All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
The following rules have been added:
- Added new rules
- rubocop
- Style/RedundantLineContinuation (1.49.0)
- Style/DataInheritance (1.49.0)
- Lint/DuplicateMatchPattern (1.50.0)
- Style/ExactRegexpMatch (1.51.0)
- Style/RedundantArrayConstructor (1.52.0)
- Style/RedundantRegexpConstructor (1.52.0)
- Style/RedundantFilterChain (1.52.0)
- Lint/MixedCaseRange (1.53.0)
- Lint/RedundantRegexpQuantifiers (1.53.0)
- Style/RedundantCurrentDirectoryInPath (1.53.0)
- Style/ReturnNilInPredicateMethodDefinition (1.53.0)
- Style/YAMLFileRead (1.53.0)
- Bundler/DuplicatedGroup (1.56.0)
- Style/SingleLineDoEndBlock (1.57.0)
- rubocop-capybara
- Capybara/RSpec/PredicateMatcher (2.19.0)
- Capybara/RSpec/HaveSelector (2.19.0)
- Capybara/ClickLinkOrButtonStyle (2.19.0)
- rubocop-performance
- Performance/MapMethodChain (1.19.0)
- rubocop-rails
- Rails/ThreeStateBooleanColumn (2.19.0)
- Rails/SelectMap (2.21.0)
- Rails/DangerousColumnNames (2.21.0)
- Rails/UnusedRenderContent (2.21.0)
- Rails/RedundantActiveRecordAllMethod (2.21.0)
- rubocop-rspec
- RSpec/IndexedLet (2.20.0)
- RSpec/BeEmpty (2.20.0)
- RSpec/Rails/NegationBeValid (2.23.0)
- RSpec/ReceiveMessages (2.23.0)
- RSpec/EmptyMetadata (2.24.0)
- RSpec/Eq (2.24.0)
- RSpec/MetadataStyle (2.24.0)
- RSpec/SpecFilePathFormat (2.24.0)
- RSpec/SpecFilePathSuffix (2.24.0)
- rubocop-factory_bot
- FactoryBot/AssociationStyle (2.23.0)
- FactoryBot/FactoryAssociationWithStrategy (2.23.0)
- FactoryBot/IdSequence (2.23.0)
- FactoryBot/RedundantFactoryOption (2.23.0)
- rubocop
- Added rubocop-capybara as deprecation rules in rubocop-rspec 2.18.0 link
- Added new rules
- rubocop
- Lint/DuplicateMagicComment (1.37.0)
- Style/OperatorMethodCall (1.37.0)
- Style/RedundantStringEscape (1.37.0)
- Style/RedundantEach (1.38.0)
- Style/RedundantConstantBase (1.40.0)
- Style/RequireOrder (1.40.0)
- Style/ArrayIntersect (1.40.0)
- Style/RedundantDoubleSplatHashBraces (1.41.0)
- Style/ConcatArrayLiterals (1.41.0)
- Style/MapToSet (1.42.0)
- Style/MinMaxComparison (1.42.0)
- Style/YodaExpression (1.42.0)
- Lint/UselessRescue (1.43.0)
- Style/InvertibleUnlessCondition (1.44.0)
- Style/ComparableClamp (1.44.0)
- Gemspec/DevelopmentDependencies (1.44.0)
- Style/RedundantHeredocDelimiterQuotes (1.45.0)
- Metrics/CollectionLiteralLength (1.47.0)
- Style/DirEmpty (1.48.0)
- Style/FileEmpty (1.48.0)
- rubocop-rails
- Rails/FreezeTime (2.16.0)
- Rails/WhereMissing (2.16.0)
- Rails/RootPathnameMethods (2.16.0)
- Rails/TopLevelHashWithIndifferentAccess (2.16.0)
- Rails/ActionControllerFlashBeforeRender (2.16.0)
- Rails/ActiveSupportOnLoad (2.16.0)
- Rails/ToSWithArgument (2.16.0)
- Rails/ActionOrder (2.17.0)
- Rails/WhereNotWithMultipleConditions (2.17.0)
- Rails/IgnoredColumnsAssignment (2.17.0)
- Rails/ResponseParsedBody (2.18.0)
- rubocop-performance:
- Performance/ConcurrentMonotonicTime (1.12.0)
- rubocop-rspec
- RSpec/NoExpectationExample (2.13.0)
- RSpec/ClassCheck (2.13.0)
- RSpec/FactoryBot/ConsistentParenthesesStyle (2.14.0)
- RSpec/Rails/InferredSpecType (2.14.0)
- RSpec/SortMetadata (2.14.0)
- RSpec/FactoryBot/FactoryNameStyle (2.16.0)
- RSpec/DuplicatedMetadata (2.16.0)
- RSpec/PendingWithoutReason (2.16.0)
- RSpec/Rails/MinitestAssertions (2.17.0)
- RSpec/RedundantAround (2.19.0)
- RSpec/Rails/TravelAround (2.19.0)
- RSpec/ContainExactly (2.19.0)
- RSpec/MatchArray (2.19.0)
- RSpec/SkipBlockInsideExample (2.19.0)
- rubocop-capybara
- Capybara/SpecificFinders (2.17.1)
- Capybara/NegationMatcher (2.17.1)
- Capybara/SpecificActions (2.17.1)
- Capybara/MatchStyle (2.17.1)
- rubocop
- Added new rules
- rubocop
- Lint/NonAtomicFileOperation (1.31.0)
- Layout/LineContinuationLeadingSpace (1.31.0)
- Layout/LineContinuationSpacing (1.31.0)
- Style/EmptyHeredoc (1.32.0)
- Layout/MultilineMethodParameterLineBreaks (1.32.0)
- Lint/RequireRangeParentheses (1.32.0)
- Style/MagicCommentFormat (1.35.0)
- rubocop-rails
- Rails/DotSeparatedKeys (1.15.0)
- Rails/StripHeredoc (1.15.0)
- Rails/ToFormattedS (1.15.0)
- Rails/RootPublicPath (1.15.0)
- rubocop-rspec
- RSpec/Capybara/SpecificMatcher (2.12.0)
- RSpec/Rails/HaveHttpStatus (2.12.0)
- rubocop
- Removed rules
- rubocop
- Gemspec/DateAssignment
- rubocop
- Added new rules
- rubocop
- Gemspec/DependencyVersion (1.29)
- Gemspec/DeprecatedAttributeAssignment (1.30)
- Lint/RefinementImportMethods (1.27)
- Security/CompoundHash (1.28)
- Style/EnvHome (1.29)
- Style/FetchEnvVar (1.28)
- Style/MapCompactWithConditionalBlock (1.30)
- Style/NestedFileDirname (1.26)
- Style/ObjectThen (1.28)
- Style/RedundantInitialize (1.27)
- rubocop-rails
- Rails/I18nLocaleTexts (2.14)
- Rails/I18nLazyLookup (2.14)
- Rails/MigrationClassName (2.14)
- Rails/DuplicateAssociation (2.14)
- Rails/DuplicateScope (2.14)
- Rails/TransactionExitStatement (2.14)
- Rails/DeprecatedActiveModelErrorsMethods (2.14)
- Rails/ActionControllerTestCase (2.14)
- Rails/TableNameAssignment (2.14)
- rubocop-rspec
- RSpec/ChangeByZero (2.11.0)
- RSpec/VerifiedDoubleReference (2.10.0)
- rubocop
- Added new rules
- rubocop-rails
- Rails/CompactBlank (2.13)
- rubocop-performance
- Performance/StringIdentifierArgument (1.13)
- rubocop-rspec
- RSpec/BeEq (2.9)
- RSpec/BeNil (2.9)
- rubocop-rails
- Added new rules
- rubocop
- Lint/UselessRuby2Keywords (1.23)
- Style/OpenStructUse (1.23)
- Gemspec/RequireMFA (1.23)
- Naming/BlockForwarding (1.24)
- Style/MapToHash (1.24)
- Style/FileRead (1.24)
- Style/FileWrite (1.24)
- rubocop-rails
- Rails/RootJoinChain (2.13)
- Rails/DurationArithmetic (2.13)
- Rails/RedundantPresenceValidationOnBelongsTo (2.13)
- Rails/SchemaComment (2.13)
- rubocop-rspec
- RSpec/FactoryBot/SyntaxMethods (2.7.0)
- rubocop
- No new changes. Previous gem was yanked.
- Added new rules
- rubocop
- Lint/RequireRelativeSelfPath (1.22)
- Security/IoMethods (1.22)
- Style/NumberedParameters (1.22)
- Style/NumberedParametersLimit (1.22)
- Style/SelectByRegexp (1.22)
- rubocop
- Added new rules
- rubocop
- Lint/AmbiguousOperatorPrecedence (1.21)
- Lint/IncompatibleIoSelectWithFiberScheduler (1.21)
- rubocop-rails
- Rails/RedundantTravelBack (2.12)
- rubocop-rspec
- RSpec/ExcessiveDocstringSpacing (2.5)
- RSpec/SubjectDeclaration (2.5)
- rubocop
- Updated dependency rubocop to 1.21
- Updated dependency rubocop-rails to 2.12
- Updated dependency rubocop-rspec to 2.5
- Layout/SpaceAroundEqualsInParameterDefault has been changed to the default value (aka space)
- Added new rules introduced in the 1.19 version.
- rubocop
- Lint/AmbiguousRange
- Style/RedundantSelfAssignmentBranch
- rubocop
- Updated dependency rubocop to 1.19
directory should have the same rules asconfig/routes.rb
- Added new rules introduced in the last version.
- rubocop
- Layout/LineEndStringConcatenationIndentation (1.18)
- Naming/InclusiveLanguage (1.18)
- rubocop
- Updated dependency rubocop
- Added new rules introduced in the last version.
- rubocop-rails
- Rails/AddColumnIndex (2.11)
- Rails/ExpandedDateRange (2.11)
- Rails/I18nLocaleAssignment (2.11)
- Rails/UnusedIgnoredColumns (2.11)
- Rails/EagerEvaluationLogMessage (2.11)
- rubocop-rspec
- RSpec/IdenticalEqualityAssertion (2.4)
- RSpec/Rails/AvoidSetupHook (2.4)
- rubocop-rails
- Updated dependency rubocop-rails and rubocop-rspec
- Added new rules introduced in the last version.
- rubocop
- Lint/EmptyInPattern (1.16)
- Style/InPatternThen (1.16)
- Style/MultilineInPatternThen (1.16)
- Style/QuotedSymbols (1.16)
- Style/StringChars (1.12)
- Performance/MapCompact (1.11)
- Performance/RedundantEqualityComparisonBlock (1.10)
- Performance/RedundantSplitRegexpArgument (1.10)
- rubocop-rails
- Rails/EnvironmentVariableAccess (2.10)
- Rails/TimeZoneAssignment (2.10)
- rubocop
- Updated dependency rubocop-rails
- Added new rules introduced in the last version.
- rubocop
- Gemspec/DateAssignment (1.10)
- Layout/SpaceBeforeBrackets (1.7)
- Lint/AmbiguousAssignment (1.7)
- Lint/DeprecatedConstants (1.8)
- Lint/LambdaWithoutLiteralBlock (1.8)
- Lint/NumberedParameterAssignment (1.9)
- Lint/OrAssignmentToConstant (1.9)
- Lint/RedundantDirGlobSort (1.8)
- Lint/SymbolConversion (1.9)
- Lint/TripleQuotes (1.9)
- Style/EndlessMethod (1.8)
- Style/HashConversion (1.10)
- Style/HashExcept (1.7)
- Style/IfWithBooleanLiteralBranches (1.9)
- rubocop
- Added new rules introduced in the last version.
- rubocop
- Lint/UnexpectedBlockArity (1.5)
- rubocop-rails
- Rails/AttributeDefaultBlockValue (2.9)
- Rails/WhereEquals (2.9)
- rubocop
- Added new rules introduced in the last version.
- rubocop
- Style/RedundantArgument (1.4)
- rubocop-performance
- Performance/ArraySemiInfiniteRangeSlice (1.9)
- Performance/BlockGivenWithExplicitBlock (1.9)
- Performance/CollectionLiteralInLoop (1.8)
- Performance/ConstantRegexp (1.9)
- Performance/MethodObjectAsBlock (1.9)
- rubocop
- Added new rules introduced in the last version.
- Lint/DuplicateBranch (1.3)
- Lint/EmptyClass (1.3)
- Style/NilLambda (1.3)
- Added new rules introduced in the last version.
- Lint/NoReturnInBeginEndBlocks (1.2)
- Style/CollectionCompact (1.2)
- Style/NegatedIfElseCondition (1.2)
- Changed Naming/VariableNumber to start using snake_case
- Added new rules introduced in the last version.
- Lint/DuplicateRegexpCharacterClassElement (1.1)
- Lint/EmptyBlock (1.1)
- Lint/ToEnumArguments (1.1)
- Lint/UnmodifiedReduceAccumulator (1.1)
- Style/ArgumentsForwarding (1.1)
- Style/DocumentDynamicEvalDefinition (1.1)
- Style/SwapValues (1.1)
- Added new rules introduced in the last version of rubocop-rspec
- RSpec/Rails/HttpStatus (2.pre)
- Removed shared enabled rules with rubocop 1.0
- Bump dependencies (rubocop 1.0 and rubocop-rspec 2.pre)
- Bump ruby version to use
- Reordered some rules following the convention of namespace/file.
Added new rules introduced in the last version.
- Lint/HashCompareByIdentity (0.93)
- Lint/RedundantSafeNavigation (0.93)
- Style/ClassEqualityComparison (0.93)
Added new rules introduced in the last version of rubocop-rspec
- RSpec/StubbedMock (1.44)
- Bump dependencies
- Added new rules introduced in the last version.
- Layout/BeginEndAlignment (0.91)
- Lint/ConstantDefinitionInBlock (0.91)
- Lint/DuplicateRequire (0.90)
- Lint/EmptyFile (0.90)
- Lint/IdentityComparison (0.91)
- Lint/TrailingCommaInAttributeDeclaration (0.90)
- Lint/UselessMethodDefinition (0.90)
- Lint/UselessTimes (0.91)
- Style/CombinableLoops (0.90)
- Style/KeywordParametersOrder (0.90)
- Style/RedundantSelfAssignment (0.90)
- Style/SoleNestedConditional (0.89)
- Performance/Sum (1.8)
- Rails/AfterCommitOverride (2.8)
- Rails/SquishedSQLHeredocs (2.8)
- Rails/WhereNot (2.8)
- Updated all the extensions.
- Added new rules introduced in the last version.
- Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands (0.89)
- Lint/DuplicateRescueException (0.89)
- Lint/EmptyConditionalBody (0.89)
- Lint/FloatComparison (0.89)
- Lint/MissingSuper (0.89)
- Lint/OutOfRangeRegexpRef (0.89)
- Lint/SelfAssignment (0.89)
- Lint/TopLevelReturnWithArgument (0.89)
- Lint/UnreachableLoop (0.89)
- Style/ExplicitBlockArgument (0.89)
- Style/GlobalStdStream (0.89)
- Style/OptionalBooleanParameter (0.89)
- Style/SingleArgumentDig (0.89)
- Style/StringConcatenation (0.89)
- Added rubocop-faker as new extension
- Updated all the extensions, and configured new rules
- Added new rules introduced in the last version.
- Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant (0.84)
- Lint/MixedRegexpCaptureTypes (0.85)
- Style/AccessorGrouping (0.87)
- Style/BisectedAttrAccessor (0.87)
- Style/RedundantAssignment (0.87)
- Style/RedundantFetchBlock (0.86)
- Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass (0.85)
- Style/RedundantRegexpEscape (0.85)
- Performance/AncestorsInclude (1.7)
- Performance/BigDecimalWithNumericArgument (1.7)
- Performance/RedundantSortBlock (1.7)
- Performance/RedundantStringChars (1.7)
- Performance/ReverseFirst (1.7)
- Performance/SortReverse (1.7)
- Performance/Squeeze (1.7)
- Performance/StringInclude (1.7)
- Actualizadas reglas
- Remove Style/BracesAroundHashParameters cop
- Set enforced style to braces_for_chaining in Style/BlockDelimiters cop.
- Relax required versions of rubocop gems.
- Move LineLength cop from Metrics to Layout and require rubocop 0.78.0.
First version of this gem.