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File metadata and controls

93 lines (72 loc) · 2.86 KB

3dash Collections Plugin

The collections plugin lets you pre-define groups of files that meet specific criteria. The Collections class constructor accepts an associative array. Array keys are collection IDs, and array values are collection criteria (see "Collection Criteria" below).

$app->add(new Collections([
    'recent_news' => [
        'pattern' => '#^/news/.*#',
        'sortBy' => 'date',
        'reverse' => true,
        'limit' => 2

Use collections

Each pre-populated collection is available with the $payload->site['collections']->get() method. The recent_news collection above, for example, can be returned like this:

$files = $payload->site['collections']->get('recent_news')`;

The get() method returns an associative array; the array keys are pathnames, and the array values are File instances.

Collection criteria

When you define a collection, you provide criteria. The criteria is an associative array that may use the following keys:

  • pattern: String. A regular expression matched against content file pathnames. This is passed verbatim to preg_match().
  • sortBy: String. A File instance property to sort by.
  • reverse: Boolean. Reverse the direction of sorted File instances.
  • limit: Integer. Limit the number of File instances in the collection.
  • where: Array. Filter File instances with advanced criteria.

The where property is an associative array. Its keys are File property names, and its values are either strings or one-dimensional arrays.

If a where criteria value is a string, File instances are filtered such that the File property matching the criteria key equals the criteria value.

    'where' => [
        'author' => 'Josh'

If a criteria value is a one-dimensional array, File instances are filtered such that the File property matching the criteria key satisfies the comparison with the criteria value's first element. The default comparison operator is =, but it may be overridden with the criteria value's optional second element.

This example finds posts with titles that begin with "PHP":

    'where' => [
        'title' => ['/^PHP/', '~']

Possible comparison operators are:

  • = - Equals
  • != - Not equals
  • > - Greater than
  • >= - Greater than or equal to
  • < - Less than
  • <= - Less than or equal to
  • ~ - Matches (value passed verbatim to preg_match())
  • !~ - Does not match (value passed verbatim to preg_match())

Adhoc queries

The Collections plugin provides a query() method to query File instances in subsequent plugins:

$files = $payload->site['collections']->query([...]);

The query() method accepts the same criteria as a pre-defined collection, and it returns an associative array; the array keys are pathnames, and the array values are File instances.