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DOM_QUERY: A Flexible Rust Crate for DOM Querying and Manipulation version Download docs codecov

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DOM_QUERY is a flexible Rust crate that simplifies HTML parsing, DOM querying and manipulation by providing a high-level jQuery-like API. It uses the html5ever crate for HTML parsing and the selectors crate for efficient DOM traversal and element selection.


  • Parse HTML documents and fragments
  • Query DOM elements using CSS selectors
  • Traverse the DOM tree (ancestors, parents, children, siblings)
  • Manipulate elements and their attributes:
    • Add/remove/modify attributes
    • Change element content
    • Add/remove elements
    • Rename elements
    • Move elements within the DOM tree


This crate is a significantly enhanced fork of nipper, featuring expanded CSS selector support, enhanced DOM traversal and improved DOM manipulation capabilities.


Parsing a document
use dom_query::Document;
use tendril::StrTendril;
// Document may consume &str, String, StrTendril
let contents_str = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head><title>Test Page</title></head><body></body></html>"#;
let doc = Document::from(contents_str);

let contents_string = contents_str.to_string();
let doc = Document::from(contents_string);

let contents_tendril = StrTendril::from(contents_str);
let doc = Document::from(contents_tendril);

// The root element for the `Document` is a Document

// if the source has DocType, then the Document will also have one
// as a first child.

//both of them are not elements.
Parsing a fragment
use dom_query::Document;
use tendril::StrTendril;
// fragment can be created with Document::fragment(), which accepts &str, String, StrTendril
let contents_str = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head><title>Test Page</title></head><body></body></html>"#;
let fragment = Document::fragment(contents_str);

let contents_string = contents_str.to_string();
let fragment = Document::fragment(contents_string);

let contents_tendril = StrTendril::from(contents_str);
let fragment = Document::fragment(contents_tendril);

// The root element for the  fragment is not a Document but a Fragment

// and when it parses a fragment, it drops Doctype
Selecting elements
use dom_query::Document;
let html = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Test Page</title>
        <h1>Test Page</h1>
            <li><a href="/2">Two</a></li>
            <li><a href="/3">Three</a></li>
let document = Document::from(html);
// select a single element
let a ="ul li:nth-child(2)");
let text = a.text().to_string();
assert!(text == "Two");
// selecting multiple elements"ul > li:has(a)").iter().for_each(|el| {

// there is also `try_select` which returns an Option
let no_sel = document.try_select("p");
Selecting a single match and multiple matches
use dom_query::Document;
let doc: Document = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <ul class="list">
    <ul class="list">
// if you need to select only the first, single match, you can use following:
let single_selection = doc.select_single(".list");

// access is only for the first matching:
assert_eq!(single_selection.length(), 1);
assert_eq!(single_selection.inner_html().to_string().trim(), "<li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li>");

// simple selection contains all matches:
let selection =".list");
assert_eq!(selection.length(), 2);

// but if you call inner_html() on it, you will get the inner_html of the first match:
assert_eq!(selection.inner_html().to_string().trim(), "<li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li>");

//this approach is using the first node from nodes vec and `select_single` consumes one iteration instead.
let first_selection =".list").first();
assert_eq!(first_selection.length(), 1);
assert_eq!(first_selection.inner_html().to_string().trim(), "<li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li>");

// this approach is consuming all nodes into vec at first, and then you can call `iter().next()` to get the first one.
let next_selection =".list").iter().next().unwrap();
assert_eq!(next_selection.length(), 1);
assert_eq!(next_selection.inner_html().to_string().trim(), "<li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li>");

// currently, to get data from all matches you need to iterate over them, either:
let all_matched: String = selection.iter().map(|s| s.inner_html().trim().to_string()).collect();

// or:
let all_matched: String = selection.nodes().iter().map(|s| s.inner_html().trim().to_string()).collect();
/ which is more efficient.
Selecting descendent elements
 use dom_query::Document;

 let html = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
         <meta charset="utf-8">
         <title>Test Page</title>
         <h1>Test Page</h1>
         <ul class="list-a">
             <li><a href="/2">Two</a></li>
             <li><a href="/3">Three</a></li>
         <ul class="list-b">
             <li><a href="/4">Four</a></li>
 let document = Document::from(html);
 // select a parent element
 let ul ="ul");

 // selecting multiple elements"li").iter().for_each(|el| {

 // also descendant selector may be specified starting from the parent elements
 let el ="body ul.list-b li").first();
 let text = el.text();
 assert_eq!("Four", text.to_string());
Selecting ancestors
use dom_query::Document;

let doc: Document = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
        <div id="great-ancestor">
            <div id="grand-parent">
                <div id="parent">
                    <div id="child">Child</div>

// selecting an element
let child_sel ="#child");

let child_node = child_sel.nodes().first().unwrap();

// getting all ancestors
let ancestors = child_node.ancestors(None);

let ancestor_sel = Selection::from(ancestors);

// or just: let ancestor_sel = child_sel.ancestors(None);

// in this case ancestors includes all ancestral nodes including html

// the root html element is presented in the ancestor selection

// also the direct parent of our starting node is presented

// `Selection::is` matches only the current selection without descending down the tree,
// so it won't match the #child node.

// if you don't require all ancestors, you can specify a number of ancestors you need -- `max_limit`
let ancestors = child_node.ancestors(Some(2));
let ancestor_sel = Selection::from(ancestors);

// in this case ancestors includes only two ancestral nodes: #grand-parent and #parent
assert!("#grand-parent #parent"));

Selecting with precompiled matchers (for reuse)
use dom_query::{Document, Matcher};
let html1 = r#"<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Test Page 1</title></head><body></body></html>"#;
let html2 = r#"<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Test Page 2</title></head><body></body></html>"#;

let doc1 = Document::from(html1);
let doc2 = Document::from(html2);
// create a matcher once, reuse on different documents
let title_matcher = Matcher::new("title").unwrap();

let title_el1 = doc1.select_matcher(&title_matcher);
assert_eq!(title_el1.text(), "Test Page 1".into());

let title_el2 = doc2.select_matcher(&title_matcher);
assert_eq!(title_el2.text(), "Test Page 2".into());
// selecting a single match
let title_single = doc1.select_single_matcher(&title_matcher);
assert_eq!(title_single.text(), "Test Page 1".into());
Selecting with pseudo-classes (:has, :has-text, :contains, :only-text)
use dom_query::Document;

let html = include_str!("../test-pages/rustwiki_2024.html");
let doc = Document::from(html);

// searching list items inside a `tr` element which has a `a` element 
// with title="Programming paradigm"
let paradigm_selection =
        r#"table tr:has(a[title="Programming paradigm"]) td.infobox-data ul > li"#

println!("Rust programming paradigms:");
for item in paradigm_selection.iter() {
    println!(" {}", item.text());
println!("{:-<50}", "");

//since `th` contains text "Paradigms" without sibling tags, we can use `:has-text` pseudo class
let influenced_by_selection ="table tr:has-text("Influenced by") + tr td  ul > li > a"#);

println!("Rust influenced by:");
for item in influenced_by_selection.iter() {
    println!(" {}", item.text());
println!("{:-<50}", "");

// Extract all links from the block that contains certain text.
// Since `foreign function interface` located in its own tag,
// we have to use `:contains` pseudo class
let links_selection =
        r#"p:contains("Rust has a foreign function interface") a[href^="/"]"#

println!("Links in the FFI block:");
for item in links_selection.iter() {
    println!(" {}", item.attr("href").unwrap());
println!("{:-<50}", "");

// :only-text selects an element that contains only a single text node,
// with no child elements.
// It can be combined with other pseudo-classes to achieve more specific selections.
// For example, to select a <div> inside an <a> 
//that has no siblings and no child elements other than text.
println!("Single <div> inside an <a> with text only:");
for el in"a div:only-text:only-child").iter() {
    println!("{}", el.text().trim());
Serializing to HTML
use dom_query::Document;
let html = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
    <body><div class="content"><h1>Test Page</h1></div></body>
let doc = Document::from(html);
let heading_selector ="div.content");
// serializing including the outer html tag
let content = heading_selector.html();
assert_eq!(content.to_string(), r#"<div class="content"><h1>Test Page</h1></div>"#);
// serializing without the outer html tag
let inner_content = heading_selector.inner_html();
assert_eq!(inner_content.to_string(), "<h1>Test Page</h1>");

// there is also `try_html()` method, which returns an `Option<StrTendril>`,
// and if there is no matching selection it returns None
let opt_no_content ="").try_html();
assert_eq!(opt_no_content, None);

//`html()` method will return an empty `StrTendril` if there is no matching selection
let no_content ="").html();
assert_eq!(no_content, "".into());

//Same things works for `inner_html()` and `try_inner_html()` method.
assert_eq!("").try_inner_html(), None);
assert_eq!("").inner_html(), "".into());
Accessing descendent text
use dom_query::Document;

let html = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
    <body><div><h1>Test <span>Page</span></h1></div></body>
let doc = Document::from(html);
let body_selection ="body div").first();
let text = body_selection.text();
assert_eq!(text.to_string(), "Test Page");
Accessing immediate text
use dom_query::Document;

let html = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
    <body><div><h1>Test <span>Page</span></h1></div></body>

let doc = Document::from(html);

let body_selection ="body div h1").first();
// accessing immediate text without descendants
let text = body_selection.immediate_text();
assert_eq!(text.to_string(), "Test ");
Manipulating the attribute of an HTML element
use dom_query::Document;
let html = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
    <body><input hidden="" id="k" class="important" type="hidden" name="k" data-k="100"></body>

let doc = Document::from(html);
let mut input_selection ="input[name=k]");

// get the value of attribute "data-k"
let val = input_selection.attr("data-k").unwrap();
assert_eq!(val.to_string(), "100");

// remove the attribute "data-k" from the element

// get the value of attribute "data-k", if missing, return default value
let val_or = input_selection.attr_or("data-k", "0");
assert_eq!(val_or.to_string(), "0");

// remove a list of attributes from the element
input_selection.remove_attrs(&["id", "class"]);
// set a attribute "data-k" with value "200"
input_selection.set_attr("data-k", "200");

assert_eq!(input_selection.html(), r#"<input hidden="" type="hidden" name="k" data-k="200">"#.into());

// check if attribute "hidden" exists on the element
let is_hidden = input_selection.has_attr("hidden");
let has_title = input_selection.has_attr("title");

// remove all attributes from the element
assert_eq!(input_selection.html(), r#"<input>"#.into());
Manipulating the DOM
use dom_query::Document;
let html_contents = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
            <div class="content">
            <div class="remove-it">
                Remove me
            <div class="replace-it">
                <div>Replace me</div>

let doc = Document::from(html_contents);

let mut content_selection ="body .content");
// append a new html node to the selection
content_selection.append_html(r#"<div class="inner">inner block</div>"#);
assert!("body .content .inner").exists());

// set a new content to the selection, replacing existing content
let mut set_selection =".inner");
assert_eq!(".inner").html(), r#"<div class="inner"><p>1,2,3</p></div>"#.into());

// remove the selection".remove-it").remove();

// replace the selection with a new html, current selection will not change.
let mut replace_selection =".replace-it");
replace_selection.replace_with_html(r#"<div class="replaced">Replaced</div>"#);
assert_eq!(replace_selection.text().trim(), "Replace me");

//but the document will change

//instead of appending content, you can prepend it
let mut content_selection = doc.select_single("body .content");
// you can prepend one element or,
content_selection.prepend_html(r#"<p class="third">3</p>"#);
// more:
content_selection.prepend_html(r#"<p class="first">2</p><p class="second">2</p>"#);

// Also you can insert html before selection:
let first =".first");
first.before_html(r#"<p class="none">None</p>"#);
// or after:
let third =".third");
third.after_html(r#"<p class="fourth">4</p>"#);

// now the added paragraphs standing in front of `div`
assert!(".content > .none + .first + .second + .third + .fourth + div:has-text("1,2,3")"#).exists());

// to set a text to the selection you can use `set_html` but `set_text` is preferable:
let p_sel ="p");
let total_p = p_sel.length();
p_sel.set_text("test content");
assert_eq!("p:has-text("test content")"#).length(), total_p);
Node manipulations: Creating an empty element, adding a single element to a single node
use dom_query::Document;

let doc: Document = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <div id="main">
        <p id="first">It's</p>

// selecting a node we want to attach a new element
let main_sel = doc.select_single("#main");
let main_node = main_sel.nodes().first().unwrap();

// if you need just to create a simple element, then you can use the following:
let el = doc.tree.new_element("p");
// you still able to deal with element's attributes:
el.set_attr("id", "second");
// and set text
// also main_node.append_child(&el);
assert!("#main #second:has-text("test")"#).exists());
// because this method doesn't parse anything it is much more cheaper than following approaches.

// if you need to add a more complex element, you can use `node.append_html`,
// which is much more convenient, then previous approach:

main_node.append_html(r#"<p id="third">Wonderful</p>"#);
assert_eq!("#main #third").text().as_ref(), "Wonderful");
// There is also a `prepend_child` and `prepend_html` methods which allows
// to insert content to the begging of the node.
main_node.prepend_html(r#"<p id="minus-one">-1</p><p id="zero">0</p>"#);
assert!("#main > #minus-one + #zero + #first + #second + #third").exists());

// if we need to replace existing element content inside a node with a new one, then use `node.set_html`.
// It changes the inner html contents of the node.
main_node.set_html(r#"<p id="the-only">Wonderful</p>"#);
assert_eq!("#main #the-only").text().as_ref(), "Wonderful");

// To completely replace contents of the node, 
// including itself use `node.replace_with_html`.
// Also we can specify more than one element in the string for methods 
// like `replace_with_html`, `set_html` and `append_html`.
main_node.replace_with_html(r#"<span>Tweedledum</span> and <span>Tweedledee</span>"#);
assert_eq!("span + span").text().as_ref(), "Tweedledee");
Renaming selected elements without changing the contents
use dom_query::Document;

let doc: Document = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
    <div class="content">
let mut sel ="div.content > div, div.content > span");
// before renaming, there are 3 `div` and 1 `span`
assert_eq!(sel.length(), 4);


// after renaming, there are no `div` and `span` elements
assert_eq!("div.content > div, div.content > span").length(), 0);
// but there are four `p` elements
assert_eq!("div.content > p").length(), 4);
Retrieving The Base URI
use dom_query::Document;

let contents: &str = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
        <base href=""/>
        <div id="main"></div>
let doc = Document::from(contents);
// This method is a much faster alternative to 
// `"html > head > base").attr("href")`.
// Currently, it does not cache the result, so each time you call it, 
// it will traverse the tree again.
// The reason it is not cached is to keep `Document` implementing the `Send` trait.

// It may be called from the document level.
let base_uri = doc.base_uri().unwrap();
assert_eq!(base_uri.as_ref(), "");

let sel = doc.select_single("#main");
let node = sel.nodes().first().unwrap();

// Also it is accessible from any node of the tree.
let base_uri = node.base_uri().unwrap();
assert_eq!(base_uri.as_ref(), "");
Verifying Selection and Node Matches
use dom_query::Document;

let contents: &str = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
        <div id="main" dir="ltr"></div>
        <div id="extra"></div>
let doc = Document::from(contents);

let main_sel = doc.select_single("#main");
let extra_sel = doc.select_single("#extra");

// The `is()` method is available for `Selection` and `NodeRef`.
// For `Selection`, it verifies that at least one of the nodes in the selection
// matches the selector.

// For `NodeRef`, the `is` method verifies that the node matches the selector.
// This method is useful if you need to combine several checks into one expression. 
// It can check for having a certain position in the DOM tree,
// having a certain attribute, or a certain element name all at once.
let main_node = main_sel.nodes().first().unwrap();
let extra_node = extra_sel.nodes().first().unwrap();

assert!("html > body > div#main[dir=ltr]"));
assert!("html > body > div#main + div"));
Fast Finding Child Elements
use dom_query::Document;

let doc: Document = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
        <div id="main"></div>

let main_sel = doc.select_single("#main");
let main_node = main_sel.nodes().first().unwrap();

// create 10 child blocks with links
let total_links = 10usize;
for i in 0..total_links {
    let content = format!(r#"<div><a href="/{0}">{0} link</a></div>"#, i);
let selected_count ="html body a").nodes().len();
assert_eq!(selected_count, total_links);

// `find` currently can deal only with paths that start after the current node. 
// In the following example, `&["html", "body", "div", "a"]` will fail,
// while `&["a"]` or `&["div", "a"]` are okay.
let found_count = main_node.find(&["div", "a"]).len();
assert_eq!(found_count, total_links);
Serializing a document to Markdown

This example requires markdown feature.

use dom_query::Document;

let contents = "
<style>p {color: blue;}</style>
<p>I really like using <b>Markdown</b>.</p>

<p>I think I'll use it to format all of my documents from now on.</p>";

let expected = "I really like using **Markdown**\\.\n\n\
I think I'll use it to format all of my documents from now on\\.";

let doc = Document::from(contents);
// Passing `None` into md allows to use default skip tags, which are: 
// `["script", "style", "meta", "head"]`.
let got =;
assert_eq!(got.as_ref(), expected);

// If you need the full text content of the elements, pass `Some(&vec![])` to `md`.
// If you pass content like the example below to `Document::from`,
// `html5ever` will create a `<head>` element and place your `<style>` element inside it.
// To preserve the original order, use `Document::fragment`.

let contents = "<style>p {color: blue;}</style>\
<div><h1>Content Heading<h1></div>\
<p>I really like using Markdown.</p>\
<p>I think I'll use it to format all of my documents from now on.</p>";

let expected = "p \\{color: blue;\\}\n\
I really like using Markdown\\.\n\n\
I think I'll use it to format all of my documents from now on\\.";

let doc = Document::fragment(contents);
let got =["div"]));
assert_eq!(got.as_ref(), expected);

Crate features

  • hashbrown — optional,replaces standard hashmaps and hashsets with hashbrown hashmaps and hashsets.
  • atomic — optional, switches NodeData from using StrTendril to Tendril<tendril::fmt::UTF8, tendril::Atomic>. This allows NodeData and all ascending structures, including Document, to implement the Send trait;
  • markdown — optional, enables the Document::md and NodeRef::md methods, allowing serialization of a document or node to Markdown text.
  • mini_selector — optional, provides a lightweight and faster alternative for element matching with limited CSS selector support.
    This includes additional NodeRef methods: find_descendants, try_find_descendants, mini_is, and mini_match.
    This is an experimental feature that may change in future releases.

Possible issues




Licensed under MIT (LICENSE or


Any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, shall be licensed with MIT license, without any additional terms or conditions.