdefg123456

v. You are now ready to complete the installation the app. For more information, see the Figaro Gem and API Keys video.

2. Next, migrate the database:

$ rails db:migrate

3. Seed the plans for the database.

$ rails db:seed

4. Run the app on http://localhost:3000.

$ rails s


DevMatch desktop

DevMatch mobile

Screen Capture

Demo of CC info accepted

successful cc demo