RoleID |
Add a unique number to the role |
(optional) |
priority |
Priority number (ascending) to determine which role is visible in the game and what permissions user will have in the gdps (this is important if multiple roles are assigned to a user) |
(Numeric) (No optional) |
roleName |
Name that you will give to the role |
(optional but it is important if you will have several roles) |
commandRate |
Permission to use the !rate command |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandFeature |
Permission to use the !feature command |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandEpic |
Permission to use the !epic command |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandUnepic |
Permission to use the !unepic command |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandVerifycoins |
Permission to use the !verifycoins command |
(Disabled by default) |
commandDaily |
Permission to use the !daily command |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandWeekly |
Permission to use the !weekly command |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandDelete |
Permission to use the !delet command |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandSetacc |
Permission to use the !setacc command |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandRenameOwn |
Permission to use the !rename command itself |
(Enabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandRenameAll |
Permission to use the !rename command at any level |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandPassOwn |
Permission to use the !pass command itself |
(Enabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandPassAll |
Permission to use the !pass command at any level |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandDescriptionOwn |
Permission to use the !description command itself |
(Enabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandDescriptionAll |
Permission to use the !description command at any level |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandPublicOwn |
Permission to use the !public command itself |
(Enabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandPublicAll |
Permission to use the !public command at any level |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandUnlistOwn |
Permission to use the !unlist command itself |
(Enabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandUnlistAll |
Permission to use the !unlist command at any level |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandSharecpOwn |
Permission to use the !sharecp command itself |
(Enabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandSharecpAll |
Permission to use the !sharecp command at any level |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandSongOwn |
Permission to use the !song command itself |
(Enabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commandSongAll |
Permission to use the !song command at any level |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
profilecommandDiscord |
Permission to use the !discord command itself |
(Enabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
actionRateDemon |
Permission to set a demon difficult via "Rate demon" button in the game |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
actionRateStars |
Permission to rate a level via "Suggest stars" or "Rate stars" button in the game |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
actionRateDifficulty |
Permission to set level difficult via "Rate difficult" button in the game |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
actionRequestMod |
Permission to obtain moderator permission and moderator buttons via "req" button in the game |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
actionSuggestRating |
Permission to create star suggestions |
(you can view that in PHPMyAdmin "suggest" table or suggestList.php in tools) |
actionDeleteComment |
Permission to delete comments on users or levels in the game |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
toolLeaderboardsban |
Permission to ban/unban user via leaderboardsBan.php/leaderboardsUnban.php in tools |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
toolPackcreate |
Permission to create map packs via packCreate.php in tools |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
toolQuestsCreate |
Permission to create quests via addQuests.php in tools |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
toolModactions |
Permission to display moderator account activity publicly via tools or dashboard |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
toolSuggestlist |
Permission to view level suggest via suggestList.php in tools |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
dashboardModTools |
Permission currently deprecated |
(0 by default) |
modipCategory |
Place a category ID |
(from the "modipperms" table) |
isDefault |
Determine if the role applies to all players by default |
(Disabled by default) [0: Disabled / 1: Enabled] |
commentColor |
Place a RGB comment color |
(000,000,000 by default) (RGB format) |
modBadgeLevel |
Place a badge level |
(None by default) [0: None / 1:Moderator / 2: Elder Moderator / Any number] |