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227 lines (179 loc) · 5.51 KB

File metadata and controls

227 lines (179 loc) · 5.51 KB


ESLint config for JavaScript, TypeScript, Vue, JSON, Markdown, YAML, TOML, SVG and etc.




pnpm add eslint typescript @ntnyq/eslint-config -D


Highly recommended using eslint.config.mjs as the config file :

// @ts-check

import { defineESLintConfig } from '@ntnyq/eslint-config'

export default defineESLintConfig()

Add scripts lint in package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint .",
    "lint:fix": "eslint . --fix"
💼 Intergrated with Prettier, VSCode, husky and nano-staged

Prettier config

Install prettier and setup your prettier config:

pnpm add prettier @ntnyq/prettier-config -D
// prettier.config.mjs
// @ts-check

import { config, defineConfig } from '@ntnyq/prettier-config'

export default defineConfig({

  // overrides if needed
  overrides: [
      files: ['**/*.html'],
      options: {
        singleAttributePerLine: false,
      files: ['**/*.{css,scss,less}'],
      options: {
        singleQuote: false,

VSCode Config

  "eslint.enable": true,
  "prettier.enable": true,
  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  "prettier.configPath": "./prettier.config.mjs",
  "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll.eslint": "explicit",
    "source.organizeImports": "never",
    "source.sortImports": "never"
  "eslint.validate": [

Lint changed files only

1. Add dependencies

pnpm add husky nano-staged -D

2. Config package.json

  "scripts": {
    "prepare": "husky"
  "nano-staged": {
    "*.{js,ts,cjs,mjs,jsx,tsx,vue,md,svg,json,toml,yml,yaml}": "eslint --fix",
    "*.{css,scss,html}": "prettier -uw"

3. Add a Git hook

echo "nano-staged" > .husky/pre-commit

Advanced config

Check for detail in:

Config interface

export interface ConfigOptions extends OptionsExtensions {
  command?: ConfigCommandOptions
  eslintComments?: ConfigESLintCommentsOptions
  ignores?: ConfigIgnoresOptions
  importX?: ConfigImportXOptions
  javascript?: ConfigJavaScriptOptions
  jsdoc?: ConfigJsdocOptions
  node?: ConfigNodeOptions
  specials?: ConfigSpecialsOptions

   * Configs bellow can be disabled
  antfu?: boolean | ConfigAntfuOptions
  deMorgan?: boolean | ConfigDeMorganOptions
  depend?: boolean | ConfigDependOptions
  githubAction?: boolean | ConfigGitHubActionOptions
  gitignore?: boolean | ConfigGitIgnoreOptions
  jsonc?: boolean | ConfigJsoncOptions
  markdown?: boolean | ConfigMarkdownOptions
  ntnyq?: boolean | ConfigNtnyqOptions
  perfectionist?: boolean | ConfigPerfectionistOptions
  pinia?: boolean | ConfigPiniaOptions
  prettier?: boolean | ConfigPrettierOptions
  regexp?: boolean | ConfigRegexpOptions
  sort?: boolean | ConfigSortOptions
  test?: boolean | ConfigTestOptions
  toml?: boolean | ConfigTomlOptions
  typescript?: boolean | ConfigTypeScriptOptions
  unicorn?: boolean | ConfigUnicornOptions
  unocss?: boolean | ConfigUnoCSSOptions
  vue?: boolean | ConfigVueOptions
  yml?: boolean | ConfigYmlOptions
   * disabled by default
  svgo?: boolean | ConfigSVGOOptions
   * disabled by default
  eslintPlugin?: boolean | ConfigESLintPluginOptions

Versioning policy

This project follows Semantic Versioning for releases.

Changes considered as Breaking Changes

  • Node.js version requirement changes
  • Huge refactors that might break the config
  • Plugins made major changes that might break the config
  • Changes that might affect most of the codebases

Changes considered as Non-Breaking Changes

  • Enable/disable rules and plugins (that might become stricter)
  • Rules options changes
  • Version bumps of dependencies



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