- Added api for auto fs trim status
- Add sharedv4 failover strategy option
- Add pool maintenance status code
- Add DerivedIoProfile to Volume and a new NONE IO Profile
- Add a flag in Sharedv4ServiceSpec to indicate whether the service needs to be accessed outside of the cluster
- Remove unused fields from volume spec and VolumeState
- Add RelaxedReclaimPurge SDK API to OpenstorageNode service.
- Add new api to update existing credentials
- Add support for per-volume throttling of IOPS and/or bandwidth
- Change sharedv4 servicey type enum to conform to the style guilde
- Add Pure pass through volume specs into ProxySpec
- Parse mountOptions flag from storage class for Pure pass through volumes
- Add new fields to VolumeInfo and ReplicaSet to enable dynamic volume chunking
- StorageNode now have security status
- Add live option to diags collection SDK to collect live cores
- auto fstrim flag in volume spec
- Additions to CloudBackupEnumerate API to allow enumerating cloudbackups
- with whose source volumes are missing in the cluster. Also indicate if
- cloudbackup belongs to current cluster with enumerate data.
- Add SDK for diags collection
- Add Trashcan volume objects
- Handle volume spec update for fastpath
- Add a spec for defining a service for sharedv4 volumes. The service can be used for accessing this sharedv4 volume within and from outside the cluster.
- Extend volume stats structure to include discards
- Use destination instance ID for cloud driver transfer job
- Fastpath extend to carry node UUID instead of internal int
- Change the API definitions for OpenstorageJobServer RPCs
- Add CloudDriveTransfer job type
- Add CredentialDeleteReferences API
- Rename NodeDrain API to RemoveVolumeAttachments API
- Add OpenstorageJob service to query running and past jobs and their states.
- Add VolumeUsageByNode SDK API to OpenstorageNode service.
- Rename reflection volumes to proxy volumes.
- Add support for Reflection Volumes.
- Reflection Volumes essentially reflect an external data source as an openstorage volume.
- Added a new field ReflectionSpec to VolumeSpec object.
- Add CredentialId field to ClusterPairCreate api
- Removed IO_PROFILE_BKUPSRC from ioProfile list
- Added proxy write flag in volume spec
- Renamed FilesystemTrim Api GetStatus() to Status().
- Add sharedv4_mount_options field to Volume and VolumeSpec object.
- The sharedv4_mount_options will be used at runtime while mounting the sharedv4 volume from a node (client) which does not have the volume replica.
- Add mount_options field to Volume and VolumeSpec object.
- The mount_options will be used at runtime while mounting the volume.
- Added new field to CloudBackupGroupCreate api
- Remove LastUpdateTime from RebalanceJobSummary and added it RebalanceJob,
- Added new field to CloudBackupCreate api
- Modified fsck service interface and added new fields to volume and volume spec
- Add support for volume xattr update
- Updated rebalance data structures
- Updated rebalance data structures
- Added support for fetching cloud backup size
- Modified fsck service interface and added new fields to volume spec
- Add storage-class options to credentials
- Add direct_io as IO strategy
- Add "dirty" flag to fastpath volumes.
- Add SDK APIs for storage rebalance
- Add "deleteOnFailure" flag for snapshotGroup api
- Add implementation specific additional attributes for volume
- Add IAM flag for credentials
- Add VolumeCatalog api for volumes
- Add Restore volume spec for Cloud Backup restore api
- Added documentation to SdkRule about new denial support
- Add auto to IoProfile
- Add support for public user access
- Add support for filesystem trim background operation
- Add support for filesystem check background operation
- Add ExportSpec to Volume object
- Add proxy flag for credentials
- Add missing fields to cloudbackup schedule structure in sdk
- Add pool UUIDs in ReplicaSet object
- Deprecated StoragePool.ID. Please use StoragePool.Uuid
- Added new parameter to cloudbackup enumerate API to specify backup ID
- Added new api to resize storage pools
- Added new fields UUID and LastOperation to the StoragePool object
- Add fields last_attached and last_detached to the Volume object.
- Added new api for cloudbackup schedule update
- Add EnumerateWithFilters api for Node server which returns complete StorageNode object
- Add cloud group-backup API
- Added new param credential API to control path style access to s3
- Addition to Node details, to store the hardware type
- Additions to cloudbackup enumerate filters.
- Added new field FullBackupFrequency to cloudbackup create API
- Added new field RetentionDays to cloudbackup schedule
- (breaking change) Fix REST Gateway Snapshot enumerate with filters endpoint
- Added VolumeInspectOptions to OpenStorageVolume.Inspect
- Added new OpenStorageVolume.InspectWithFilters API
- Add groupId field to SdkCloudBackupStatus structure
- Add Group to VolumeLocator
- Add cluster pair Mode option in CreatePair and ProcessPair requests
- Change io_strategy type from oneof to pointer
- Handle spec update for nodiscard, io_strategy
- Add new APIs for managing OpenStorage ClusterDomains
- Add ownership support to OpenStorageStoragePolicy
- Add ownership support to OpenStorageCredential service APIs
- SnapEnumerate REST endpoint now accepts empty volume ids
- Add driver options to RPCs in the MountAttach service
- Storage policy support
- Allow Enforce/Release of storage policy
- Additional fields to cloud-backup data structure to track group cloud backups.
- Ownership reworked to gain access type control. Now it supports Read, Write, and Admin access types.
- Ownership support in the VolumeSpec
- Refactor confusing labels.
- Deprecated Volume.Spec.VolumeLabels.
- Any labels in Volume.Spec.VolumeLabels will be copied to Volume.Locator
- Added Labels to Volume.Create
- Volume.Update now takes Labels and Name instead of VolumeLocator
- Volume.Inspect now also returns Name and Labels to match Volume.Create
- Rename SdkVolumeAttachRequest_Options to SdkVolumeAttachOptions
- Rename SdkVolumeUnmount_Options to SdkVolumeUnmountOptions
- Rename SdkVolumeDetach_Options to SdkVolumeDetachOptions
- Change SdkVolumeMountRequest to include SdkVolumeAttachOptions
- Role support
- Added Cluster Pair and Migrate to Capabilites since they were missing
- Add TaskId and ClusterId to CloudMigrate status request
- Removing unused objects created for cluster pair APIs
- (breaking change) REST API for Sdk OpenStorageAlerts has changed
- (breaking change) OpenStorageAlerts.Enumerate is now EnumerateWithFilters
- SDK Alerts enumerate chunking bug resolution.
- SDK Alerts enumerate is now a server side streaming api.
- (breaking change) Restructured all SDK REST routes
- (breaking change) Reworded OpenStorageCloudBackup.Enumerate to EnumerateWithFilters
- Add new API for extracting volume capacity usage details.
- Extend attribute of StorageResource to be marked as a cache.
- Added labels field to cloud backup create message
- Added ETA fields to cloud backup and cloud migrate status messages
- Cloud migrate status and cloud backup status now report total bytes to be transferred and bytes already transferred.
- These status blocks also report the start time of the operation so that client could calculate progress of the operation.
- Rename the field "name" to "TaskId" in sdkCloudBackupcreate/restore/status structures.
- Addition of ClusterPairing and VolumeMigrate services
- Added ETA for cloud snap status.
- CloudBackupStatus now returns CredentialUUID used for cloud for the backup/restore op under consideration.
- Following CloudBackup APIs have been refactored to include task id rather than source volume id.
- CloudBackupCreate now returns task id.
- CloudBackupRestore too returns task id along with restore volume id.
- CloudBackupStatusRequest can take task id as an optional parameter.
- Map key for CloudBackupStatusResponse is task id rather than source volume id.
- CloudBackupStateChange takes in taskid rather than source volume id.
- Added IoStrategy - ability to specify I/O characteristics.
- Changed value of SdkSchedulePolicyCreateRequest from
to the correct name ofschedule_policy
. This will not impact Golang.
- Added support to set the snapshot schedule policy of a Volume
- Added support for periodic type in OpenStorageSchedulePolicy service
- Added new field to CloudBackup schedules that allows scheduled backups to be always full and never incremental.
- Moved MountAttach service REST endpoints to their own namespace
- Added new MountAttach to SdkSErviceCapability
- New RPC in service called OpenStorageAlerts has been created and documented to allow deleting alert events.
- New service called OpenStorageAlerts has been created and documented to allow querying alert events.
NOTE: This release has breaking chages for the Mount/Attach/Detach/Unmount calls
- New service called OpenStorageMountAttach has been created and documented to hold the mount/attach/detach/unmount calls.
- Mount/Attach/Detach/Unmount calls have been moved from the OpenStorageVolume service to the OpenStorageMountAttach service.
- SdkVolumeSnapshotEnumerateWithFilters all attributes are now optional. #609
- Add
. This name will hold the name given to the cluster by the administrator. TheStorageCluster.Id
will now hold a unique id for the cluster.
- Remove unsupported FS Types from supported drivers #593
- Remove SDK Alert calls as they will be redesinged #596
- Added
to VolumeSpec and VolumeSpecUpdate - Remove values from VolumeSpecUpdate which cannot be updated #590
- Added bucket name and encryption key to SdkCredentialCreateRequest
- Added the ability to disable ssl connection to SdkAwsCredentialRequest
- Added SchedulerNodeName field to StorageNode object
- Changed Credentials.Create to take
as a required parameter
- Added Identity.Version Service
- Added Idenity Service
- Added Identity.Capabilities RPC