WARN: not guarinteed to be up to date is not up to date
The main gateway that you will interact with is a class called NicLinkManeger
it takes one required param ( refresh delay ) and one optional ( logger )
class NicLinkManager:
"""manage Chessnut air external board"""
def __init__(self, refresh_delay, logger=None, bluetooth=False):
"""initialize the link to the chessboard, and set up NicLink"""
def connect(self):
"""connect to the chessboard"""
def disconnect(self) -> None:
"""disconnect from the chessboard"""
def beep(self) -> None:
"""make the chessboard beep"""
def set_led(self, square, status):
"""set an LED at a given square to a status (square: a1, e4 etc)"""
def turn_off_all_leds(self):
def get_FEN(self) -> str:
"""get the FEN from chessboard"""
def find_move_from_FEN_change(
self, new_FEN
) -> str: # a move in quardinate notation
"""get the move that occured to change the game_board fen into a given FEN.
return the move in coordinate notation
def check_for_move(self) -> bool:
"""check if there has been a move on the chessboard, and see if it is valid. If so update self.last_move"""
def set_move_LEDs(self, last_move) -> None:
"""highlight the last move. Light up the origin and destination LED"""
def await_move(self) -> str:
"""wait for a legal move, and return it in coordinate notation after making it on internal board """
def get_last_move(self) -> str:
"""get the last move played on the chessboard"""
def make_move_game_board(self, move) -> None:
"""make a move on the internal rep. of the game_board. update the last move made"""
def set_board_FEN(self, board, FEN) -> None:
"""set a board up according to a FEN"""
def set_game_board_FEN(self, FEN) -> None:
"""set the internal game board FEN"""
def show_board_diff(self, board1, board2) -> None:
"""show the differance between two boards and output differance"""
def show_FEN_on_board(self, FEN) -> None:
"""print a FEN on on a chessboard"""
def show_game_board(self) -> None:
"""print the internal game_board"""
def set_game_board(self, board) -> None:
"""set the game board"""
def get_game_FEN(self) -> str:
"""get the game board FEN"""
return self.game_board.fen()
def is_game_over(
) -> {"over": bool, "winner": str or False, "reason": str} or False:
"""is the internal game over?"""