- Clone the nexgen repository
git clone git@github.com:DiamondLightSource/nexgen.git
cd nexgen
- Create virtual environment and pip install
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .[dev]
- Install pre-commits
pre-commit install
- Run pytest
pytest .
From inside a development environment, a release can be created from the command line using bump-my-version. If not present, tha package can be pip installed.
pip install bump-my-version
First, choose a release number and run bump2version in "pretend" mode with the to check that the final version will be updated correctly.
bump-my-version bump --dry-run {major,minor,patch} --verbose
Once sure of the release number, run bump2version and push the the tags for the new version.
bump-my-version bump {major,minor,patch} --verbose
git push --tags
git push
After the second git push, the release will be published automatically both to Github and PYPI.
- Create a new branch from main named pre followed by the release version e.g. pre_v0.1.0. The release versions should look like v{major}.{minor}.{patch}.
- If you haven't run bump2version without creating tags, on this branch change manually change the version in pyproject.toml and src/nexgen/__init__.py.
- Go here https://github.com/DiamondLightSource/nexgen/releases/new.
- Select Choose a new tag and type the version of the release, then select the branch created in step 1 as the target.
- Click on Generate release notes. This will create a starting set of release notes based on PR titles since the last release.
- You should now manually go through each line on the release notes and read it from the perspective of a beamline scientist. It should be clear from each what the change means to the beamline and should have links to easily find further info.
- Publish the release
Releases should obviously be versioned higher than the previous latest release. Otherwise you should follow this guide:
- Major - Large code rewrites
- Minor - New features
- Patch - Small changes and bug fixes
Please make sure before every release that a few lines are added to the CHANGELOG.md file describing the changes.
- Added - New NXobjects, such as fields or NXgroups, writers or utilities.
- Fixes - Bug fixes
- Changed - Code changes/improvements that don't affect output nexus file.
- Removed - Obsolete functionalities being deleted, old python versions support.
The documentation is published on ReadtheDocs here https://nexgen.readthedocs.io and written using sphinx https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/. For every new feature, please add a docstring and update the API page on the documentation to show it. If adding new writers or command line tools, please also update the usage page with an explaination on how to use them.