All files.
dir_files <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = url_googledrive)
## [1] "example.docx" "example2.docx" "our-google-spreadsheet"
## [4] "data.xlsx" "our-google-doc" "Stone.csv"
## [7] "Rock.csv"
All csv files.
dir_files <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = url_googledrive, type="csv")
## [1] "Stone.csv" "Rock.csv"
All Excel files.
dir_files <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = url_googledrive, type="xlsx")
## [1] "data.xlsx"
All Google Spreadsheets.
dir_files <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = url_googledrive, type="spreadsheet")
## [1] "our-google-spreadsheet"
All Google Documents.
dir_files <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = url_googledrive, type="document")
## [1] "our-google-doc"
First get the files in the folder.
a <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = url_googledrive)
Download from Google Drive and save to a folder called data
file_name <- "data.xlsx"
# find the id of that file
file_id <- a$id[which(a$name==file_name)]
# download the file and save to data folder
googledrive::drive_download(file=file_id, overwrite = TRUE, path = file.path("data", file_name))
## File downloaded:
## • 'data.xlsx' <id: 1FL9HBcSh9QjELpiMYoR5PPEi1CIIx8g9>
## Saved locally as:
## • 'data/data.xlsx'
Read that file in using the readxl package.
tmp <- readxl::read_excel(file.path(here::here(), "data", "data.xlsx"))
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
## year count
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1990 10
## 2 1991 20
## 3 1992 10
## 4 1993 30
## 5 1994 40
## 6 1995 50
Download from Google Drive and save to a folder called data
file_name <- "Stone.csv"
file_id <- a$id[which(a$name==file_name)]
googledrive::drive_download(file=file_id, overwrite = TRUE, path = file.path("data", file_name))
## File downloaded:
## • 'Stone.csv' <id: 15nK21BniTuMpAhEXXAnsHwopOXOEcnzf>
## Saved locally as:
## • 'data/Stone.csv'
Read that file in. The first 2 lines are metadata and are skipped.
tmp <- read.csv(file.path(here::here(), "data", file_name), skip=2)
## year count
## 1 1990 10
## 2 1991 20
## 3 1992 10
## 4 1993 30
## 5 1994 40
## 6 1995 50
Download all csv files and save to a folder called data
a <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = url_googledrive, type = "csv")
for (i in 1:nrow(a)){
googledrive::drive_download(a$id[i], overwrite = TRUE, path = file.path("data", a$name[i]))
## File downloaded:
## • 'Stone.csv' <id: 15nK21BniTuMpAhEXXAnsHwopOXOEcnzf>
## Saved locally as:
## • 'data/Stone.csv'
## File downloaded:
## • 'Rock.csv' <id: 1-dz_3QUqmzuXtWXfCcZUowUhZI1x9XAb>
## Saved locally as:
## • 'data/Rock.csv'
a <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = url_googledrive, type = "spreadsheet")
for (i in 1:nrow(a)){
googledrive::drive_download(a$id[i], type = "csv", overwrite = TRUE, path = file.path("data", a$name[i]))
## File downloaded:
## • 'our-google-spreadsheet' <id: 1plRbVAZJ_bkGFw9Y54u57eFxL-F5zaXG8elFm3r9BXs>
## Saved locally as:
## • 'data/our-google-spreadsheet.csv'
Here I show how you might use the gert package. Note this works because I am doing it within RStudio and my RStudio set-up has permission to push to this repo. If you don’t have RStudio set-up to push to GitHub, then you need to set that up first. Also you need to be working in the local repo of the GitHub repo that your are pushing to. This sounds more complicated than it is.
gert::git_add(file.path("data", "Stone.csv"))
gert::git_commit("Adding a file", author = "Eli Holmes <>")
gert::git_push(remote = "origin", repo = ".")
You can also use these set ups to set up your code to run from GitHub via GitHub Actions. If the Google Drive is not publicly viewable, then you’ll need to research how to set up authorization in a deployed application read this. But if the Google Drive is publicly viewable, then it is fairly easy to set up a Google Action that is triggered on a schedule or triggered by an outside event. Read about how to do that here.