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Releases: noaa-oar-arl/monet


24 Apr 17:52
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This includes minor big fixes and updates.

  • Updates the quick_map function to better handle global datasets
  • Updates quick_imshow to properly work with datasets
  • Adds a quick_contourf functionality similar to quick_map or quick_imshow
  • Adds a roll_dateline option to the quick view plotting functions for datasets that go from 0 -> 360 and not -180 -> 180
  • various other minor fixes


31 Mar 19:12
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This is a minor release that fixes some bugs introduced in the MONET-v2.2.0 release.

A few new functions have been added to the Monet-accessor

  • added some functions to try and help tidy the data for plotting and monet
    = tidy
    = wrap_longitudes
  • fixed remap_xesmf
  • added a new plotting too, quick_imshow. This can be significantly faster than quick_map but is only useful for regular grids
  • more minor bug fixes


27 Mar 19:24
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This release provides several major updates:

  • Removes many I/O functions into a new repository,, so that MONET can stay lean and focused.
  • Adds pyresample back as the default restructure because esmpy and xesmf is not available on windows
  • Adds some default functionality to read common data formats like netCDF CF convention with XArray but still have the monet accessor options
  • Adds a conversion from cftime to datetime xarray objects
  • fixes the quick_map xarray.DataArray accessor so that it will work on generic netcdf files in the CF convention
  • Adds a pandas accessor to gain functionality for use with surface observational datasets
  • Adds a function to convert monetio dataframes into little_r formatted lists or pandas data frames for use in METplus
  • removes the hysplitutil directory as this will be migrating to a new repository focused on hysplit
  • many bug fixes for accessor functionality


11 May 01:10
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Delete requirements.txt

MONET v2.0

04 Sep 15:57
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This is a major upgrade for MONET. We have improved and added more measurements, included vertical interpolation, spatial interpolation, spatial grid information and more utility functions for non-point observations and models through the use of a XArray accessor.

The Model and ObservatioN Evaluation Toolkit (MONET)

17 Oct 18:57
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