This NIP handles distribution of code packages (akin to npm packages) in a decentralized way.
Code package consists of a list of files in directories. A code package event of kind 1036
contains a list of hashes of files along with their relative paths, directories are not listed. File contents are to be stored on Blossom or NIP-96 or other kinds of servers that use sha256
for addressing.
The content
field of the code package may contain human readable description of the package contents. Each file is an f
tag containing sha256 file hash, relative file path within the package and a URL to download the file content. Other recommended meta tags are given as example below.
Code package also contains x
tag - the package hash
, which is a combined hash of included relative paths and file hashes. This package hash
serves as a content-based package address, to allow apps to fetch packages with the same package hash. Events referring to code package events should use package event id with a relay hint, and may include package hash in the reference - if original event is not accessible, package hash can be searched on relays as a fallback.
Example package event:
"pubkey":"<author pubkey>",
["summary","A Ghost theme"],
["changes","Great improvements"],
["x", "<package-hash>"],
Pseudo-code to calculate package hash:
const pkg: {
hash: string, // hex hash of a file
path: string // relative file path w/o leading /
}[] = [...];
pkg.sort((a, b) => (a.hash > b.hash ? 1 : a.hash === b.hash ? 0 : -1));
const packageHash = bytesToHex(
sha256( => e.hash + e.entry).join(","))
Test vector for a package hash:
const pkg = [
const packageHash = "a70bb6d5b24c09a7f590ff70cd7dea3fc90fbb5f3fd152af8c86865cee51f6db";