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Migration guide

This document is meant to help you migrate your Terraform config to the new newest version. In migration guides, we will only describe deprecations or breaking changes and help you to change your configuration to keep the same (or similar) behavior across different versions.


We highly recommend upgrading the versions one by one instead of bulk upgrades.

v1.0.2 ➞ v1.0.3

Fixed METRIC_LEVEL parameter

METRIC_LEVEL account parameter did not work correctly before (#3375), but was fixed in this version.


ENFORCE_NETWORK_RULES_FOR_INTERNAL_STAGES account parameter did not work correctly before ([#3344]). This parameter was of incorrect type, and the constructed queries did not provide the parameter's value during altering accounts. It has been fixed in this version.

Changed documentation structure

We added Preview and Stable categories to the resources and data sources documentation, which clearly separates the preview and stable features in the documentation feature list. We moved our technical guides to guides directory. This means that all such guides are available natively in the registry, similarly to Unassigning policies guide. We also updated the links to point to the docs inside the registry. Note that our Roadmap and Migration guide are available in Github only. This is a part of our effort to improve the provider documentation. We are open for your feedback and suggestions.

v1.0.1 ➞ v1.0.2

Fixed migration of account resource

Previously, during upgrading the provider from v0.99.0, when account fields must_change_password or is_org_admin were not set in state, the provider panicked. It has been fixed in this version.

Add missing resource monitor in snowflake_grant_ownership resource

Resource monitor in not currently listed as option in GRANT OWNERSHIP documentation (here) but this is a valid option. snowflake_grant_ownership was updated to support resource monitors.

References: #3318

Timeouts in snowflake_execute

By default, resource operation timeouts after 20 minutes (reference). Because of generic nature of snowflake_execute, we decided to bump its default timeouts to 60 minutes; We also allowed setting them on the resource config level (following official documentation).

References: #3334

v1.0.0 ➞ v1.0.1

Fixes in account parameters

As a follow-up of reworked snowflake_account_parameter, this version has several improvements regarding handling parameters.

Add missing parameters based on the docs and output of SHOW PARAMETERS IN ACCOUNT

Based on parameters docs and SHOW PARAMETERS IN ACCOUNT, we established a list of supported parameters. New supported or fixed parameters in snowflake_account_parameter:


Adjusted validations

Validations for number parameters are now relaxed. This is because a few of the value limits are soft limits in Snowflake, and can be changed externally. We decided to keep validations for non-negative values. Affected parameters:


We added non-negative validations for the following parameters:


Note that enum parameters are still not validated by the provider - they are only validated in Snowflake. We will handle this during a small rework of the parameters in the future.

Add missing preview features to config


  • snowflake_functions_datasource
  • snowflake_procedures_datasource
  • snowflake_tables_datasource were missing in the preview_features_enabled attribute in the provider's config. They were added.

References: #3302

functions and procedures docs updated

Argument names are automatically wrapped in double quotes, so:

  • uppercase names should be used or
  • argument name should be quoted in the procedure/function definition.

Updated the docs and the previous migration guide entry.

References: #3298

python procedure docs updated

Importing python procedure is currently limited to procedures with snowflake-snowpark-python version explicitly set in Snowflake. Docs were updated.

References: #3303

v0.100.0 ➞ v1.0.0

Preview features flag

All of the preview features objects are now disabled by default. This includes:

  • Resources
    • snowflake_account_password_policy_attachment
    • snowflake_alert
    • snowflake_api_integration
    • snowflake_cortex_search_service
    • snowflake_dynamic_table
    • snowflake_external_function
    • snowflake_external_table
    • snowflake_external_volume
    • snowflake_failover_group
    • snowflake_file_format
    • snowflake_function_java
    • snowflake_function_javascript
    • snowflake_function_python
    • snowflake_function_scala
    • snowflake_function_sql
    • snowflake_managed_account
    • snowflake_materialized_view
    • snowflake_network_policy_attachment
    • snowflake_network_rule
    • snowflake_email_notification_integration
    • snowflake_notification_integration
    • snowflake_object_parameter
    • snowflake_password_policy
    • snowflake_pipe
    • snowflake_procedure_java
    • snowflake_procedure_javascript
    • snowflake_procedure_python
    • snowflake_procedure_scala
    • snowflake_procedure_sql
    • snowflake_sequence
    • snowflake_share
    • snowflake_stage
    • snowflake_storage_integration
    • snowflake_table
    • snowflake_table_column_masking_policy_application
    • snowflake_table_constraint
    • snowflake_user_public_keys
    • snowflake_user_password_policy_attachment
  • Data sources
    • snowflake_current_account
    • snowflake_alerts
    • snowflake_cortex_search_services
    • snowflake_database
    • snowflake_database_role
    • snowflake_dynamic_tables
    • snowflake_external_functions
    • snowflake_external_tables
    • snowflake_failover_groups
    • snowflake_file_formats
    • snowflake_functions
    • snowflake_materialized_views
    • snowflake_pipes
    • snowflake_procedures
    • snowflake_current_role
    • snowflake_sequences
    • snowflake_shares
    • snowflake_parameters
    • snowflake_stages
    • snowflake_storage_integrations
    • snowflake_system_generate_scim_access_token
    • snowflake_system_get_aws_sns_iam_policy
    • snowflake_system_get_privatelink_config
    • snowflake_system_get_snowflake_platform_info
    • snowflake_tables

If you want to have them enabled, add the feature name to the provider configuration (with _datasource or _resource suffix), like this:

provider "snowflake" {
	preview_features_enabled = ["snowflake_current_account_datasource", "snowflake_alert_resource"]

Do not forget to add this line to all provider configurations using these features, including provider aliases.

Removed deprecated objects

All of the deprecated objects are removed from v1 release. This includes:

Additionally, JWT value is no longer available for authenticator field in the provider configuration.

v0.99.0 ➞ v0.100.0

(preview feature/deprecation) Function and procedure resources

snowflake_function is now deprecated in favor of 5 new preview resources:

  • snowflake_function_java
  • snowflake_function_javascript
  • snowflake_function_python
  • snowflake_function_scala
  • snowflake_function_sql

It will be removed with the v1 release. Please check the docs for the new resources and adjust your configuration files. For no downtime migration, follow our guide.

The new resources are more aligned with current features like:

  • external access integrations support
  • secrets support
  • argument default values

Note: argument names are now quoted automatically by the provider so remember about this while writing the function definition (argument name should be quoted or uppercase should be used for the argument name).

snowflake_procedure is now deprecated in favor of 5 new preview resources:

  • snowflake_procedure_java
  • snowflake_procedure_javascript
  • snowflake_procedure_python
  • snowflake_procedure_scala
  • snowflake_procedure_sql

It will be removed with the v1 release. Please check the docs for the new resources and adjust your configuration files. For no downtime migration, follow our guide.

The new resources are more aligned with current features like:

  • external access integrations support
  • secrets support
  • argument default values

Note: argument names are now quoted automatically by the provider so remember about this while writing the procedure definition (argument name should be quoted or uppercase should be used for the argument name).

(new feature) Account role data source

Added a new snowflake_account_roles data source for account roles. Now it reflects It's based on snowflake_roles data source. account_roles field now organizes output of show under show_output field.


output "simple_output" {
  value = data.snowflake_roles.test.roles[0].show_output[0].name


output "simple_output" {
  value = data.snowflake_account_roles.test.account_roles[0].show_output[0].name

snowflake_roles data source deprecation

snowflake_roles is now deprecated in favor of snowflake_account_roles with a similar schema and behavior. It will be removed with the v1 release. Please adjust your configuration files.

snowflake_account_parameter resource changes

(behavior change) resource deletion

During resource deleting, provider now uses UNSET instead of SET with the default value.

(behavior change) changes in key field

The value of key field is now case-insensitive and is validated. The list of supported values is available in the resource documentation.

unsafe_execute resource deprecation / new execute resource

The snowflake_unsafe_execute gets deprecated in favor of the new resource snowflake_execute. The snowflake_execute was build on top of snowflake_unsafe_execute with a few improvements. The unsafe version will be removed with the v1 release, so please migrate to the snowflake_execute resource.

For no downtime migration, follow our guide. When importing, remember that the given resource id has to be unique (using UUIDs is recommended). Also, because of the nature of the resource, first apply after importing is necessary to "copy" values from the configuration to the state.

snowflake_oauth_integration_for_partner_applications and snowflake_oauth_integration_for_custom_clients resource changes

(behavior change) blocked_roles_list field is no longer required

Previously, blocked_roles_list field was required to handle default account roles like ACCOUNTADMIN, ORGADMIN, and SECURITYADMIN.

Now, it is optional, because of using the value of OAUTH_ADD_PRIVILEGED_ROLES_TO_BLOCKED_LIST parameter (read more below).

No changes in the configuration are necessary.

(behavior change) new field related_parameters

To handle blocked_roles_list field properly in both of the resources, we introduce related_parameters field. This field is a list of parameters related to OAuth integrations. It is a computed-only field containing value of OAUTH_ADD_PRIVILEGED_ROLES_TO_BLOCKED_LIST account parameter (see docs).

snowflake_account resource changes


  • admin_user_type is now supported. No action required during the migration.
  • grace_period_in_days is now required. The field should be explicitly set in the following versions.
  • Account renaming is now supported.
  • is_org_admin is a settable field (previously it was read-only field). Changing its value is also supported.
  • must_change_password and is_org_admin type was changed from bool to bool-string (more on that here). No action required during the migration.
  • The underlying resource identifier was changed from <account_locator> to <organization_name>.<account_name>. Migration will be done automatically. Notice this introduces changes in how snowflake_account resource is imported.
  • New show_output field was added (see raw Snowflake output).

snowflake_accounts data source changes

New filtering options:

  • with_history

New output fields

  • show_output

Breaking changes:

  • pattern renamed to like
  • accounts field now organizes output of show under show_output field and the output of show parameters under parameters field.


output "simple_output" {
  value = data.snowflake_accounts.test.accounts[0].account_name


output "simple_output" {
  value = data.snowflake_accounts.test.accounts[0].show_output[0].account_name

snowflake_tag_association resource changes

(behavior change) new id format

To provide more functionality for tagging objects, we have changed the resource id from "TAG_DATABASE"."TAG_SCHEMA"."TAG_NAME" to "TAG_DATABASE"."TAG_SCHEMA"."TAG_NAME"|TAG_VALUE|OBJECT_TYPE. This allows to group tags associations per tag ID, tag value and object type in one resource.

resource "snowflake_tag_association" "gold_warehouses" {
  object_identifiers = [snowflake_warehouse.w1.fully_qualified_name, snowflake_warehouse.w2.fully_qualified_name]
  object_type = "WAREHOUSE"
  tag_id      = snowflake_tag.tier.fully_qualified_name
  tag_value   = "gold"
resource "snowflake_tag_association" "silver_warehouses" {
  object_identifiers = [snowflake_warehouse.w3.fully_qualified_name]
  object_type = "WAREHOUSE"
  tag_id      = snowflake_tag.tier.fully_qualified_name
  tag_value   = "silver"
resource "snowflake_tag_association" "silver_databases" {
  object_identifiers = [snowflake_database.d1.fully_qualified_name]
  object_type = "DATABASE"
  tag_id      = snowflake_tag.tier.fully_qualified_name
  tag_value   = "silver"

Note that if you want to promote silver instances to gold, you can not simply change tag_value in silver_warehouses. Instead, you should first remove object_identifiers from silver_warehouses, run terraform apply, and then add the relevant object_identifiers in gold_warehouses, like this (note that silver_warehouses resource was deleted):

resource "snowflake_tag_association" "gold_warehouses" {
  object_identifiers = [snowflake_warehouse.w1.fully_qualified_name, snowflake_warehouse.w2.fully_qualified_name, snowflake_warehouse.w3.fully_qualified_name]
  object_type = "WAREHOUSE"
  tag_id      = snowflake_tag.tier.fully_qualified_name
  tag_value   = "gold"

and run terraform apply again.

Note that the order of operations is not deterministic in this case, and if you do these operations in one step, it is possible that the tag value will be changed first, and unset later because of removing the resource with old value.

The state is migrated automatically. There is no need to adjust configuration files, unless you use resource id as a reference in other resources.

(behavior change) changed fields

Behavior of some fields was changed:

  • object_identifier was renamed to object_identifiers and it is now a set of fully qualified names. Change your configurations from
resource "snowflake_tag_association" "table_association" {
  object_identifier {
    name     =
    database =
    schema   =
  object_type = "TABLE"
  tag_id      = snowflake_tag.test.fully_qualified_name
  tag_value   = "engineering"


resource "snowflake_tag_association" "table_association" {
  object_identifiers = [snowflake_table.test.fully_qualified_name]
  object_type = "TABLE"
  tag_id      = snowflake_tag.test.fully_qualified_name
  tag_value   = "engineering"
  • tag_id has now suppressed identifier quoting to prevent issues with Terraform showing permament differences, like this one
  • object_type and tag_id are now marked as ForceNew

The state is migrated automatically. Please adjust your configuration files.

Data type changes

As part of reworking functions, procedures, and any other resource utilizing Snowflake data types, we adjusted the parsing of data types to be more aligned with Snowflake (according to docs).

Affected resources:

  • snowflake_function
  • snowflake_procedure
  • snowflake_table
  • snowflake_external_function
  • snowflake_masking_policy
  • snowflake_row_access_policy
  • snowflake_dynamic_table You may encounter non-empty plans in these resources after bumping.

Changes to the previous implementation/limitations:

  • BOOL is no longer supported; use BOOLEAN instead.
  • Following the change described here, comparing and suppressing changes of data types was extended for all other data types with the following rules:
    • CHARACTER, CHAR, NCHAR now have the default size set to 1 if not provided (following the docs)
    • BINARY has default size set to 8388608 if not provided (following the docs)
    • TIME has default precision set to 9 if not provided (following the docs)
    • TIMESTAMP_LTZ has default precision set to 9 if not provided (following the docs); supported aliases: TIMESTAMPLTZ, TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE.
    • TIMESTAMP_NTZ has default precision set to 9 if not provided (following the docs); supported aliases: TIMESTAMPNTZ, TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE, DATETIME.
    • TIMESTAMP_TZ has default precision set to 9 if not provided (following the docs); supported aliases: TIMESTAMPTZ, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.
  • The session-settable TIMESTAMP is NOT supported (docs)
  • VECTOR type still is limited and will be addressed soon (probably before the release so it will be edited)

v0.98.0 ➞ v0.99.0

snowflake_tasks data source changes

New filtering options:

  • with_parameters
  • like
  • in
  • starts_with
  • root_only
  • limit

New output fields

  • show_output
  • parameters

Breaking changes:

  • database and schema are right now under in field


data "snowflake_tasks" "old_tasks" {
  database = "<database_name>"
  schema = "<schema_name>"


data "snowflake_tasks" "new_tasks" {
  in {
    # for IN SCHEMA specify:
    schema = "<database_name>.<schema_name>"

    # for IN DATABASE specify:
    database = "<database_name>"
  • tasks field now organizes output of show under show_output field and the output of show parameters under parameters field.


output "simple_output" {
  value = data.snowflake_tasks.test.tasks[0].name


output "simple_output" {
  value = data.snowflake_tasks.test.tasks[0].show_output[0].name

snowflake_task resource changes

New fields:

  • config - enables to specify JSON-formatted metadata that can be retrieved in the sql_statement by using SYSTEM$GET_TASK_GRAPH_CONFIG.
  • show_output and parameters fields added for holding SHOW and SHOW PARAMETERS output (see raw Snowflake output).
  • Added support for finalizer tasks with finalize field. It conflicts with after and schedule (see finalizer tasks).


  • enabled field changed to started and type changed to string with only boolean values available (see "empty" values). It is also now required field, so make sure it's explicitly set (previously it was optional with the default value set to false).
  • allow_overlapping_execution type was changed to string with only boolean values available (see "empty" values). Previously, it had the default set to false which will be migrated. If nothing will be set the provider will plan the change to default value. If you want to make sure it's turned off, set it explicitly to false.


resource "snowflake_task" "example" {
  # ...
  enabled = true
  # ...


resource "snowflake_task" "example" {
  # ...
  started = true
  # ...
  • schedule field changed from single value to a nested object that allows for specifying either minutes or cron


resource "snowflake_task" "example" {
  # ...
  schedule = "5 MINUTES"
  # or
  schedule = "USING CRON * * * * * UTC"
  # ...


resource "snowflake_task" "example" {
  # ...
  schedule {
    minutes = 5
    # or
    using_cron = "* * * * * UTC"
  # ...


resource "snowflake_task" "example" {
  # ...
  session_parameters = {
    QUERY_TAG = "<query_tag>"
  # ...


resource "snowflake_task" "example" {
  # ...
  query_tag = "<query_tag>"
  # ...
  • after field type was changed from list to set and the values were changed from names to fully qualified names.


resource "snowflake_task" "example" {
  # ...
  after = ["<task_name>",]
  # ...


resource "snowflake_task" "example" {
  # ...
  after = ["<database_name>.<schema_name>.<task_name>", snowflake_task.some_task.fully_qualified_name]
  # ...

(new feature) snowflake_tags datasource

Added a new datasource enabling querying and filtering tags. Notes:

  • all results are stored in tags field.
  • like field enables tags filtering by name.
  • in field enables tags filtering by account, database, schema, application and application_package.
  • SHOW TAGS output is enclosed in show_output field inside tags.

snowflake_tag_masking_policy_association deprecation

snowflake_tag_masking_policy_association is now deprecated in favor of snowflake_tag with a new masking_policy field. It will be removed with the v1 release. Please adjust your configuration files.

snowflake_tag resource changes

New fields:

  • masking_policies field that holds the associated masking policies.
  • show_output field that holds the response from SHOW TAGS.

(breaking change) Changed fields in snowflake_masking_policy resource

Changed fields:

  • name is now not marked as ForceNew. When this value is changed, the resource is renamed with ALTER TAG, instead of being recreated.
  • allowed_values type was changed from list to set. This causes different ordering to be ignored. State will be migrated automatically.

(breaking change) Identifiers related changes

During identifiers rework we decided to migrate resource ids from pipe-separated to regular Snowflake identifiers (e.g. <database_name>|<schema_name> -> "<database_name>"."<schema_name>"). Importing resources also needs to be adjusted (see example).

Also, we added diff suppress function that prevents Terraform from showing differences, when only quoting is different.

No change is required, the state will be migrated automatically.

(breaking change) Required warehouse

For this resource, the provider now uses tag references to get information about masking policies attached to tags. This function requires a warehouse in the connection. Please, make sure you have either set a DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE for the user, or specified a warehouse in the provider configuration.

v0.97.0 ➞ v0.98.0

(new feature) snowflake_connections datasource

Added a new datasource enabling querying and filtering connections. Notes:

  • all results are stored in connections field.
  • like field enables connections filtering.
  • SHOW CONNECTIONS output is enclosed in show_output field inside connections. It's important to limit the records and calls to Snowflake to the minimum. That's why we recommend assessing which information you need from the data source and then providing strong filters and turning off additional fields for better plan performance.

(new feature) connection resources

Added a new resources for managing connections. We decided to split connection into two separate resources based on whether the connection is a primary or replicated (secondary). i.e.:

  • snowflake_primary_connection is used to manage primary connection, with ability to enable failover to other accounts.
  • snowflake_secondary_connection is used to manage replicated (secondary) connection.

To promote snowflake_secondary_connection to snowflake_primary_connection, resources need to be removed from the state, altered manually using:


and then imported again, now as snowflake_primary_connection.

To demote snowflake_primary_connection back to snowflake_secondary_connection, resources need to be removed from the state, re-created manually using:

CREATE CONNECTION <name> AS REPLICA OF <organization_name>.<account_name>.<connection_name>;

and then imported as snowflake_secondary_connection.

For guidance on removing and importing resources into the state check resource migration.

See reference docs.

snowflake_streams data source changes

New filtering options:

  • like
  • in
  • starts_with
  • limit
  • with_describe

New output fields

  • show_output
  • describe_output

Breaking changes:

  • database and schema are right now under in field
  • streams field now organizes output of show under show_output field and the output of describe under describe_output field.

Please adjust your Terraform configuration files.

(behavior change) Provider configuration rework

On our road to v1, we have decided to rework configuration to address the most common issues (see a roadmap entry). We have created a list of topics we wanted to address before v1. We will prepare an announcement soon. The following subsections describe the things addressed in the v0.98.0.

(behavior change) new fields

We have added new fields to match the ones in the driver and to simplify setting account name. Specifically:

  • include_retry_reason, max_retry_count, driver_tracing, tmp_directory_path and disable_console_login are the new fields that are supported in the driver
  • disable_saml_url_check will be added to the provider after upgrading the driver
  • account_name and organization_name were added to improve handling account names. Execute SELECT CURRENT_ORGANIZATION_NAME(), CURRENT_ACCOUNT_NAME(); to get the required values. Read more in docs.

(behavior change) changed configuration of driver log level

To be more consistent with other configuration options, we have decided to add driver_tracing to the configuration schema. This value can also be configured by SNOWFLAKE_DRIVER_TRACING environmental variable and by drivertracing field in the TOML file. The previous SF_TF_GOSNOWFLAKE_LOG_LEVEL environmental variable is not supported now, and was removed from the provider.

(behavior change) deprecated fields

Because of new fields account_name and organization_name, account is now deprecated. It will be removed with the v1 release. If you use Terraform configuration file, adjust it from

provider "snowflake" {


provider "snowflake" {
	organization_name = "ORGANIZATION"
	account_name    = "ACCOUNT"

If you use TOML configuration file, adjust it from



	organizationname = "ORGANIZATION"
	accountname    = "ACCOUNT"

If you use environmental variables, adjust them from


This change may cause the connection host URL to change. If you get errors like

Error: open snowflake connection: Post "[guid]&request_guid=[guid]&roleName=myrole": EOF

make sure that the host is allowed to be reached from your network (i.e. not blocked by a firewall).

(behavior change) changed behavior of some fields

For the fields that are not deprecated, we focused on improving validations and documentation. Also, we adjusted some fields to match our driver's defaults. Specifically:

  • Relaxed validations for enum fields like protocol and authenticator. Now, the case on such fields is ignored.
  • user, warehouse, role - added a validation for an account object identifier
  • validate_default_parameters, client_request_mfa_token, client_store_temporary_credential, ocsp_fail_open, - to easily handle three-value logic (true, false, unknown) in provider's config, type of these fields was changed from boolean to string. For more details about default values, please refer to the changes before v1 document.
  • client_ip - added a validation for an IP address
  • port - added a validation for a port number
  • okta_url, token_accessor.token_endpoint, client_store_temporary_credential - added a validation for a URL address
  • login_timeout, request_timeout, jwt_expire_timeout, client_timeout, jwt_client_timeout, external_browser_timeout - added a validation for setting this value to at least 0
  • authenticator - added a possibility to configure JWT flow with SNOWFLAKE_JWT (formerly, this was upported with JWT); the previous value JWT was left for compatibility, but will be removed before v1

(behavior change) handling copy_grants

Currently, resources like snowflake_view, snowflake_stream_on_table, snowflake_stream_on_external_table and snowflake_stream_on_directory_table support copy_grants field corresponding with COPY GRANTS during CREATE. The current behavior is that, when a change leading for recreation is detected (meaning a change that can not be handled by ALTER, but only by CREATE OR REPLACE), COPY GRANTS are used during recreation when copy_grants is set to true. Changing this field without changes in other field results in a noop because in this case there is no need to recreate a resource.

(new feature) recovering stale streams

Starting from this version, the provider detects stale streams for snowflake_stream_on_table, snowflake_stream_on_external_table and snowflake_stream_on_directory_table and recreates them (optionally with copy_grants) to recover them. To handle this correctly, a new computed-only field stale has been added to these resource, indicating whether a stream is stale.

(new feature) snowflake_stream_on_directory_table and snowflake_stream_on_view resource

Continuing changes made in v0.97, the new resource snowflake_stream_on_directory_table and snowflake_stream_on_view have been introduced to replace the previous snowflake_stream for streams on directory tables and streams on views.

To use the new stream_on_directory_table, change the old stream from

resource "snowflake_stream" "stream" {
  name     = "stream"
  schema   = "schema"
  database = "database"

  on_stage    = snowflake_stage.stage.fully_qualified_name

  comment = "A stream."


resource "snowflake_stream_on_directory_table" "stream" {
  name     = "stream"
  schema   = "schema"
  database = "database"

  stage             = snowflake_stage.stage.fully_qualified_name

  comment = "A stream."

To use the new stream_on_view, change the old stream from

resource "snowflake_stream" "stream" {
  name     = "stream"
  schema   = "schema"
  database = "database"

  on_view    = snowflake_view.view.fully_qualified_name

  comment = "A stream."


resource "snowflake_stream_on_view" "stream" {
  name     = "stream"
  schema   = "schema"
  database = "database"

  view             = snowflake_view.view.fully_qualified_name

  comment = "A stream."

Then, follow our Resource migration guide.

(new feature) Secret resources

Added a new secrets resources for managing secrets. We decided to split each secret flow into individual resources. This segregation was based on the secret flows in CREATE SECRET. i.e.:

  • snowflake_secret_with_client_credentials
  • snowflake_secret_with_authorization_code_grant
  • snowflake_secret_with_basic_authentication
  • snowflake_secret_with_generic_string

See reference docs.

(bugfix) Handle BCR Bundle 2024_08 in snowflake_user resource

bcr 2024_08 changed the "empty" response in the SHOW USERS query. This provider version adapts to the new result types; it should be used if you want to have 2024_08 Bundle enabled on your account.

Note: Because bcr 2024_07 changes the way how the default_secondary_roles attribute behaves, drift may be reported when enabling 2024_08 Bundle. Check Handling default secondary roles for more context.

Connected issues: #3125

(bugfix) Handle user import correctly

Context before the change

Password is empty after the snowflake_user import; we can't read it from the config or from Snowflake. During the next terraform plan+apply it's updated to the "same" value. It results in an error on Snowflake side: New password rejected by current password policy. Reason: 'PRIOR_USE'.

After the change

The error will be ignored on the provider side (after all, it means that the password in state is the same as on Snowflake side). Still, plan+apply is needed after importing user.

v0.96.0 ➞ v0.97.0

(new feature) snowflake_stream_on_table, snowflake_stream_on_external_table resource

To enhance clarity and functionality, the new resources snowflake_stream_on_table and snowflake_stream_on_external_table have been introduced to replace the previous snowflake_stream. Recognizing that the old resource carried multiple responsibilities within a single entity, we opted to divide it into more specialized resources. The newly introduced resources are aligned with the latest Snowflake documentation at the time of implementation, and adhere to our new conventions. This segregation was based on the object on which the stream is created. The mapping between SQL statements and the resources is the following:

  • ON TABLE <table_name> -> snowflake_stream_on_table
  • ON EXTERNAL TABLE <external_table_name> -> snowflake_stream_on_external_table (this was previously not supported)

The resources for streams on directory tables and streams on views will be implemented in the future releases.

To use the new stream_on_table, change the old stream from

resource "snowflake_stream" "stream" {
  name     = "stream"
  schema   = "schema"
  database = "database"

  on_table    = snowflake_table.table.fully_qualified_name
  append_only = true

  comment = "A stream."


resource "snowflake_stream_on_table" "stream" {
  name     = "stream"
  schema   = "schema"
  database = "database"

  table             = snowflake_table.table.fully_qualified_name
  append_only       = "true"

  comment = "A stream."

Then, follow our Resource migration guide.

(new feature) new snowflake_service_user and snowflake_legacy_service_user resources

Release v0.95.0 introduced reworked snowflake_user resource. As noted, the new SERVICE and LEGACY_SERVICE user types were not supported.

This release introduces two new resources to handle these new user types: snowflake_service_user and snowflake_legacy_service_user.

Both resources have schemas almost identical to the snowflake_user resource with the following exceptions:

  • snowflake_service_user does not contain the following fields (because they are not supported for the user of type SERVICE in Snowflake):
    • password
    • first_name
    • middle_name
    • last_name
    • must_change_password
    • mins_to_bypass_mfa
    • disable_mfa
  • snowflake_legacy_service_user does not contain the following fields (because they are not supported for the user of type LEGACY_SERVICE in Snowflake):
    • first_name
    • middle_name
    • last_name
    • mins_to_bypass_mfa
    • disable_mfa

snowflake_users datasource was adjusted to handle different user types and type field was added to the describe_output.

If you used to manage service or legacy service users through snowflake_user resource (e.g. using lifecycle.ignore_changes) or snowflake_unsafe_execute, please migrate to the new resources following our guidelines on resource migration.

E.g. change the old config from:

resource "snowflake_user" "service_user" {
  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [user_type]

  name         = "Snowflake Service User"
  login_name   = "service_user"
  email        = "service_user@snowflake.example"

  rsa_public_key   = "..."
  rsa_public_key_2 = "..."


resource "snowflake_service_user" "service_user" {
  name         = "Snowflake Service User"
  login_name   = "service_user"
  email        = "service_user@snowflake.example"

  rsa_public_key   = "..."
  rsa_public_key_2 = "..."

Then, follow our resource migration guide.

Connected issues: #2951

v0.95.0 ➞ v0.96.0

snowflake_masking_policies data source changes

New filtering options:

  • in
  • limit
  • with_describe

New output fields

  • show_output
  • describe_output

Breaking changes:

  • database and schema are right now under in field
  • masking_policies field now organizes output of show under show_output field and the output of describe under describe_output field.

Please adjust your Terraform configuration files.

snowflake_masking_policy resource changes

New fields:

  • show_output field that holds the response from SHOW MASKING POLICIES.
  • describe_output field that holds the response from DESCRIBE MASKING POLICY.

(breaking change) Renamed fields in snowflake_masking_policy resource

Renamed fields:

  • masking_expression to body Please rename these fields in your configuration files. State will be migrated automatically.

(breaking change) Removed fields from snowflake_masking_policy resource

Removed fields:

  • or_replace
  • if_not_exists The value of these field will be removed from the state automatically.

(breaking change) Adjusted schema of arguments/signature

The field signature is renamed to arguments to be consistent with other resources. Now, arguments are stored without nested column field. Please adjust that in your configs, like in the example below. State is migrated automatically.

The old configuration looks like this:

  signature {
    column {
      name = "val"
      type = "VARCHAR"

The new configuration looks like this:

  argument {
    name = "val"
    type = "VARCHAR"

(breaking change) Identifiers related changes

During identifiers rework we decided to migrate resource ids from pipe-separated to regular Snowflake identifiers (e.g. <database_name>|<schema_name> -> "<database_name>"."<schema_name>"). Importing resources also needs to be adjusted (see example).

Also, we added diff suppress function that prevents Terraform from showing differences, when only quoting is different.

No change is required, the state will be migrated automatically.

(behavior change) Boolean type changes

To easily handle three-value logic (true, false, unknown) in provider's configs, type of exempt_other_policies was changed from boolean to string.

For more details about default values, please refer to the changes before v1 document.

(breaking change) resource_monitor resource

Removed fields:

  • set_for_account (will be settable on account resource, right now, the preferred way is to set it through unsafe_execute resource)
  • warehouses (can be set on warehouse resource, optionally through unsafe_execute resource only if the warehouse is not managed by Terraform)
  • suspend_triggers (now, suspend_trigger should be used)
  • suspend_immediate_triggers (now, suspend_immediate_trigger should be used)

(breaking change) resource_monitor data source


  • New filtering option like
  • Now, the output of SHOW RESOURCE MONITORS is now inside resource_monitors.*.show_output. Here's the list of currently available fields:
    • name
    • credit_quota
    • used_credits
    • remaining_credits
    • level
    • frequency
    • start_time
    • end_time
    • suspend_at
    • suspend_immediate_at
    • created_on
    • owner
    • comment

snowflake_row_access_policies data source changes

New filtering options:

  • in
  • limit
  • with_describe

New output fields

  • show_output
  • describe_output

Breaking changes:

  • database and schema are right now under in field
  • row_access_policies field now organizes output of show under show_output field and the output of describe under describe_output field.

Please adjust your Terraform configuration files.

snowflake_row_access_policy resource changes

New fields:

  • show_output field that holds the response from SHOW ROW ACCESS POLICIES.
  • describe_output field that holds the response from DESCRIBE ROW ACCESS POLICY.

(breaking change) Renamed fields in snowflake_row_access_policy resource

Renamed fields:

  • row_access_expression to body Please rename these fields in your configuration files. State will be migrated automatically.

(breaking change) Adjusted schema of arguments/signature

The field signature is renamed to arguments to be consistent with other resources. Now, arguments are stored as a list, instead of a map. Please adjust that in your configs. State is migrated automatically. Also, this means that order of the items matters and may be adjusted.

The old configuration looks like this:

  signature = {
    A = "VARCHAR",
    B = "VARCHAR"

The new configuration looks like this:

  argument {
    name = "A"
    type = "VARCHAR"
  argument {
    name = "B"
    type = "VARCHAR"

Argument names are now case sensitive. All policies created previously in the provider have upper case argument names. If you used lower case before, please adjust your configs. Values in the state will be migrated to uppercase automatically.

(breaking change) Adjusted behavior on changing name

Previously, after changing name field, the resource was recreated. Now, the object is renamed with RENAME TO.

(breaking change) Mitigating permadiff on body

Previously, body of a policy was compared as a raw string. This led to permament diff because of leading newlines (see Snowflake-Labs#2053).

Now, similarly to handling statements in other resources, we replace blank characters with a space. The provider can cause false positives in cases where a change in case or run of whitespace is semantically significant.

(breaking change) Identifiers related changes

During identifiers rework we decided to migrate resource ids from pipe-separated to regular Snowflake identifiers (e.g. <database_name>|<schema_name> -> "<database_name>"."<schema_name>"). Importing resources also needs to be adjusted (see example).

Also, we added diff suppress function that prevents Terraform from showing differences, when only quoting is different.

No change is required, the state will be migrated automatically.

v0.94.x ➞ v0.95.0

(breaking change) database roles data source; field rename, schema structure changes, and adding missing filtering options

  • database renamed to in_database
  • Added like and limit filtering options
  • SHOW DATABASE ROLES output is now put inside database_roles.*.show_output. Here's the list of currently available fields:
    • created_on
    • name
    • is_default
    • is_current
    • is_inherited
    • granted_to_roles
    • granted_to_database_roles
    • granted_database_roles
    • owner
    • comment
    • owner_role_type

snowflake_views data source changes

New filtering options:

  • in
  • like
  • starts_with
  • limit
  • with_describe

New output fields

  • show_output
  • describe_output

Breaking changes:

  • database and schema are right now under in field
  • views field now organizes output of show under show_output field and the output of describe under describe_output field.

snowflake_view resource changes

New fields:

  • row_access_policy
  • aggregation_policy
  • change_tracking
  • is_recursive
  • is_temporary
  • data_metric_schedule
  • data_metric_function
  • column
  • added show_output field that holds the response from SHOW VIEWS.
  • added describe_output field that holds the response from DESCRIBE VIEW. Note that one needs to grant sufficient privileges e.g. with grant_ownership on the tables used in this view. Otherwise, this field is not filled.

(breaking change) Removed fields from snowflake_view resource

Removed fields:

  • or_replace - OR REPLACE is added by the provider automatically when copy_grants is set to "true"
  • tag - Please, use tag_association instead. The value of these field will be removed from the state automatically.

(breaking change) Required warehouse

For this resource, the provider now uses policy references which requires a warehouse in the connection. Please, make sure you have either set a DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE for the user, or specified a warehouse in the provider configuration.

Identifier changes

(breaking change) resource identifiers for schema and streamlit

During identifiers rework we decided to migrate resource ids from pipe-separated to regular Snowflake identifiers (e.g. <database_name>|<schema_name> -> "<database_name>"."<schema_name>"). Exception to that rule will be identifiers that consist of multiple parts (like in the case of grant_privileges_to_account_role's resource id). The change was applied to already refactored resources (only in the case of snowflake_schema and snowflake_streamlit this will be a breaking change, because the rest of the objects are single part identifiers in the format of <name>):

  • snowflake_api_authentication_integration_with_authorization_code_grant
  • snowflake_api_authentication_integration_with_client_credentials
  • snowflake_api_authentication_integration_with_jwt_bearer
  • snowflake_oauth_integration_for_custom_clients
  • snowflake_oauth_integration_for_partner_applications
  • snowflake_external_oauth_integration
  • snowflake_saml2_integration
  • snowflake_scim_integration
  • snowflake_database
  • snowflake_shared_database
  • snowflake_secondary_database
  • snowflake_account_role
  • snowflake_network_policy
  • snowflake_warehouse

No change is required, the state will be migrated automatically. The rest of the objects will be changed when working on them during v1 object preparations.

(breaking change) diff suppress for identifier quoting

(The same set of resources listed above was adjusted) To prevent issues like this one, we added diff suppress function that prevents Terraform from showing differences, when only quoting is different. In some cases, Snowflake output (mostly from SHOW commands) was dictating which field should be additionally quoted and which shouldn't, but that should no longer be the case. Like in the change above, the rest of the objects will be changed when working on them during v1 object preparations.

New fully_qualified_name field in the resources.

We added a new fully_qualified_name to snowflake resources. This should help with referencing other resources in fields that expect a fully qualified name. For example, instead of writing

object_name = “\”${snowflake_table.database}\”.\”${snowflake_table.schema}\”.\”${}\””

now we can write

object_name = snowflake_table.fully_qualified_name

See more details in identifiers guide.

See example usage.

Some of the resources are excluded from this change:

  • deprecated resources
    • snowflake_database_old
    • snowflake_oauth_integration
    • snowflake_saml_integration
  • resources for which fully qualified name is not appropriate
    • snowflake_account_parameter
    • snowflake_account_password_policy_attachment
    • snowflake_network_policy_attachment
    • snowflake_session_parameter
    • snowflake_table_constraint
    • snowflake_table_column_masking_policy_application
    • snowflake_tag_masking_policy_association
    • snowflake_tag_association
    • snowflake_user_password_policy_attachment
    • snowflake_user_public_keys
    • grant resources

(breaking change) removed qualified_name from snowflake_masking_policy, snowflake_network_rule, snowflake_password_policy and snowflake_table

Because of introducing a new fully_qualified_name field for all of the resources, qualified_name was removed from snowflake_masking_policy, snowflake_network_rule, snowflake_password_policy and snowflake_table. Please adjust your configurations. State is automatically migrated.

snowflake_stage resource changes

(bugfix) Correctly handle renamed/deleted stage

Correctly handle the situation when stage was rename/deleted externally (earlier it resulted in a permanent loop). No action is required on the user's side.

Connected issues: #2972

snowflake_table resource changes

(bugfix) Handle data type diff suppression better for text and number

Data types are not entirely correctly handled inside the provider (read more e.g. in #2735). It will be still improved with the upcoming function, procedure, and table rework. Currently, diff suppression was fixed for text and number data types in the table resource with the following assumptions/limitations:

  • for numbers the default precision is 38 and the default scale is 0 (following the docs)
  • for number types the following types are treated as synonyms: NUMBER, DECIMAL, NUMERIC, INT, INTEGER, BIGINT, SMALLINT, TINYINT, BYTEINT
  • for text the default length is 16777216 (following the docs)
  • for text types the following types are treated as synonyms: VARCHAR, CHAR, CHARACTER, STRING, TEXT
  • whitespace and casing is ignored
  • if the type arguments cannot be parsed the defaults are used and therefore diff may be suppressed unexpectedly (please report such cases)

No action is required on the user's side.

Connected issues: #3007

snowflake_user resource changes

Because of the multiple changes in the resource, the easiest migration way is to follow our migration guide to perform zero downtime migration. Alternatively, it is possible to follow some pointers below. Either way, familiarize yourself with the resource changes before version bumping. Also, check the design decisions.

(breaking change) user parameters added to snowflake_user resource

On our road to V1 we changed the approach to Snowflake parameters on the object level; now, we add them directly to the resource. This is a breaking change because now:

  • Leaving the config empty does not set the default value on the object level but uses the one from hierarchy on Snowflake level instead (so after version bump, the diff running UNSET statements is expected).
  • This change is not compatible with snowflake_object_parameter - you have to set the parameter inside snowflake_user resource IF you manage users through terraform AND you want to set the parameter on the user level.

For more details, check the Snowflake parameters.

The following set of parameters was added to the snowflake_user resource:

Connected issues: #2938

(breaking change) Changes in sensitiveness of name, login_name, and display_name

According to, NAMEs are not considered sensitive data and LOGIN_NAMEs are. Previous versions of the provider had this the other way around. In this version, name attribute was unmarked as sensitive, whereas login_name was marked as sensitive. This may break your configuration if you were using login_names before e.g. in a for_each loop.

The display_name attribute was marked as sensitive. It defaults to name if not provided on Snowflake side. Because name is no longer sensitive, we also change the setting for the display_name.

Connected issues: #2662, #2668.

(bugfix) Correctly handle default_warehouse, default_namespace, and default_role

During the identifiers rework, we generalized how we compute the differences correctly for the identifier fields (read more in this document). Proper suppressor was applied to default_warehouse, default_namespace, and default_role. Also, all these three attributes were corrected (e.g. handling spaces/hyphens in names).

Connected issues: #2836, #2942

(bugfix) Correctly handle failed update

Not every attribute can be updated in the state during read (like password in the snowflake_user resource). In situations where update fails, we may end up with an incorrect state (read more in hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk#476). We use a deprecated method from the plugin SDK, and now, for partially failed updates, we preserve the resource's previous state. It fixed this kind of situations for snowflake_user resource.

Connected issues: #2970

(breaking change) Handling default secondary roles

Old field default_secondary_roles was removed in favour of the new, easier, default_secondary_roles_option because the only possible options that can be currently set are ('ALL') and (). The logic to handle set element changes was convoluted and error-prone. Additionally, bcr 2024_07 complicated the matter even more.


  • the default value is DEFAULT - it falls back to Snowflake default (so () before and ('ALL') after the BCR)
  • to explicitly set to ('ALL') use ALL
  • to explicitly set to () use NONE

While migrating, the old default_secondary_roles will be removed from the state automatically and default_secondary_roles_option will be constructed based on the previous value (in some cases apply may be necessary).

Connected issues: #3038

(breaking change) Attributes changes

Attributes that are no longer computed:

  • login_name
  • display_name
  • disabled
  • default_role

New fields:

  • middle_name
  • days_to_expiry
  • mins_to_unlock
  • mins_to_bypass_mfa
  • disable_mfa
  • default_secondary_roles_option
  • show_output - holds the response from SHOW USERS. Remember that the field will be only recomputed if one of the user attributes is changed.
  • parameters - holds the response from SHOW PARAMETERS IN USER.

Removed fields:

  • has_rsa_public_key
  • default_secondary_roles - replaced with default_secondary_roles_option

Default changes:

  • must_change_password
  • disabled

Type changes:

(breaking change) refactored snowflake_users datasource

IMPORTANT NOTE: when querying users you don't have permissions to, the querying options are limited. You won't get almost any field in show_output (only empty or default values), the DESCRIBE command cannot be called, so you have to set with_describe = false. Only parameters output is not affected by the lack of privileges.


  • account checking logic was entirely removed
  • pattern renamed to like
  • like, starts_with, and limit filters added
  • SHOW USERS output is enclosed in show_output field inside users (all the previous fields in users map were removed)
  • Added outputs from DESC USER and SHOW PARAMETERS IN USER (they can be turned off by declaring with_describe = false and with_parameters = false, they're turned on by default). The additional parameters call DESC USER (with with_describe turned on) and SHOW PARAMETERS IN USER (with with_parameters turned on) per user returned by SHOW USERS. The outputs of both commands are held in users entry, where DESC USER is saved in the describe_output field, and SHOW PARAMETERS IN USER in the parameters field. It's important to limit the records and calls to Snowflake to the minimum. That's why we recommend assessing which information you need from the data source and then providing strong filters and turning off additional fields for better plan performance.

Connected issues: #2902

(breaking change) snowflake_user_public_keys usage with snowflake_user

snowflake_user_public_keys is a resource allowing to set keys for the given user. Before this version, it was possible to have snowflake_user and snowflake_user_public_keys used next to each other. Because the logic handling the keys in snowflake_user was fixed, it is advised to use snowflake_user_public_keys only when user is not managed through terraform. Having both resources configured for the same user will result in improper behavior.

To migrate, in case of having two resources:

  • copy the keys to rsa_public_key and rsa_public_key2 in snowflake_user
  • remove snowflake_user_public_keys from state (following Resource migration guide)
  • remove snowflake_user_public_keys from config

(breaking change) snowflake_network_policy_attachment usage with snowflake_user

snowflake_network_policy_attachment changes are similar to the changes to snowflake_user_public_keys above. It is advised to use snowflake_network_policy_attachment only when user is not managed through terraform. Having both resources configured for the same user will result in improper behavior.

To migrate, in case of having two resources:

  • copy network policy to network_policy attribute in the snowflake_user resource
  • remove snowflake_network_policy_attachment from state (following Resource migration guide)
  • remove snowflake_network_policy_attachment from config

References: #3048, #3058

(note) snowflake_user_password_policy_attachment and other user policies

snowflake_user_password_policy_attachment is not addressed in the current version. Attaching other user policies is not addressed in the current version.

Both topics will be addressed in the following versions.

(note) user types

service and legacy_service user types are currently not supported. They will be supported in the following versions as separate resources (namely snowflake_service_user and snowflake_legacy_service_user).

v0.94.0 ➞ v0.94.1

changes in snowflake_schema

In order to avoid dropping PUBLIC schemas, we have decided to use ALTER instead of OR REPLACE during creation. In the future we are planning to use CREATE OR ALTER when it becomes available for schems.

v0.93.0 ➞ v0.94.0

(breaking change) changes in snowflake_scim_integration

In order to fix issues in v0.93.0, when a resource has Azure scim client, sync_password field is now set to default value in the state. State will be migrated automatically.

(breaking change) refactored snowflake_schema resource

Renamed fields:

  • renamed is_managed to with_managed_access
  • renamed data_retention_days to data_retention_time_in_days

Please rename these fields in your configuration files. State will be migrated automatically.

Removed fields:

  • tag The value of this field will be removed from the state automatically. Please, use tag_association instead.

New fields:

  • the following set of parameters was added:
    • max_data_extension_time_in_days
    • external_volume
    • catalog
    • replace_invalid_characters
    • default_ddl_collation
    • storage_serialization_policy
    • log_level
    • trace_level
    • suspend_task_after_num_failures
    • task_auto_retry_attempts
    • user_task_managed_initial_warehouse_size
    • user_task_timeout_ms
    • user_task_minimum_trigger_interval_in_seconds
    • quoted_identifiers_ignore_case
    • enable_console_output
    • pipe_execution_paused
  • added show_output field that holds the response from SHOW SCHEMAS.
  • added describe_output field that holds the response from DESCRIBE SCHEMA. Note that one needs to grant sufficient privileges e.g. with grant_ownership on all objects in the schema. Otherwise, this field is not filled.
  • added parameters field that holds the response from SHOW PARAMETERS IN SCHEMA.

We allow creating and managing PUBLIC schemas now. When the name of the schema is PUBLIC, it's created with OR_REPLACE. Please be careful with this operation, because you may experience data loss. OR_REPLACE does DROP before CREATE, so all objects in the schema will be dropped and this is not visible in Terraform plan. To restore data-related objects that might have been accidentally or intentionally deleted, pleas read about Time Travel. The alternative is to import PUBLIC schema manually and then manage it with Terraform. We've decided this based on #2826.

(behavior change) Boolean type changes

To easily handle three-value logic (true, false, unknown) in provider's configs, type of is_transient and with_managed_access was changed from boolean to string.

Terraform should recreate resources for configs lacking is_transient (DROP and then CREATE will be run underneath). To prevent this behavior, please set is_transient field. For more details about default values, please refer to the changes before v1 document.

Terraform should perform an action for configs lacking with_managed_access (ALTER SCHEMA DISABLE MANAGED ACCESS will be run underneath which should not affect the Snowflake object, because MANAGED ACCESS is not set by default)

(breaking change) refactored snowflake_schemas datasource


  • database is removed and can be specified inside in field.
  • like, in, starts_with, and limit fields enable filtering.
  • SHOW SCHEMAS output is enclosed in show_output field inside schemas.
  • Added outputs from DESC SCHEMA and SHOW PARAMETERS IN SCHEMA (they can be turned off by declaring with_describe = false and with_parameters = false, they're turned on by default). The additional parameters call DESC SCHEMA (with with_describe turned on) and SHOW PARAMETERS IN SCHEMA (with with_parameters turned on) per schema returned by SHOW SCHEMAS. The outputs of both commands are held in schemas entry, where DESC SCHEMA is saved in the describe_output field, and SHOW PARAMETERS IN SCHEMA in the parameters field. It's important to limit the records and calls to Snowflake to the minimum. That's why we recommend assessing which information you need from the data source and then providing strong filters and turning off additional fields for better plan performance.

(new feature) new snowflake_account_role resource

Already existing snowflake_role was deprecated in favor of the new snowflake_account_role. The old resource got upgraded to have the same features as the new one. The only difference is the deprecation message on the old resource.

New fields:

  • added show_output field that holds the response from SHOW ROLES. Remember that the field will be only recomputed if one of the fields (name or comment) are changed.

(breaking change) refactored snowflake_roles data source


  • New in_class filtering option to filter out roles by class name, e.g. in_class = "SNOWFLAKE.CORE.BUDGET"
  • pattern was renamed to like
  • output of SHOW is enclosed in show_output, so before, e.g. roles.0.comment is now roles.0.show_output.0.comment

(new feature) snowflake_streamlit resource

Added a new resource for managing streamlits. See reference docs. In this resource, we decided to split ROOT_LOCATION in Snowflake to two fields: stage representing stage fully qualified name and directory_location containing a path within this stage to root location.

(new feature) snowflake_streamlits datasource

Added a new datasource enabling querying and filtering stremlits. Notes:

  • all results are stored in streamlits field.
  • like, in, and limit fields enable streamlits filtering.
  • SHOW STREAMLITS output is enclosed in show_output field inside streamlits.
  • Output from DESC STREAMLIT (which can be turned off by declaring with_describe = false, it's turned on by default) is enclosed in describe_output field inside streamlits. The additional parameters call DESC STREAMLIT (with with_describe turned on) per streamlit returned by SHOW STREAMLITS. It's important to limit the records and calls to Snowflake to the minimum. That's why we recommend assessing which information you need from the data source and then providing strong filters and turning off additional fields for better plan performance.

(new feature) refactored snowflake_network_policy resource

No migration required.

New behavior:

  • name is no longer marked as ForceNew parameter. When changed, now it will perform ALTER RENAME operation, instead of re-creating with the new name.
  • Additional validation was added to blocked_ip_list to inform about specifying ip. More details in the official documentation.

New fields:

  • show_output and describe_output added to hold the results returned by SHOW and DESCRIBE commands. Those fields will only be recomputed when specified fields change

(new feature) snowflake_network_policies datasource

Added a new datasource enabling querying and filtering network policies. Notes:

  • all results are stored in network_policies field.
  • like field enables filtering.
  • SHOW NETWORK POLICIES output is enclosed in show_output field inside network_policies.
  • Output from DESC NETWORK POLICY (which can be turned off by declaring with_describe = false, it's turned on by default) is enclosed in describe_output field inside network_policies. The additional parameters call DESC NETWORK POLICY (with with_describe turned on) per network policy returned by SHOW NETWORK POLICIES. It's important to limit the records and calls to Snowflake to the minimum. That's why we recommend assessing which information you need from the data source and then providing strong filters and turning off additional fields for better plan performance.

(fix) snowflake_warehouse resource

Because of the issue #2948, we are relaxing the validations for the Snowflake parameter values. Read more in

v0.92.0 ➞ v0.93.0

general changes

With this change we introduce the first resources redesigned for the V1. We have made a few design choices that will be reflected in these and in the further reworked resources. This includes:

They are all described in short in the changes before v1 doc. Please familiarize yourself with these changes before the upgrade.

old grant resources removal

Following the announcement we have removed the old grant resources. The two resources snowflake_role_ownership_grant and snowflake_user_ownership_grant were not listed in the announcement, but they were also marked as deprecated ones. We are removing them too to conclude the grants redesign saga.

(new feature) Api authentication resources

Added new api authentication resources, i.e.:

  • snowflake_api_authentication_integration_with_authorization_code_grant
  • snowflake_api_authentication_integration_with_client_credentials
  • snowflake_api_authentication_integration_with_jwt_bearer

See reference doc.

(new feature) snowflake_oauth_integration_for_custom_clients and snowflake_oauth_integration_for_partner_applications resources

To enhance clarity and functionality, the new resources snowflake_oauth_integration_for_custom_clients and snowflake_oauth_integration_for_partner_applications have been introduced to replace the previous snowflake_oauth_integration. Recognizing that the old resource carried multiple responsibilities within a single entity, we opted to divide it into two more specialized resources. The newly introduced resources are aligned with the latest Snowflake documentation at the time of implementation, and adhere to our new conventions. This segregation was based on the oauth_client attribute, where CUSTOM corresponds to snowflake_oauth_integration_for_custom_clients, while other attributes align with snowflake_oauth_integration_for_partner_applications.

(new feature) snowflake_security_integrations datasource

Added a new datasource enabling querying and filtering all types of security integrations. Notes:

  • all results are stored in security_integrations field.
  • like field enables security integrations filtering.
  • SHOW SECURITY INTEGRATIONS output is enclosed in show_output field inside security_integrations.
  • Output from DESC SECURITY INTEGRATION (which can be turned off by declaring with_describe = false, it's turned on by default) is enclosed in describe_output field inside security_integrations. DESC SECURITY INTEGRATION returns different properties based on the integration type. Consult the documentation to check which ones will be filled for which integration. The additional parameters call DESC SECURITY INTEGRATION (with with_describe turned on) per security integration returned by SHOW SECURITY INTEGRATIONS. It's important to limit the records and calls to Snowflake to the minimum. That's why we recommend assessing which information you need from the data source and then providing strong filters and turning off additional fields for better plan performance.

snowflake_external_oauth_integration resource changes

(behavior change) Renamed fields

Renamed fields:

  • type to external_oauth_type
  • issuer to external_oauth_issuer
  • token_user_mapping_claims to external_oauth_token_user_mapping_claim
  • snowflake_user_mapping_attribute to external_oauth_snowflake_user_mapping_attribute
  • scope_mapping_attribute to external_oauth_scope_mapping_attribute
  • jws_keys_urls to external_oauth_jws_keys_url
  • rsa_public_key to external_oauth_rsa_public_key
  • rsa_public_key_2 to external_oauth_rsa_public_key_2
  • blocked_roles to external_oauth_blocked_roles_list
  • allowed_roles to external_oauth_allowed_roles_list
  • audience_urls to external_oauth_audience_list
  • any_role_mode to external_oauth_any_role_mode
  • scope_delimiter to external_oauth_scope_delimiter to align with Snowflake docs. Please rename this field in your configuration files. State will be migrated automatically.

(behavior change) Force new for multiple attributes after removing from config

Conditional force new was added for the following attributes when they are removed from config. There are no alter statements supporting UNSET on these fields.

  • external_oauth_rsa_public_key
  • external_oauth_rsa_public_key_2
  • external_oauth_scope_mapping_attribute
  • external_oauth_jws_keys_url
  • external_oauth_token_user_mapping_claim

(behavior change) Conflicting fields

Fields listed below can not be set at the same time in Snowflake. They are marked as conflicting fields.

  • external_oauth_jws_keys_url <-> external_oauth_rsa_public_key
  • external_oauth_jws_keys_url <-> external_oauth_rsa_public_key_2
  • external_oauth_allowed_roles_list <-> external_oauth_blocked_roles_list

(behavior change) Changed diff suppress for some fields

The fields listed below had diff suppress which removed '-' from strings. Now, this behavior is removed, so if you had '-' in these strings, please remove them. Note that '-' in these values is not allowed by Snowflake.

  • external_oauth_snowflake_user_mapping_attribute
  • external_oauth_type
  • external_oauth_any_role_mode

(new feature) snowflake_saml2_integration resource

The new snowflake_saml2_integration is introduced and deprecates snowflake_saml_integration. It contains new fields and follows our new conventions making it more stable. The old SAML integration wasn't changed, so no migration needed, but we recommend to eventually migrate to the newer counterpart.

snowflake_scim_integration resource changes

(behavior change) Changed behavior of sync_password

Now, the sync_password field will set the state value to default whenever the value is not set in the config. This indicates that the value on the Snowflake side is set to the Snowflake default.


This change causes issues for Azure scim client (see #2946). The workaround is to remove the resource from the state with terraform state rm, add sync_password = true to the config, and import with terraform import "snowflake_scim_integration.test" "aad_provisioning". After these steps, there should be no errors and no diff on this field. This behavior is fixed in v0.94 with state upgrader.

(behavior change) Renamed fields

Renamed field provisioner_role to run_as_role to align with Snowflake docs. Please rename this field in your configuration files. State will be migrated automatically.

(new feature) New fields

Fields added to the resource:

  • enabled
  • sync_password
  • comment

(behavior change) Changed behavior of enabled

New field enabled is required. Previously the default value during create in Snowflake was true. If you created a resource with Terraform, please add enabled = true to have the same value.

(behavior change) Force new for multiple attributes

ForceNew was added for the following attributes (because there are no usable SQL alter statements for them):

  • scim_client
  • run_as_role

snowflake_warehouse resource changes

Because of the multiple changes in the resource, the easiest migration way is to follow our migration guide to perform zero downtime migration. Alternatively, it is possible to follow some pointers below. Either way, familiarize yourself with the resource changes before version bumping. Also, check the design decisions.

(potential behavior change) Default values removed

As part of the redesign we are removing the default values for attributes having their defaults on Snowflake side to reduce coupling with the provider (read more in default values). Because of that the following defaults were removed:

  • comment (previously "")
  • enable_query_acceleration (previously false)
  • query_acceleration_max_scale_factor (previously 8)
  • warehouse_type (previously "STANDARD")
  • max_concurrency_level (previously 8)
  • statement_queued_timeout_in_seconds (previously 0)
  • statement_timeout_in_seconds (previously 172800)

Beware! For attributes being Snowflake parameters (in case of warehouse: max_concurrency_level, statement_queued_timeout_in_seconds, and statement_timeout_in_seconds), this is a breaking change (read more in Snowflake parameters). Previously, not setting a value for them was treated as a fallback to values hardcoded on the provider side. This caused warehouse creation with these parameters set on the warehouse level (and not using the Snowflake default from hierarchy; read more in the parameters documentation). To keep the previous values, fill in your configs to the default values listed above.

All previous defaults were aligned with the current Snowflake ones, however it's not possible to distinguish between filled out value and no value in the automatic state upgrader. Therefore, if the given attribute is not filled out in your configuration, terraform will try to perform update after the change (to UNSET the given attribute to the Snowflake default); it should result in no changes on Snowflake object side, but it is required to make Terraform state aligned with your config. All other optional fields that were not set inside the config at all (because of the change in handling state logic on our provider side) will follow the same logic. To avoid the need for the changes, fill out the default fields in your config. Alternatively, run terraform apply; no further changes should be shown as a part of the plan.

(note) Automatic state migrations

There are three migrations that should happen automatically with the version bump:

  • incorrect 2XLARGE, 3XLARGE, 4XLARGE, 5XLARGE, 6XLARGE values for warehouse size are changed to the proper ones
  • deprecated wait_for_provisioning attribute is removed from the state
  • old empty resource monitor attribute is cleaned (earlier it was set to "null" string)

(fix) Warehouse size UNSET

Before the changes, removing warehouse size from the config was not handled properly. Because UNSET is not supported for warehouse size (check the docs - usage notes for unset) and there are multiple defaults possible, removing the size from config will result in the resource recreation.

(behavior change) Validation changes

As part of the redesign we are adjusting validations or removing them to reduce coupling between Snowflake and the provider. Because of that the following validations were removed/adjusted/added:

  • max_cluster_count - adjusted: added higher bound (10) according to Snowflake docs
  • min_cluster_count - adjusted: added higher bound (10) according to Snowflake docs
  • auto_suspend - adjusted: added 0 as valid value
  • warehouse_size - adjusted: removed incorrect 2XLARGE, 3XLARGE, 4XLARGE, 5XLARGE, 6XLARGE values
  • resource_monitor - added: validation for a valid identifier (still subject to change during identifiers rework)
  • max_concurrency_level - added: validation according to MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL parameter docs
  • statement_queued_timeout_in_seconds - added: validation according to STATEMENT_QUEUED_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS parameter docs
  • statement_timeout_in_seconds - added: validation according to STATEMENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS parameter docs

(behavior change) Deprecated wait_for_provisioning field removed

wait_for_provisioning field was deprecated a long time ago. It's high time it was removed from the schema.

(behavior change) query_acceleration_max_scale_factor conditional logic removed

Previously, the query_acceleration_max_scale_factor was depending on enable_query_acceleration parameter, but it is not required on Snowflake side. After migration, terraform plan should suggest changes if enable_query_acceleration was earlier set to false (manually or from default) and if query_acceleration_max_scale_factor was set in config.

(behavior change) initially_suspended forceNew removed

Previously, the initially_suspended attribute change caused the resource recreation. This attribute is used only during creation (to create suspended warehouse). There is no reason to recreate the whole object just to have initial state changed.

(behavior change) Boolean type changes

To easily handle three-value logic (true, false, unknown) in provider's configs, type of auto_resume and enable_query_acceleration was changed from boolean to string. This should not require updating existing configs (boolean/int value should be accepted and state will be migrated to string automatically), however we recommend changing config values to strings. Terraform should perform an action for configs lacking auto_resume or enable_query_acceleration (ALTER WAREHOUSE UNSET AUTO_RESUME and/or ALTER WAREHOUSE UNSET ENABLE_QUERY_ACCELERATION will be run underneath which should not affect the Snowflake object, because auto_resume and enable_query_acceleration are false by default).

(note) resource_monitor validation and diff suppression

resource_monitor is an identifier and handling logic may be still slightly changed as part of It should be handled automatically (without needed manual actions on user side), though, but it is not guaranteed.

(behavior change) snowflake_warehouses datasource

  • Added like field to enable warehouse filtering
  • Added missing fields returned by SHOW WAREHOUSES and enclosed its output in show_output field.
  • Added outputs from DESC WAREHOUSE and SHOW PARAMETERS IN WAREHOUSE (they can be turned off by declaring with_describe = false and with_parameters = false, they're turned on by default). The additional parameters call DESC WAREHOUSE (with with_describe turned on) and SHOW PARAMETERS IN WAREHOUSE (with with_parameters turned on) per warehouse returned by SHOW WAREHOUSES. The outputs of both commands are held in warehouses entry, where DESC WAREHOUSE is saved in the describe_output field, and SHOW PARAMETERS IN WAREHOUSE in the parameters field. It's important to limit the records and calls to Snowflake to the minimum. That's why we recommend assessing which information you need from the data source and then providing strong filters and turning off additional fields for better plan performance.

You can read more in "raw Snowflake output".

(new feature) new database resources

As part of the preparation for v1, we split up the database resource into multiple ones:

  • Standard database - can be used as snowflake_database (replaces the old one and is used to create databases with optional ability to become a primary database ready for replication)
  • Shared database - can be used as snowflake_shared_database (used to create databases from externally defined shares)
  • Secondary database - can be used as snowflake_secondary_database (used to create replicas of databases from external sources)

All the field changes in comparison to the previous database resource are:

  • is_transient
    • in snowflake_shared_database
      • removed: the field is removed from snowflake_shared_database as it doesn't have any effect on shared databases.
  • from_database - database cloning was entirely removed and is not possible by any of the new database resources.
  • from_share - the parameter was moved to the dedicated resource for databases created from shares snowflake_shared_database. Right now, it's a text field instead of a map. Additionally, instead of legacy account identifier format we're expecting the new one that with share looks like this: <organization_name>.<account_name>.<share_name>. For more information on account identifiers, visit the official documentation.
  • from_replication - the parameter was moved to the dedicated resource for databases created from primary databases snowflake_secondary_database
  • replication_configuration - renamed: was renamed to configuration and is only available in the snowflake_database. Its internal schema changed that instead of list of accounts, we expect a list of nested objects with accounts for which replication (and optionally failover) should be enabled. More information about converting between both versions here. Additionally, instead of legacy account identifier format we're expecting the new one that looks like this: <organization_name>.<account_name> (it will be automatically migrated to the recommended format by the state upgrader). For more information on account identifiers, visit the official documentation.
  • data_retention_time_in_days
    • in snowflake_shared_database
      • removed: the field is removed from snowflake_shared_database as it doesn't have any effect on shared databases.
    • in snowflake_database and snowflake_secondary_database
      • adjusted: now, it uses different approach that won't set it to -1 as a default value, but rather fills the field with the current value from Snowflake (this still can change).
  • added: The following set of parameters was added to every database type:
    • max_data_extension_time_in_days
    • external_volume
    • catalog
    • replace_invalid_characters
    • default_ddl_collation
    • storage_serialization_policy
    • log_level
    • trace_level
    • suspend_task_after_num_failures
    • task_auto_retry_attempts
    • user_task_managed_initial_warehouse_size
    • user_task_timeout_ms
    • user_task_minimum_trigger_interval_in_seconds
    • quoted_identifiers_ignore_case
    • enable_console_output

The split was done (and will be done for several objects during the refactor) to simplify the resource on maintainability and usage level. Its purpose was also to divide the resources by their specific purpose rather than cramping every use case of an object into one resource.

(behavior change) Resource renamed snowflake_database -> snowflake_database_old

We made a decision to use the existing snowflake_database resource for redesigning it into a standard database. The previous snowflake_database was renamed to snowflake_database_old and the current snowflake_database contains completely new implementation that follows our guidelines we set for V1. When upgrading to the 0.93.0 version, the automatic state upgrader should cover the migration for databases that didn't have the following fields set:

  • from_share (now, the new snowflake_shared_database should be used instead)
  • from_replica (now, the new snowflake_secondary_database should be used instead)
  • replication_configuration

For configurations containing replication_configuraiton like this one:

resource "snowflake_database" "test" {
  name = "<name>"
  replication_configuration {
    accounts = ["<account_locator>", "<account_locator_2>"]
    ignore_edition_check = true

You have to transform the configuration into the following format (notice the change from account locator into the new account identifier format):

resource "snowflake_database" "test" {
  name = "%s"
  replication {
    enable_to_account {
      account_identifier = "<organization_name>.<account_name>"
      with_failover      = false
    enable_to_account {
      account_identifier = "<organization_name_2>.<account_name_2>"
      with_failover      = false
  ignore_edition_check = true

If you had from_database set, you should follow our resource migration guide to remove the database from state to later import it in the newer version of the provider. Otherwise, it may cause issues when migrating to v0.93.0. For now, we're dropping the possibility to create a clone database from other databases. The only way will be to clone a database manually and import it as snowflake_database, but if cloned databases diverge in behavior from standard databases, it may cause issues.

For databases with one of the fields mentioned above, manual migration will be needed. Please refer to our migration guide to perform zero downtime migration.

If you would like to upgrade to the latest version and postpone the upgrade, you still have to perform the manual migration to the snowflake_database_old resource by following the zero downtime migrations document. The only difference would be that instead of writing/generating new configurations you have to just rename the existing ones to contain _old suffix.

(behavior change) snowflake_databases datasource

  • terse and history fields were removed.
  • replication_configuration field was removed from databases.
  • pattern was replaced by like field.
  • Additional filtering options added (limit).
  • Added missing fields returned by SHOW DATABASES and enclosed its output in show_output field.
  • Added outputs from DESC DATABASE and SHOW PARAMETERS IN DATABASE (they can be turned off by declaring with_describe = false and with_parameters = false, they're turned on by default). The additional parameters call DESC DATABASE (with with_describe turned on) and SHOW PARAMETERS IN DATABASE (with with_parameters turned on) per database returned by SHOW DATABASES. The outputs of both commands are held in databases entry, where DESC DATABASE is saved in the describe_output field, and SHOW PARAMETERS IN DATABASE in the parameters field. It's important to limit the records and calls to Snowflake to the minimum. That's why we recommend assessing which information you need from the data source and then providing strong filters and turning off additional fields for better plan performance.

v0.89.0 ➞ v0.90.0

snowflake_table resource changes

(behavior change) Validation to column type added

While solving issue #2733 we have introduced diff suppression for column.type. To make it work correctly we have also added a validation to it. It should not cause any problems, but it's worth noting in case of any data types used that the provider is not aware of.

snowflake_procedure resource changes

(behavior change) Validation to arguments type added

Diff suppression for arguments.type is needed for the same reason as above for snowflake_table resource.

tag_masking_policy_association resource changes

Now the tag_masking_policy_association resource will only accept fully qualified names separated by dot . instead of pipe |.


resource "snowflake_tag_masking_policy_association" "name" {
    tag_id            =
    masking_policy_id =


resource "snowflake_tag_masking_policy_association" "name" {
    tag_id            = "\"${snowflake_tag.this.database}\".\"${snowflake_tag.this.schema}\".\"${}\""
    masking_policy_id = "\"${snowflake_masking_policy.example_masking_policy.database}\".\"${snowflake_masking_policy.example_masking_policy.schema}\".\"${}\""

It's more verbose now, but after identifier rework it should be similar to the previous form.

v0.88.0 ➞ v0.89.0

(behavior change) ForceNew removed

The ForceNew field was removed in favor of in-place Update for name parameter in:

  • snowflake_file_format
  • snowflake_masking_policy So from now, these objects won't be re-created when the name changes, but instead only the name will be updated with ALTER .. RENAME TO statements.

v0.87.0 ➞ v0.88.0

snowflake_role data source deprecation

Already existing snowflake_role was deprecated in favor of the new snowflake_roles. You can have a similar behavior like before by specifying pattern field. Please adjust your Terraform configurations.

snowflake_procedure resource changes

(behavior change) Execute as validation added

From now on, the snowflake_procedure's execute_as parameter allows only two values: OWNER and CALLER (case-insensitive). Setting other values earlier resulted in falling back to the Snowflake default (currently OWNER) and creating a permadiff.

snowflake_grants datasource changes

snowflake_grants datasource was refreshed as part of the ongoing Grants Redesign.

(behavior change) role fields renames

To be aligned with the convention in other grant resources, role was renamed to account_role for the following fields:

  • grants_to.role
  • grants_of.role
  • future_grants_to.role.

To migrate simply change role to account_role in the aforementioned fields.

(behavior change) grants_to.share type change

grants_to.share was a text field. Because Snowflake introduced new syntax SHOW GRANTS TO SHARE <share_name> IN APPLICATION PACKAGE <app_package_name> (check more in the docs) the type was changed to object. To migrate simply change:

data "snowflake_grants" "example_to_share" {
  grants_to {
    share = "some_share"


data "snowflake_grants" "example_to_share" {
  grants_to {
    share {
      share_name = "some_share"

Note: in_application_package is not yet supported.

(behavior change) future_grants_in.schema type change

future_grants_in.schema was an object field allowing to set required schema_name and optional database_name. Our strategy is to be explicit, so the schema field was changed to string and fully qualified name is expected. To migrate change:

data "snowflake_grants" "example_future_in_schema" {
  future_grants_in {
    schema {
      database_name = "some_database"
      schema_name   = "some_schema"


data "snowflake_grants" "example_future_in_schema" {
  future_grants_in {
    schema = "\"some_database\".\"some_schema\""

(new feature) grants_to new options

grants_to was enriched with three new options:

  • application
  • application_role
  • database_role

No migration work is needed here.

(new feature) grants_of new options

grants_to was enriched with two new options:

  • database_role
  • application_role

No migration work is needed here.

(new feature) future_grants_to new options

future_grants_to was enriched with one new option:

  • database_role

No migration work is needed here.

(documentation) improvements

Descriptions of attributes were altered. More examples were added (both for old and new features).

v0.86.0 ➞ v0.87.0

snowflake_database resource changes

(behavior change) External object identifier changes

Previously, in snowflake_database when creating a database form share, it was possible to provide from_share.provider in the format of <org_name>.<account_name>. It worked even though we expected account locator because our "external" identifier wasn't quoting its string representation. To be consistent with other identifier types, we quoted the output of "external" identifiers which makes such configurations break (previously, they were working "by accident"). To fix it, the previous format of <org_name>.<account_name> has to be changed to account locator format <account_locator> (mind that it's now case-sensitive). The account locator can be retrieved by calling select current_account(); on the sharing account. In the future we would like to eventually come back to the <org_name>.<account_name> format as it's recommended by Snowflake.

Provider configuration changes

IMPORTANT (bug fix) Configuration hierarchy

There were several issues reported about the configuration hierarchy, e.g. #2294 and #2242. In fact, the order of precedence described in the docs was not followed. This have led to the incorrect behavior.

After migrating to this version, the hierarchy from the docs should be followed:

The Snowflake provider will use the following order of precedence when determining which credentials to use:
1) Provider Configuration
2) Environment Variables
3) Config File

BEWARE: your configurations will be affected with that change because they may have been leveraging the incorrect configurations precedence. Please be sure to check all the configurations before running terraform.

snowflake_failover_group resource changes


Longer context in #2517. After this change, one apply may be required to update the state correctly for failover group resources using ACCOUNT PARAMETERS.

snowflake_database, snowflake_schema, and snowflake_table resource changes

(behavior change) Database data_retention_time_in_days + Schema data_retention_days + Table data_retention_time_in_days

For context #2356. To make data retention fields truly optional (previously they were producing plan every time when no value was set), we added -1 as a possible value, and it is set as default. That got rid of the unexpected plans when no value is set and added possibility to use default value assigned by Snowflake (see the data retention period).

snowflake_table resource changes

(behavior change) Table data_retention_days field removed in favor of data_retention_time_in_days

For context #2356. To define data retention days for table data_retention_time_in_days should be used as deprecated data_retention_days field is being removed.

v0.85.0 ➞ v0.86.0

snowflake_table_constraint resource changes

(behavior change) NOT NULL removed from possible types

The type of the constraint was limited back to UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, and FOREIGN KEY. The reason for that is, that syntax for Out-of-Line constraint (docs) does not contain NOT NULL. It is noted as a behavior change but in some way it is not; with the previous implementation it did not work at all with type set to NOT NULL because the generated statement was not a valid Snowflake statement.

We will consider adding NOT NULL back because it can be set by ALTER COLUMN columnX SET NOT NULL, but first we want to revisit the whole resource design.

(behavior change) table_id reference

The docs were inconsistent. Example prior to 0.86.0 version showed using the as the table_id reference. The description of the table_id parameter never allowed such a value ( is a |-delimited identifier representation and only the .-separated values were listed in the docs: The misuse of parameter will result in error after migrating to 0.86.0. To make the config work, please remove and reimport the constraint resource from the state as described in resource migration doc.

After discussions in #2535 we decided to provide a temporary workaround in 0.87.0 version, so that the manual migration is not necessary. It allows skipping the migration and jumping straight to 0.87.0 version. However, the temporary workaround will be gone in one of the future versions. Please adjust to the newly suggested reference with the new resources you create.

snowflake_external_function resource changes

(behavior change) return_null_allowed default is now true

The return_null_allowed attribute default value is now true. This is a behavior change because it was false before. The reason it was changed is to match the expected default value in the documentation Default: The default is NULL (i.e. the function can return NULL values).

(behavior change) comment is no longer required

The comment attribute is now optional. It was required before, but it is not required in Snowflake API.

snowflake_external_functions data source changes

(behavior change) schema is now required with database

The schema attribute is now required with database attribute to match old implementation SHOW EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS IN SCHEMA "<database>"."<schema>". In the future this may change to make schema optional.

vX.XX.X -> v0.85.0

Migration from old (grant) resources to new ones

In recent changes, we introduced a new grant resources to replace the old ones. To aid with the migration, we wrote a guide to show one of the possible ways to migrate deprecated resources to their new counter-parts. As the guide is more general and applies to every version (and provider), we moved it here.

snowflake_procedure resource changes

(deprecation) return_behavior

return_behavior parameter is deprecated because it is also deprecated in the Snowflake API.

snowflake_function resource changes

(behavior change) return_type

return_type has become force new because there is no way to alter it without dropping and recreating the function.

v0.84.0 ➞ v0.85.0

snowflake_stage resource changes

(behavior change/regression) copy_options

Setting copy_options to ON_ERROR = 'CONTINUE' would result in a permadiff. Use ON_ERROR = CONTINUE (without single quotes) or bump to v0.89.0 in which the behavior was fixed.

snowflake_notification_integration resource changes

(behavior change) notification_provider

notification_provider becomes required and has three possible values AZURE_STORAGE_QUEUE, AWS_SNS, and GCP_PUBSUB. It is still possible to set it to AWS_SQS but because there is no underlying SQL, so it will result in an error. Attributes aws_sqs_arn and aws_sqs_role_arn will be ignored. Computed attributes aws_sqs_external_id and aws_sqs_iam_user_arn won't be updated.

(behavior change) force new for multiple attributes

Force new was added for the following attributes (because no usable SQL alter statements for them):

  • azure_storage_queue_primary_uri
  • azure_tenant_id
  • gcp_pubsub_subscription_name
  • gcp_pubsub_topic_name

(deprecation) direction

direction parameter is deprecated because it is added automatically on the SDK level.

(deprecation) type

type parameter is deprecated because it is added automatically on the SDK level (and basically it's always QUEUE).

v0.73.0 ➞ v0.74.0

Provider configuration changes

In this change we have done a provider refactor to make it more complete and customizable by supporting more options that were already available in Golang Snowflake driver. This lead to several attributes being added and a few deprecated. We will focus on the deprecated ones and show you how to adapt your current configuration to the new changes.

(rename) username ➞ user

Provider field username were renamed to user. Adjust your provider configuration like below:

provider "snowflake" {
  # before
  username = "username"

  # after
  user = "username"

(structural change) OAuth API

Provider fields regarding Oauth were renamed and nested. Adjust your provider configuration like below:

provider "snowflake" {
  # before
  browser_auth        = false
  oauth_access_token  = "<access_token>"
  oauth_refresh_token = "<refresh_token>"
  oauth_client_id     = "<client_id>"
  oauth_client_secret = "<client_secret>"
  oauth_endpoint      = "<endpoint>"
  oauth_redirect_url  = "<redirect_uri>"

  # after
  authenticator = "ExternalBrowser"
  token         = "<access_token>"
  token_accessor {
    refresh_token   = "<refresh_token>"
    client_id       = "<client_id>"
    client_secret   = "<client_secret>"
    token_endpoint  = "<endpoint>"
    redirect_uri    = "<redirect_uri>"

(remove redundant information) region

Specifying a region is a legacy thing and according to you can specify a region as a part of account parameter. Specifying account parameter with the region is also considered legacy, but with this approach it will be easier to convert only your account identifier to the new preferred way of specifying account identifier.

provider "snowflake" {
  # before
  region = "<cloud_region_id>"

  # after
  account = "<account_locator>.<cloud_region_id>"

private_key_path deprecation

Provider field private_key_path is now deprecated in favor of private_key and file Terraform function (see docs). Adjust your provider configuration like below:

provider "snowflake" {
  # before
  private_key_path = "<filepath>"

  # after
  private_key = file("<filepath>")

(rename) session_params ➞ params

Provider field session_params were renamed to params. Adjust your provider configuration like below:

provider "snowflake" {
  # before
  session_params = {}

  # after
  params = {}

(behavior change) authenticator (JWT)

Before the change authenticator parameter did not have to be set for private key authentication and was deduced by the provider. The change is a result of the introduced configuration alignment with an underlying gosnowflake driver. The authentication type is required there, and it defaults to user+password one. From this version, set authenticator to JWT explicitly.