A Discord bot written with the help of Discord.js. A well-organized and user-friendly bot designed to seamlessly integrate complex yet engaging and practical features.
Key Features • How To Use • Contributors • License
- Handlers
- A file reading event handling.
- Reading files to load commands with features like cooldown, permissions and etc
- Commands
- Fun
- Games
- /tictactoe
- Ability to play TicTacToe with a user
- You can also play with the discord bot
- /tictactoe
- Games
- Misc
- /info
- Get information on the guild
- /avatar
- Get a users avatar
- /client
- Get information about the discord bot
- /info
- Chat Ranking
- /rank
- Get a beautiful image that displays users xp, and guild ranking.
- /rank
- Fun
- Languages
- Ability to intregate multiple languages in the bot eg. English, Spanish, etc...
- Chat Rank system
- User gets xp every 30 seconds from typing in chat. Every guild xp is seperate.
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/notbeer/advanced-discord-bot
# Go into the repository
$ cd advanced-discord-bot
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Your Discord bot Token
# Your Discord bot user ID
# Only provide a guild ID here if you only want the commands to deploy to that guild or else keep it empty
# Mongoose Database URI
# Deploy Slash Commands
$ npm run deploy-commands
# Delete Slash Commands
$ npm run delete-commands
# Run the app
$ npm run start
# For development purpose
$ npm run dev
Note If you're using Linux Bash for Windows, see this guide or use
from the command prompt.
This software uses the following open source packages: