If you use these data please cite
- the original source
Chan, Eugene (eds.) 2019. Numeral Systems of the World's Languages (curated). https://lingweb.eva.mpg.de/channumerals - accessed: 2019-09-30
- the derived dataset using the DOI of the particular released version you were using
This dataset is licensed under a CC-BY-4.0 license
Available online at https://github.com/numeralbank/numerals
Conceptlists in Concepticon:
The underlying data are based on
Chan, Eugene (eds.) 2019. Numeral Systems of the World's Languages. https://lingweb.eva.mpg.de/channumerals - accessed: 30 Sep 2019
released as channumerals v1.0 which are citable as DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3475912.
- Varieties: 5,352
- Concepts: 133
- Lexemes: 187,680
- Sources: 1
- Synonymy: 1.09
- Languages linked to bookkeeping languoids in Glottolog:
- Chamari, India cham1329
Name | GitHub user | Description | Role |
Eugene Chan | study design, data collection and data maintainer | DataCollector, Author | |
Hans-Jörg Bibiko | @Bibiko | patron, code, helped with data collection | DataCollector, DataCurator, Maintainer |
Christoph Rzymski | @chrzyki | helped with code | Maintainer, Other |
Robert Forkel | @xrotwang | helped with code and project structure | Other |
Kristina Pianykh | @Kristina-Pianykh | helped with data cleaning | Other |
Marie Charlotte Gertich | @mcgertich | helped with data cleaning | Other |
Simon J. Greenhill | @SimonGreenhill | helped with with code and data collection | Other |
Johann-Mattis List | @lingulist | Other |
The following CLDF datasets are available in cldf:
- CLDF Wordlist at cldf/cldf-metadata.json