diff --git a/dist/lindenmayer.browser.min.js b/dist/lindenmayer.browser.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..561b8de --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/lindenmayer.browser.min.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +var LSystem=function(){"use strict";function t(t){return function(){for(var i=t,s=i.length,r=Math.random(),o=0;o(.+)/);if(null===i&&null===s)return t;var r=void 0,o=t[1].successor||t[1].successors?t[1]:{successor:t[1]};return null!==i&&(r=i[2],o.leftCtx=i[1]),null!==s&&(r=s[1],o.rightCtx=s[2]),[r,o]}function o(t){if("string"!=typeof t&&t instanceof String==!1)return t;for(var i=[],s=t,r=Array.isArray(s),o=0,s=r?s:s[Symbol.iterator]();;){var e;if(r){if(o>=s.length)break;e=s[o++]}else{if(o=s.next(),o.done)break;e=o.value}var n=e;i.push({symbol:n})}return i}function e(t,i){if(t.hasOwnProperty("successors"))for(var s=0;s0&&void 0!==arguments[0])||arguments[0];return"string"==typeof this.axiom?this.axiom:t===!0?this.axiom.reduce((t,i)=>{if(void 0===i.symbol)throw console.log("found:",i),new Error("L-Systems that use only objects as symbols (eg: {symbol: 'F', params: []}), cant use string symbols (eg. 'F')! Check if you always return objects in your productions and no strings.");return t+i.symbol},""):JSON.stringify(this.axiom)},this.getStringResult=this.getString,this.setProduction=function(t,i){var s=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]&&arguments[2],o=[t,i];if(void 0===o)throw new Error("no production specified.");if(i.successor&&i.successors)throw new Error('You can not have both a "successor" and a "successors" field in your production!');if(this.allowClassicSyntax===!0&&(o=r(o,this.ignoredSymbols)),o=n(o,this.forceObjects),o[1].isStochastic=void 0!==o[1].successors&&o[1].successors.every(t=>void 0!==t.weight),o[1].isStochastic){o[1].weightSum=0;for(var e=o[1].successors,a=Array.isArray(e),c=0,e=a?e:e[Symbol.iterator]();;){var h;if(a){if(c>=e.length)break;h=e[c++]}else{if(c=e.next(),c.done)break;h=c.value}var u=h;o[1].weightSum+=u.weight}}var l=o[0];if(s===!0&&this.productions.has(l)){var f=this.productions.get(l),d=f.successor,m=f.successors;d&&!m&&(f={successors:[f]}),f.successors.push(o[1]),this.productions.set(l,f)}else this.productions.set(l,o[1])},this.setProductions=function(t){if(void 0===t)throw new Error("no production specified.");this.clearProductions();for(var i=Object.entries(t),s=Array.isArray(i),r=0,i=s?i:i[Symbol.iterator]();;){var o;if(s){if(r>=i.length)break;o=i[r++]}else{if(r=i.next(),r.done)break;o=r.value}var e=o,n=e[0],a=e[1];this.setProduction(n,a,!0)}},this.clearProductions=function(){this.productions=new Map},this.setFinal=function(t,i){var s=[t,i];if(void 0===s)throw new Error("no final specified.");this.finals.set(s[0],s[1])},this.setFinals=function(t){if(void 0===t)throw new Error("no finals specified.");this.finals=new Map;for(var i in t)t.hasOwnProperty(i)&&this.setFinal(i,t[i])},this.getProductionResult=function(t,i,s,r){var o=arguments.length>4&&void 0!==arguments[4]&&arguments[4],e=void 0!==t.leftCtx||void 0!==t.rightCtx,n=void 0!==t.condition,a=!1,c=!0;if(n&&t.condition({index:i,currentAxiom:this.axiom,part:s,params:r})===!1?c=!1:e&&(void 0!==t.leftCtx&&void 0!==t.rightCtx?c=this.match({direction:"left",match:t.leftCtx,index:i,branchSymbols:"[]"}).result&&this.match({direction:"right",match:t.rightCtx,index:i,branchSymbols:"[]",ignoredSymbols:l}).result:void 0!==t.leftCtx?c=this.match({direction:"left",match:t.leftCtx,index:i,branchSymbols:"[]"}).result:void 0!==t.rightCtx&&(c=this.match({direction:"right",match:t.rightCtx,index:i,branchSymbols:"[]"}).result)),c===!1)a=!1;else if(t.successors){var h,u;t.isStochastic&&(u=Math.random()*t.weightSum,h=0);for(var f=t.successors,d=Array.isArray(f),m=0,f=d?f:f[Symbol.iterator]();;){var v;if(d){if(m>=f.length)break;v=f[m++]}else{if(m=f.next(),m.done)break;v=m.value}var y=v;if(!(t.isStochastic&&(h+=y.weight)=s.length)break;e=s[o++]}else{if(o=s.next(),o.done)break;e=o.value}var n=e,a=n.symbol||n,c=n.params||[],h=n;if(this.productions.has(a)){var u=this.productions.get(a);h=this.getProductionResult(u,i,n,c)}"string"==typeof t?t+=h:h instanceof Array?Array.prototype.push.apply(t,h):t.push(h),i++}return this.axiom=t,t},this.iterate=function(){var t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:1;this.iterations=t;for(var i=void 0,s=0;s=s.length)break;e=s[o++]}else{if(o=s.next(),o.done)break;e=o.value}var n=e,a=n;if("object"==typeof n&&n.symbol&&(a=n.symbol),this.finals.has(a)){var c=this.finals.get(a),h=typeof c;if("function"!==h)throw Error("'"+a+"' has an object for a final function. But it is __not a function__ but a "+h+"!");c({index:i,part:n},t)}i++}},this.match=function(t){var i=t.axiom_,s=t.match,r=t.ignoredSymbols,o=t.branchSymbols,e=t.index,n=t.direction,a=0,c=0;i=i||this.axiom,void 0===o&&(o=void 0!==this.branchSymbols?this.branchSymbols:[]),void 0===r&&(r=void 0!==this.ignoredSymbols?this.ignoredSymbols:[]);var h=[],u=void 0,l=void 0,f=void 0,d=void 0,m=void 0,v=void 0,y=void 0;if("right"===n){if(d=v=1,f=e+1,m=0,y=s.length,o.length>0){var b=o;u=b[0],l=b[1]}}else{if("left"!==n)throw Error(n,"is not a valid direction for matching.");if(d=v=-1,f=e-1,m=s.length-1,y=-1,o.length>0){var g=o;l=g[0],u=g[1]}}for(;f=0;f+=d){var x=i[f].symbol||i[f],p=s[m];if(x===p){if((0===a||c>0)&&(x===u?(c++,a++,m+=v):x===l?(c=Math.max(0,c-1),a=Math.max(0,a-1),0===c&&(m+=v)):(h.push(f),m+=v)),m===y)return{result:!0,matchIndices:h}}else if(x===u)a++,c>0&&c++;else if(x===l)a=Math.max(0,a-1),c>0&&(c=Math.max(0,c-1));else if((0===a||c>0&&p!==l)&&r.includes(x)===!1)return{result:!1,matchIndices:h}}return{result:!1,matchIndices:h}},this.ignoredSymbols=l,this.debug=x,this.branchSymbols=h,this.allowClassicSyntax=d,this.classicParametricSyntax=v,this.forceObjects=b,this.setAxiom(s),this.clearProductions(),e&&this.setProductions(e),a&&this.setFinals(a),this}return a.transformClassicStochasticProductions=t,a.transformClassicCSProduction=r,a.transformClassicParametricAxiom=s,a.testClassicParametricSyntax=i,a}(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dist/lindenmayer.es.min.js b/dist/lindenmayer.es.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..628c1ad --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/lindenmayer.es.min.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +function transformClassicStochasticProductions(t){return function(){for(var i=t,s=i.length,r=Math.random(),o=0;o(.+)/);if(null===i&&null===s)return t;var r=void 0,o=t[1].successor||t[1].successors?t[1]:{successor:t[1]};return null!==i&&(r=i[2],o.leftCtx=i[1]),null!==s&&(r=s[1],o.rightCtx=s[2]),[r,o]}function stringToObjects(t){if("string"!=typeof t&&t instanceof String==!1)return t;for(var i=[],s=t,r=Array.isArray(s),o=0,s=r?s:s[Symbol.iterator]();;){var e;if(r){if(o>=s.length)break;e=s[o++]}else{if(o=s.next(),o.done)break;e=o.value}var n=e;i.push({symbol:n})}return i}function normalizeProductionRightSide(t,i){if(t.hasOwnProperty("successors"))for(var s=0;s0&&void 0!==arguments[0])||arguments[0];return"string"==typeof this.axiom?this.axiom:t===!0?this.axiom.reduce((t,i)=>{if(void 0===i.symbol)throw console.log("found:",i),new Error("L-Systems that use only objects as symbols (eg: {symbol: 'F', params: []}), cant use string symbols (eg. 'F')! Check if you always return objects in your productions and no strings.");return t+i.symbol},""):JSON.stringify(this.axiom)},this.getStringResult=this.getString,this.setProduction=function(t,i){var s=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]&&arguments[2],r=[t,i];if(void 0===r)throw new Error("no production specified.");if(i.successor&&i.successors)throw new Error('You can not have both a "successor" and a "successors" field in your production!');if(this.allowClassicSyntax===!0&&(r=transformClassicCSProduction(r,this.ignoredSymbols)),r=normalizeProduction(r,this.forceObjects),r[1].isStochastic=void 0!==r[1].successors&&r[1].successors.every(t=>void 0!==t.weight),r[1].isStochastic){r[1].weightSum=0;for(var o=r[1].successors,e=Array.isArray(o),n=0,o=e?o:o[Symbol.iterator]();;){var a;if(e){if(n>=o.length)break;a=o[n++]}else{if(n=o.next(),n.done)break;a=n.value}var c=a;r[1].weightSum+=c.weight}}var h=r[0];if(s===!0&&this.productions.has(h)){var u=this.productions.get(h),l=u.successor,f=u.successors;l&&!f&&(u={successors:[u]}),u.successors.push(r[1]),this.productions.set(h,u)}else this.productions.set(h,r[1])},this.setProductions=function(t){if(void 0===t)throw new Error("no production specified.");this.clearProductions();for(var i=Object.entries(t),s=Array.isArray(i),r=0,i=s?i:i[Symbol.iterator]();;){var o;if(s){if(r>=i.length)break;o=i[r++]}else{if(r=i.next(),r.done)break;o=r.value}var e=o,n=e[0],a=e[1];this.setProduction(n,a,!0)}},this.clearProductions=function(){this.productions=new Map},this.setFinal=function(t,i){var s=[t,i];if(void 0===s)throw new Error("no final specified.");this.finals.set(s[0],s[1])},this.setFinals=function(t){if(void 0===t)throw new Error("no finals specified.");this.finals=new Map;for(var i in t)t.hasOwnProperty(i)&&this.setFinal(i,t[i])},this.getProductionResult=function(t,i,s,r){var o=arguments.length>4&&void 0!==arguments[4]&&arguments[4],e=void 0!==t.leftCtx||void 0!==t.rightCtx,n=void 0!==t.condition,a=!1,h=!0;if(n&&t.condition({index:i,currentAxiom:this.axiom,part:s,params:r})===!1?h=!1:e&&(void 0!==t.leftCtx&&void 0!==t.rightCtx?h=this.match({direction:"left",match:t.leftCtx,index:i,branchSymbols:"[]"}).result&&this.match({direction:"right",match:t.rightCtx,index:i,branchSymbols:"[]",ignoredSymbols:c}).result:void 0!==t.leftCtx?h=this.match({direction:"left",match:t.leftCtx,index:i,branchSymbols:"[]"}).result:void 0!==t.rightCtx&&(h=this.match({direction:"right",match:t.rightCtx,index:i,branchSymbols:"[]"}).result)),h===!1)a=!1;else if(t.successors){var u,l;t.isStochastic&&(l=Math.random()*t.weightSum,u=0);for(var f=t.successors,d=Array.isArray(f),m=0,f=d?f:f[Symbol.iterator]();;){var v;if(d){if(m>=f.length)break;v=f[m++]}else{if(m=f.next(),m.done)break;v=m.value}var y=v;if(!(t.isStochastic&&(u+=y.weight)=s.length)break;e=s[o++]}else{if(o=s.next(),o.done)break;e=o.value}var n=e,a=n.symbol||n,c=n.params||[],h=n;if(this.productions.has(a)){var u=this.productions.get(a);h=this.getProductionResult(u,i,n,c)}"string"==typeof t?t+=h:h instanceof Array?Array.prototype.push.apply(t,h):t.push(h),i++}return this.axiom=t,t},this.iterate=function(){var t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:1;this.iterations=t;for(var i=void 0,s=0;s=s.length)break;e=s[o++]}else{if(o=s.next(),o.done)break;e=o.value}var n=e,a=n;if("object"==typeof n&&n.symbol&&(a=n.symbol),this.finals.has(a)){var c=this.finals.get(a),h=typeof c;if("function"!==h)throw Error("'"+a+"' has an object for a final function. But it is __not a function__ but a "+h+"!");c({index:i,part:n},t)}i++}},this.match=function(t){var i=t.axiom_,s=t.match,r=t.ignoredSymbols,o=t.branchSymbols,e=t.index,n=t.direction,a=0,c=0;i=i||this.axiom,void 0===o&&(o=void 0!==this.branchSymbols?this.branchSymbols:[]),void 0===r&&(r=void 0!==this.ignoredSymbols?this.ignoredSymbols:[]);var h=[],u=void 0,l=void 0,f=void 0,d=void 0,m=void 0,v=void 0,y=void 0;if("right"===n){if(d=v=1,f=e+1,m=0,y=s.length,o.length>0){var g=o;u=g[0],l=g[1]}}else{if("left"!==n)throw Error(n,"is not a valid direction for matching.");if(d=v=-1,f=e-1,m=s.length-1,y=-1,o.length>0){var b=o;l=b[0],u=b[1]}}for(;f=0;f+=d){var x=i[f].symbol||i[f],S=s[m];if(x===S){if((0===a||c>0)&&(x===u?(c++,a++,m+=v):x===l?(c=Math.max(0,c-1),a=Math.max(0,a-1),0===c&&(m+=v)):(h.push(f),m+=v)),m===y)return{result:!0,matchIndices:h}}else if(x===u)a++,c>0&&c++;else if(x===l)a=Math.max(0,a-1),c>0&&(c=Math.max(0,c-1));else if((0===a||c>0&&S!==l)&&r.includes(x)===!1)return{result:!1,matchIndices:h}}return{result:!1,matchIndices:h}},this.ignoredSymbols=c,this.debug=y,this.branchSymbols=n,this.allowClassicSyntax=u,this.classicParametricSyntax=f,this.forceObjects=m,this.setAxiom(s),this.clearProductions(),r&&this.setProductions(r),o&&this.setFinals(o),this}LSystem.transformClassicStochasticProductions=transformClassicStochasticProductions,LSystem.transformClassicCSProduction=transformClassicCSProduction,LSystem.transformClassicParametricAxiom=transformClassicParametricAxiom,LSystem.testClassicParametricSyntax=testClassicParametricSyntax;export default LSystem; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dist/lindenmayer.min.js b/dist/lindenmayer.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d180125 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/lindenmayer.min.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +"use strict";function transformClassicStochasticProductions(t){return function(){for(var i=t,s=i.length,r=Math.random(),o=0;o(.+)/);if(null===i&&null===s)return t;var r=void 0,o=t[1].successor||t[1].successors?t[1]:{successor:t[1]};return null!==i&&(r=i[2],o.leftCtx=i[1]),null!==s&&(r=s[1],o.rightCtx=s[2]),[r,o]}function stringToObjects(t){if("string"!=typeof t&&t instanceof String==!1)return t;for(var i=[],s=t,r=Array.isArray(s),o=0,s=r?s:s[Symbol.iterator]();;){var e;if(r){if(o>=s.length)break;e=s[o++]}else{if(o=s.next(),o.done)break;e=o.value}var n=e;i.push({symbol:n})}return i}function normalizeProductionRightSide(t,i){if(t.hasOwnProperty("successors"))for(var s=0;s0&&void 0!==arguments[0])||arguments[0];return"string"==typeof this.axiom?this.axiom:t===!0?this.axiom.reduce((t,i)=>{if(void 0===i.symbol)throw console.log("found:",i),new Error("L-Systems that use only objects as symbols (eg: {symbol: 'F', params: []}), cant use string symbols (eg. 'F')! Check if you always return objects in your productions and no strings.");return t+i.symbol},""):JSON.stringify(this.axiom)},this.getStringResult=this.getString,this.setProduction=function(t,i){var s=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]&&arguments[2],r=[t,i];if(void 0===r)throw new Error("no production specified.");if(i.successor&&i.successors)throw new Error('You can not have both a "successor" and a "successors" field in your production!');if(this.allowClassicSyntax===!0&&(r=transformClassicCSProduction(r,this.ignoredSymbols)),r=normalizeProduction(r,this.forceObjects),r[1].isStochastic=void 0!==r[1].successors&&r[1].successors.every(t=>void 0!==t.weight),r[1].isStochastic){r[1].weightSum=0;for(var o=r[1].successors,e=Array.isArray(o),n=0,o=e?o:o[Symbol.iterator]();;){var a;if(e){if(n>=o.length)break;a=o[n++]}else{if(n=o.next(),n.done)break;a=n.value}var c=a;r[1].weightSum+=c.weight}}var h=r[0];if(s===!0&&this.productions.has(h)){var u=this.productions.get(h),l=u.successor,f=u.successors;l&&!f&&(u={successors:[u]}),u.successors.push(r[1]),this.productions.set(h,u)}else this.productions.set(h,r[1])},this.setProductions=function(t){if(void 0===t)throw new Error("no production specified.");this.clearProductions();for(var i=Object.entries(t),s=Array.isArray(i),r=0,i=s?i:i[Symbol.iterator]();;){var o;if(s){if(r>=i.length)break;o=i[r++]}else{if(r=i.next(),r.done)break;o=r.value}var e=o,n=e[0],a=e[1];this.setProduction(n,a,!0)}},this.clearProductions=function(){this.productions=new Map},this.setFinal=function(t,i){var s=[t,i];if(void 0===s)throw new Error("no final specified.");this.finals.set(s[0],s[1])},this.setFinals=function(t){if(void 0===t)throw new Error("no finals specified.");this.finals=new Map;for(var i in t)t.hasOwnProperty(i)&&this.setFinal(i,t[i])},this.getProductionResult=function(t,i,s,r){var o=arguments.length>4&&void 0!==arguments[4]&&arguments[4],e=void 0!==t.leftCtx||void 0!==t.rightCtx,n=void 0!==t.condition,a=!1,h=!0;if(n&&t.condition({index:i,currentAxiom:this.axiom,part:s,params:r})===!1?h=!1:e&&(void 0!==t.leftCtx&&void 0!==t.rightCtx?h=this.match({direction:"left",match:t.leftCtx,index:i,branchSymbols:"[]"}).result&&this.match({direction:"right",match:t.rightCtx,index:i,branchSymbols:"[]",ignoredSymbols:c}).result:void 0!==t.leftCtx?h=this.match({direction:"left",match:t.leftCtx,index:i,branchSymbols:"[]"}).result:void 0!==t.rightCtx&&(h=this.match({direction:"right",match:t.rightCtx,index:i,branchSymbols:"[]"}).result)),h===!1)a=!1;else if(t.successors){var u,l;t.isStochastic&&(l=Math.random()*t.weightSum,u=0);for(var f=t.successors,d=Array.isArray(f),m=0,f=d?f:f[Symbol.iterator]();;){var v;if(d){if(m>=f.length)break;v=f[m++]}else{if(m=f.next(),m.done)break;v=m.value}var y=v;if(!(t.isStochastic&&(u+=y.weight)=s.length)break;e=s[o++]}else{if(o=s.next(),o.done)break;e=o.value}var n=e,a=n.symbol||n,c=n.params||[],h=n;if(this.productions.has(a)){var u=this.productions.get(a);h=this.getProductionResult(u,i,n,c)}"string"==typeof t?t+=h:h instanceof Array?Array.prototype.push.apply(t,h):t.push(h),i++}return this.axiom=t,t},this.iterate=function(){var t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:1;this.iterations=t;for(var i=void 0,s=0;s=s.length)break;e=s[o++]}else{if(o=s.next(),o.done)break;e=o.value}var n=e,a=n;if("object"==typeof n&&n.symbol&&(a=n.symbol),this.finals.has(a)){var c=this.finals.get(a),h=typeof c;if("function"!==h)throw Error("'"+a+"' has an object for a final function. But it is __not a function__ but a "+h+"!");c({index:i,part:n},t)}i++}},this.match=function(t){var i=t.axiom_,s=t.match,r=t.ignoredSymbols,o=t.branchSymbols,e=t.index,n=t.direction,a=0,c=0;i=i||this.axiom,void 0===o&&(o=void 0!==this.branchSymbols?this.branchSymbols:[]),void 0===r&&(r=void 0!==this.ignoredSymbols?this.ignoredSymbols:[]);var h=[],u=void 0,l=void 0,f=void 0,d=void 0,m=void 0,v=void 0,y=void 0;if("right"===n){if(d=v=1,f=e+1,m=0,y=s.length,o.length>0){var g=o;u=g[0],l=g[1]}}else{if("left"!==n)throw Error(n,"is not a valid direction for matching.");if(d=v=-1,f=e-1,m=s.length-1,y=-1,o.length>0){var b=o;l=b[0],u=b[1]}}for(;f=0;f+=d){var x=i[f].symbol||i[f],S=s[m];if(x===S){if((0===a||c>0)&&(x===u?(c++,a++,m+=v):x===l?(c=Math.max(0,c-1),a=Math.max(0,a-1),0===c&&(m+=v)):(h.push(f),m+=v)),m===y)return{result:!0,matchIndices:h}}else if(x===u)a++,c>0&&c++;else if(x===l)a=Math.max(0,a-1),c>0&&(c=Math.max(0,c-1));else if((0===a||c>0&&S!==l)&&r.includes(x)===!1)return{result:!1,matchIndices:h}}return{result:!1,matchIndices:h}},this.ignoredSymbols=c,this.debug=y,this.branchSymbols=n,this.allowClassicSyntax=u,this.classicParametricSyntax=f,this.forceObjects=m,this.setAxiom(s),this.clearProductions(),r&&this.setProductions(r),o&&this.setFinals(o),this}LSystem.transformClassicStochasticProductions=transformClassicStochasticProductions,LSystem.transformClassicCSProduction=transformClassicCSProduction,LSystem.transformClassicParametricAxiom=transformClassicParametricAxiom,LSystem.testClassicParametricSyntax=testClassicParametricSyntax,module.exports=LSystem; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/examples/lindenmayer.js b/docs/examples/lindenmayer.js index cbcf42d..561b8de 100644 --- a/docs/examples/lindenmayer.js +++ b/docs/examples/lindenmayer.js @@ -1,644 +1 @@ -var LSystem = (function () { -'use strict'; - -// Get a list of productions that have identical initiators, -// Output a single stochastic production. Probability per production -// is defined by amount of input productions (4 => 25% each, 2 => 50% etc.) - - -// These transformers get a classic ABOP snytax as input and return a standardized -// production object in the form of ['F', -// { -// successor:String/Iterable -// [alternatively]stochasticSuccessors: Iterable of standardized objects with mandatory weight fields, -// leftCtx: iterable/string, -// rightCtx: Iterable/String, -// condition: Function }] - -function transformClassicStochasticProductions(productions) { - - return function transformedProduction() { - var resultList = productions; // the parser for productions shall create this list - var count = resultList.length; - - var r = Math.random(); - for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { - var range = (i + 1) / count; - if (r <= range) return resultList[i]; - } - - console.error('Should have returned a result of the list, something is wrong here with the random numbers?.'); - }; -}; - -// TODO: Scaffold classic parametric and context sensitive stuff out of main file -// And simply require it here, eg: -// this.testClassicParametricSyntax = require(classicSyntax.testParametric)?? -function testClassicParametricSyntax(axiom) { - return (/\(.+\)/.test(axiom) - ); -}; - -// transforms things like 'A(1,2,5)B(2.5)' to -// [ {symbol: 'A', params: [1,2,5]}, {symbol: 'B', params:[25]} ] -// strips spaces -function transformClassicParametricAxiom(axiom) { - - // Replace whitespaces, then split between square brackets. - var splitAxiom = axiom.replace(/\s+/g, '').split(/[\(\)]/); - // console.log('parts:', splitAxiom) - var newAxiom = []; - // Construct new axiom by getting the params and symbol. - for (var i = 0; i < splitAxiom.length - 1; i += 2) { - var params = splitAxiom[i + 1].split(',').map(Number); - newAxiom.push({ symbol: splitAxiom[i], params: params }); - } - // console.log('parsed axiom:', newAxiom) -}; - -function transformClassicCSProduction(p) { - - // before continuing, check if classic syntax actually there - // example: p = ['AC', 'Z'] - - // left should be ['A', 'B'] - var left = p[0].match(/(.+)<(.)/); - - // right should be ['B', 'C'] - var right = p[0].match(/(.)>(.+)/); - - // Not a CS-Production (no '<' or '>'), - //return original production. - if (left === null && right === null) { - return p; - } - - var predecessor = void 0; - // create new production object _or_ use the one set by the user - var productionObject = p[1].successor || p[1].successors ? p[1] : { successor: p[1] }; - if (left !== null) { - predecessor = left[2]; - productionObject.leftCtx = left[1]; - } - if (right !== null) { - predecessor = right[1]; - productionObject.rightCtx = right[2]; - } - - return [predecessor, productionObject]; -}; - -function stringToObjects(string) { - if (typeof string !== 'string' && string instanceof String === false) return string; - var transformed = []; - for (var _iterator = string, _isArray = Array.isArray(_iterator), _i = 0, _iterator = _isArray ? _iterator : _iterator[Symbol.iterator]();;) { - var _ref; - - if (_isArray) { - if (_i >= _iterator.length) break; - _ref = _iterator[_i++]; - } else { - _i = _iterator.next(); - if (_i.done) break; - _ref = _i.value; - } - - var symbol = _ref; - transformed.push({ symbol }); - }return transformed; -} - -// transform p to {successor: p} -// if applicable also transform strings into array of {symbol: String} objects -// TODO: make more modular! dont have forceObjects in here -function normalizeProductionRightSide(p, forceObjects) { - - if (p.hasOwnProperty('successors')) { - for (var i = 0; i < p.successors.length; i++) { - p.successors[i] = normalizeProductionRightSide(p.successors[i], forceObjects); - } - } else if (p.hasOwnProperty('successor') === false) { - p = { successor: p }; - } - - if (forceObjects && p.hasOwnProperty('successor')) { - p.successor = stringToObjects(p.successor); - } - - return p; -} - -function normalizeProduction(p, forceObjects) { - - p[1] = normalizeProductionRightSide(p[1], forceObjects); - return p; -} - -function LSystem(_ref) { - var _ref$axiom = _ref.axiom, - axiom = _ref$axiom === undefined ? '' : _ref$axiom, - productions = _ref.productions, - finals = _ref.finals, - _ref$branchSymbols = _ref.branchSymbols, - branchSymbols = _ref$branchSymbols === undefined ? '' : _ref$branchSymbols, - _ref$ignoredSymbols = _ref.ignoredSymbols, - ignoredSymbols = _ref$ignoredSymbols === undefined ? '' : _ref$ignoredSymbols, - _ref$allowClassicSynt = _ref.allowClassicSyntax, - allowClassicSyntax = _ref$allowClassicSynt === undefined ? true : _ref$allowClassicSynt, - _ref$classicParametri = _ref.classicParametricSyntax, - classicParametricSyntax = _ref$classicParametri === undefined ? false : _ref$classicParametri, - _ref$forceObjects = _ref.forceObjects, - forceObjects = _ref$forceObjects === undefined ? false : _ref$forceObjects, - _ref$debug = _ref.debug, - debug = _ref$debug === undefined ? false : _ref$debug; - - - // TODO: forceObject to be more intelligent based on other productions?? - - this.setAxiom = function (axiom) { - this.axiom = this.forceObjects ? stringToObjects(axiom) : axiom; - }; - - this.getRaw = function () { - return this.axiom; - }; - - // if using objects in axioms, as used in parametric L-Systems - this.getString = function () { - var onlySymbols = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true; - - if (typeof this.axiom === 'string') return this.axiom; - if (onlySymbols === true) { - return this.axiom.reduce((prev, current) => { - if (current.symbol === undefined) { - console.log('found:', current); - throw new Error('L-Systems that use only objects as symbols (eg: {symbol: \'F\', params: []}), cant use string symbols (eg. \'F\')! Check if you always return objects in your productions and no strings.'); - } - return prev + current.symbol; - }, ''); - } else { - return JSON.stringify(this.axiom); - } - }; - - this.getStringResult = this.getString; - - this.setProduction = function (from, to) { - var allowAppendingMultiSuccessors = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; - - var newProduction = [from, to]; - if (newProduction === undefined) throw new Error('no production specified.'); - - if (to.successor && to.successors) { - throw new Error('You can not have both a "successor" and a "successors" field in your production!'); - } - - // Apply production transformers and normalizations - if (this.allowClassicSyntax === true) { - newProduction = transformClassicCSProduction(newProduction, this.ignoredSymbols); - } - - newProduction = normalizeProduction(newProduction, this.forceObjects); - - // check wether production is stochastic - newProduction[1].isStochastic = newProduction[1].successors !== undefined && newProduction[1].successors.every(successor => successor.weight !== undefined); - - if (newProduction[1].isStochastic) { - // calculate weight sum - newProduction[1].weightSum = 0; - for (var _iterator = newProduction[1].successors, _isArray = Array.isArray(_iterator), _i = 0, _iterator = _isArray ? _iterator : _iterator[Symbol.iterator]();;) { - var _ref2; - - if (_isArray) { - if (_i >= _iterator.length) break; - _ref2 = _iterator[_i++]; - } else { - _i = _iterator.next(); - if (_i.done) break; - _ref2 = _i.value; - } - - var s = _ref2; - - newProduction[1].weightSum += s.weight; - } - } - - var symbol = newProduction[0]; - if (allowAppendingMultiSuccessors === true && this.productions.has(symbol)) { - - var existingProduction = this.productions.get(symbol); - var singleSuccessor = existingProduction.successor; - var multiSuccessors = existingProduction.successors; - - if (singleSuccessor && !multiSuccessors) { - // replace existing prod with new obj and add previous successor as first elem - // to new successors field. - existingProduction = { successors: [existingProduction] }; - } - existingProduction.successors.push(newProduction[1]); - this.productions.set(symbol, existingProduction); - } else { - this.productions.set(symbol, newProduction[1]); - } - }; - - // set multiple productions from name:value Object - // TODO: ALLOW TUPLE/ARRAY - this.setProductions = function (newProductions) { - if (newProductions === undefined) throw new Error('no production specified.'); - this.clearProductions(); - - for (var _iterator2 = Object.entries(newProductions), _isArray2 = Array.isArray(_iterator2), _i2 = 0, _iterator2 = _isArray2 ? _iterator2 : _iterator2[Symbol.iterator]();;) { - var _ref4; - - if (_isArray2) { - if (_i2 >= _iterator2.length) break; - _ref4 = _iterator2[_i2++]; - } else { - _i2 = _iterator2.next(); - if (_i2.done) break; - _ref4 = _i2.value; - } - - var _ref3 = _ref4; - var from = _ref3[0]; - var to = _ref3[1]; - - this.setProduction(from, to, true); - } - }; - - this.clearProductions = function () { - this.productions = new Map(); - }; - - this.setFinal = function (symbol, final) { - var newFinal = [symbol, final]; - if (newFinal === undefined) { - throw new Error('no final specified.'); - } - this.finals.set(newFinal[0], newFinal[1]); - }; - - // set multiple finals from name:value Object - this.setFinals = function (newFinals) { - if (newFinals === undefined) throw new Error('no finals specified.'); - this.finals = new Map(); - for (var symbol in newFinals) { - if (newFinals.hasOwnProperty(symbol)) { - this.setFinal(symbol, newFinals[symbol]); - } - } - }; - - //var hasWeight = el => el.weight !== undefined; - this.getProductionResult = function (p, index, part, params) { - var recursive = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : false; - - - var contextSensitive = p.leftCtx !== undefined || p.rightCtx !== undefined; - var conditional = p.condition !== undefined; - var stochastic = false; - var result = false; - var precheck = true; - - // Check if condition is true, only then continue to check left and right contexts - if (conditional && p.condition({ index, currentAxiom: this.axiom, part, params }) === false) { - precheck = false; - } else if (contextSensitive) { - if (p.leftCtx !== undefined && p.rightCtx !== undefined) { - precheck = this.match({ direction: 'left', match: p.leftCtx, index: index, branchSymbols: '[]' }).result && this.match({ direction: 'right', match: p.rightCtx, index: index, branchSymbols: '[]', ignoredSymbols: ignoredSymbols }).result; - } else if (p.leftCtx !== undefined) { - precheck = this.match({ direction: 'left', match: p.leftCtx, index: index, branchSymbols: '[]' }).result; - } else if (p.rightCtx !== undefined) { - precheck = this.match({ direction: 'right', match: p.rightCtx, index: index, branchSymbols: '[]' }).result; - } - } - - // If conditions and context don't allow product, keep result = false - if (precheck === false) { - result = false; - } - - // If p has multiple successors - else if (p.successors) { - // This could be stochastic successors or multiple functions - // Tread every element in the list as an individual production object - // For stochastic productions (if all prods in the list have a 'weight' property) - // Get a random number then pick a production from the list according to their weight - - var currentWeight, threshWeight; - if (p.isStochastic) { - threshWeight = Math.random() * p.weightSum; - currentWeight = 0; - } - /* - go through the list and use - the first valid production in that list. (that returns true) - This assumes, it's a list of functions. - No recursion here: no successors inside successors. - */ - for (var _iterator3 = p.successors, _isArray3 = Array.isArray(_iterator3), _i3 = 0, _iterator3 = _isArray3 ? _iterator3 : _iterator3[Symbol.iterator]();;) { - var _ref5; - - if (_isArray3) { - if (_i3 >= _iterator3.length) break; - _ref5 = _iterator3[_i3++]; - } else { - _i3 = _iterator3.next(); - if (_i3.done) break; - _ref5 = _i3.value; - } - - var _p = _ref5; - - if (p.isStochastic) { - currentWeight += _p.weight; - if (currentWeight < threshWeight) continue; - } - // If currentWeight >= thresWeight, a production is choosen stochastically - // and evaluated recursively because it , kax also have rightCtx, leftCtx and condition to further inhibit production. This is not standard L-System behaviour though! - - // last true is for recursiv call - // TODO: refactor getProductionResult to use an object - var _result = this.getProductionResult(_p, index, part, params, true); - // console.log(part, p.successors); - // console.log(result); - // console.log("\n"); - if (_result !== undefined && _result !== false) { - result = _result; - break; - } - } - } - // if successor is a function, execute function and append return value - else if (typeof p.successor === 'function') { - - result = p.successor({ index, currentAxiom: this.axiom, part, params }); - } else { - result = p.successor; - } - - if (!result) { - // Allow undefined or false results for recursive calls of this func - return recursive ? result : part; - } - return result; - }; - - this.applyProductions = function () { - // a axiom can be a string or an array of objects that contain the key/value 'symbol' - var newAxiom = typeof this.axiom === 'string' ? '' : []; - var index = 0; - - // iterate all symbols/characters of the axiom and lookup according productions - for (var _iterator4 = this.axiom, _isArray4 = Array.isArray(_iterator4), _i4 = 0, _iterator4 = _isArray4 ? _iterator4 : _iterator4[Symbol.iterator]();;) { - var _ref6; - - if (_isArray4) { - if (_i4 >= _iterator4.length) break; - _ref6 = _iterator4[_i4++]; - } else { - _i4 = _iterator4.next(); - if (_i4.done) break; - _ref6 = _i4.value; - } - - var part = _ref6; - - - // Stuff for classic parametric L-Systems: get actual symbol and possible parameters - // params will be given the production function, if applicable. - - var symbol = part.symbol || part; - var params = part.params || []; - - var result = part; - if (this.productions.has(symbol)) { - var p = this.productions.get(symbol); - result = this.getProductionResult(p, index, part, params); - } - - // Got result. Now add result to new axiom. - if (typeof newAxiom === 'string') { - newAxiom += result; - } else if (result instanceof Array) { - // If result is an array, merge result into new axiom instead of pushing. - Array.prototype.push.apply(newAxiom, result); - } else { - newAxiom.push(result); - } - index++; - } - - // finally set new axiom and also return it for convenience. - this.axiom = newAxiom; - return newAxiom; - }; - - this.iterate = function () { - var n = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 1; - - this.iterations = n; - var lastIteration = void 0; - for (var iteration = 0; iteration < n; iteration++) { - lastIteration = this.applyProductions(); - } - return lastIteration; - }; - - this.final = function (externalArg) { - var index = 0; - for (var _iterator5 = this.axiom, _isArray5 = Array.isArray(_iterator5), _i5 = 0, _iterator5 = _isArray5 ? _iterator5 : _iterator5[Symbol.iterator]();;) { - var _ref7; - - if (_isArray5) { - if (_i5 >= _iterator5.length) break; - _ref7 = _iterator5[_i5++]; - } else { - _i5 = _iterator5.next(); - if (_i5.done) break; - _ref7 = _i5.value; - } - - var part = _ref7; - - - // if we have objects for each symbol, (when using parametric L-Systems) - // get actual identifiable symbol character - var symbol = part; - if (typeof part === 'object' && part.symbol) symbol = part.symbol; - - if (this.finals.has(symbol)) { - var finalFunction = this.finals.get(symbol); - var typeOfFinalFunction = typeof finalFunction; - if (typeOfFinalFunction !== 'function') { - throw Error('\'' + symbol + '\'' + ' has an object for a final function. But it is __not a function__ but a ' + typeOfFinalFunction + '!'); - } - // execute symbols function - // supply in first argument an details object with current index and part - // and in the first argument inject the external argument (like a render target) - finalFunction({ index, part }, externalArg); - } else { - // symbol has no final function - } - index++; - } - }; - - /* - how to use match(): - ----------------------- - It is mainly a helper function for context sensitive productions. - If you use the classic syntax, it will by default be automatically transformed to proper - JS-Syntax. - Howerver, you can use the match helper function in your on productions: - - index is the index of a production using `match` - eg. in a classic L-System - - LSYS = ABCDE - BDE -> 'Z' - - the index of the `BD -> 'Z'` production would be the index of C (which is 2) when the - production would perform match(). so (if not using the ClassicLSystem class) you'd construction your context-sensitive production from C to Z like so: - - LSYS.setProduction('C', (index, axiom) => { - (LSYS.match({index, match: 'B', direction: 'left'}) && - LSYS.match({index, match: 'DE', direction: 'right'}) ? 'Z' : 'C') - }) - - You can just write match({index, ...} instead of match({index: index, ..}) because of new ES6 Object initialization, see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Object_initializer#New_notations_in_ECMAScript_6 - */ - - this.match = function (_ref8) { - var axiom_ = _ref8.axiom_, - match = _ref8.match, - ignoredSymbols = _ref8.ignoredSymbols, - branchSymbols = _ref8.branchSymbols, - index = _ref8.index, - direction = _ref8.direction; - - - var branchCount = 0; - var explicitBranchCount = 0; - axiom_ = axiom_ || this.axiom; - if (branchSymbols === undefined) branchSymbols = this.branchSymbols !== undefined ? this.branchSymbols : []; - if (ignoredSymbols === undefined) ignoredSymbols = this.ignoredSymbols !== undefined ? this.ignoredSymbols : []; - var returnMatchIndices = []; - - var branchStart = void 0, - branchEnd = void 0, - axiomIndex = void 0, - loopIndexChange = void 0, - matchIndex = void 0, - matchIndexChange = void 0, - matchIndexOverflow = void 0; - // set some variables depending on the direction to match - - if (direction === 'right') { - loopIndexChange = matchIndexChange = +1; - axiomIndex = index + 1; - matchIndex = 0; - matchIndexOverflow = match.length; - if (branchSymbols.length > 0) { - ; - var _branchSymbols = branchSymbols; - branchStart = _branchSymbols[0]; - branchEnd = _branchSymbols[1]; - } - } else if (direction === 'left') { - loopIndexChange = matchIndexChange = -1; - axiomIndex = index - 1; - matchIndex = match.length - 1; - matchIndexOverflow = -1; - if (branchSymbols.length > 0) { - ; - var _branchSymbols2 = branchSymbols; - branchEnd = _branchSymbols2[0]; - branchStart = _branchSymbols2[1]; - } - } else { - throw Error(direction, 'is not a valid direction for matching.'); - } - - for (; axiomIndex < axiom_.length && axiomIndex >= 0; axiomIndex += loopIndexChange) { - - var axiomSymbol = axiom_[axiomIndex].symbol || axiom_[axiomIndex]; - var matchSymbol = match[matchIndex]; - - // compare current symbol of axiom with current symbol of match - if (axiomSymbol === matchSymbol) { - - if (branchCount === 0 || explicitBranchCount > 0) { - // if its a match and previously NOT inside branch (branchCount===0) or in explicitly wanted branch (explicitBranchCount > 0) - - // if a bracket was explicitly stated in match axiom - if (axiomSymbol === branchStart) { - explicitBranchCount++; - branchCount++; - matchIndex += matchIndexChange; - } else if (axiomSymbol === branchEnd) { - explicitBranchCount = Math.max(0, explicitBranchCount - 1); - branchCount = Math.max(0, branchCount - 1); - // only increase match if we are out of explicit branch - - if (explicitBranchCount === 0) { - - matchIndex += matchIndexChange; - } - } else { - returnMatchIndices.push(axiomIndex); - matchIndex += matchIndexChange; - } - } - - // overflowing matchIndices (matchIndex + 1 for right match, matchIndexEnd for left match )? - // -> no more matches to do. return with true, as everything matched until here - // *yay* - if (matchIndex === matchIndexOverflow) { - return { result: true, matchIndices: returnMatchIndices }; - } - } else if (axiomSymbol === branchStart) { - branchCount++; - if (explicitBranchCount > 0) explicitBranchCount++; - } else if (axiomSymbol === branchEnd) { - branchCount = Math.max(0, branchCount - 1); - if (explicitBranchCount > 0) explicitBranchCount = Math.max(0, explicitBranchCount - 1); - } else if ((branchCount === 0 || explicitBranchCount > 0 && matchSymbol !== branchEnd) && ignoredSymbols.includes(axiomSymbol) === false) { - // not in branchSymbols/branch? or if in explicit branch, and not at the very end of - // condition (at the ]), and symbol not in ignoredSymbols ? then false - return { result: false, matchIndices: returnMatchIndices }; - } - } - - return { result: false, matchIndices: returnMatchIndices }; - }; - - this.ignoredSymbols = ignoredSymbols; - this.debug = debug; - this.branchSymbols = branchSymbols; - this.allowClassicSyntax = allowClassicSyntax; - this.classicParametricSyntax = classicParametricSyntax; - this.forceObjects = forceObjects; - - this.setAxiom(axiom); - - this.clearProductions(); - if (productions) this.setProductions(productions); - if (finals) this.setFinals(finals); - - return this; -} - -// Set classic syntax helpers to library scope to be used outside of library context -// for users eg. -LSystem.transformClassicStochasticProductions = transformClassicStochasticProductions; -LSystem.transformClassicCSProduction = transformClassicCSProduction; -LSystem.transformClassicParametricAxiom = transformClassicParametricAxiom; -LSystem.testClassicParametricSyntax = testClassicParametricSyntax; - -return LSystem; - -}()); \ No newline at end of file +var LSystem=function(){"use strict";function t(t){return function(){for(var i=t,s=i.length,r=Math.random(),o=0;o(.+)/);if(null===i&&null===s)return t;var r=void 0,o=t[1].successor||t[1].successors?t[1]:{successor:t[1]};return null!==i&&(r=i[2],o.leftCtx=i[1]),null!==s&&(r=s[1],o.rightCtx=s[2]),[r,o]}function o(t){if("string"!=typeof t&&t instanceof String==!1)return t;for(var i=[],s=t,r=Array.isArray(s),o=0,s=r?s:s[Symbol.iterator]();;){var e;if(r){if(o>=s.length)break;e=s[o++]}else{if(o=s.next(),o.done)break;e=o.value}var n=e;i.push({symbol:n})}return i}function e(t,i){if(t.hasOwnProperty("successors"))for(var s=0;s0&&void 0!==arguments[0])||arguments[0];return"string"==typeof this.axiom?this.axiom:t===!0?this.axiom.reduce((t,i)=>{if(void 0===i.symbol)throw console.log("found:",i),new Error("L-Systems that use only objects as symbols (eg: {symbol: 'F', params: []}), cant use string symbols (eg. 'F')! Check if you always return objects in your productions and no strings.");return t+i.symbol},""):JSON.stringify(this.axiom)},this.getStringResult=this.getString,this.setProduction=function(t,i){var s=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]&&arguments[2],o=[t,i];if(void 0===o)throw new Error("no production specified.");if(i.successor&&i.successors)throw new Error('You can not have both a "successor" and a "successors" field in your production!');if(this.allowClassicSyntax===!0&&(o=r(o,this.ignoredSymbols)),o=n(o,this.forceObjects),o[1].isStochastic=void 0!==o[1].successors&&o[1].successors.every(t=>void 0!==t.weight),o[1].isStochastic){o[1].weightSum=0;for(var e=o[1].successors,a=Array.isArray(e),c=0,e=a?e:e[Symbol.iterator]();;){var h;if(a){if(c>=e.length)break;h=e[c++]}else{if(c=e.next(),c.done)break;h=c.value}var u=h;o[1].weightSum+=u.weight}}var l=o[0];if(s===!0&&this.productions.has(l)){var f=this.productions.get(l),d=f.successor,m=f.successors;d&&!m&&(f={successors:[f]}),f.successors.push(o[1]),this.productions.set(l,f)}else this.productions.set(l,o[1])},this.setProductions=function(t){if(void 0===t)throw new Error("no production specified.");this.clearProductions();for(var i=Object.entries(t),s=Array.isArray(i),r=0,i=s?i:i[Symbol.iterator]();;){var o;if(s){if(r>=i.length)break;o=i[r++]}else{if(r=i.next(),r.done)break;o=r.value}var e=o,n=e[0],a=e[1];this.setProduction(n,a,!0)}},this.clearProductions=function(){this.productions=new Map},this.setFinal=function(t,i){var s=[t,i];if(void 0===s)throw new Error("no final specified.");this.finals.set(s[0],s[1])},this.setFinals=function(t){if(void 0===t)throw new Error("no finals specified.");this.finals=new Map;for(var i in t)t.hasOwnProperty(i)&&this.setFinal(i,t[i])},this.getProductionResult=function(t,i,s,r){var o=arguments.length>4&&void 0!==arguments[4]&&arguments[4],e=void 0!==t.leftCtx||void 0!==t.rightCtx,n=void 0!==t.condition,a=!1,c=!0;if(n&&t.condition({index:i,currentAxiom:this.axiom,part:s,params:r})===!1?c=!1:e&&(void 0!==t.leftCtx&&void 0!==t.rightCtx?c=this.match({direction:"left",match:t.leftCtx,index:i,branchSymbols:"[]"}).result&&this.match({direction:"right",match:t.rightCtx,index:i,branchSymbols:"[]",ignoredSymbols:l}).result:void 0!==t.leftCtx?c=this.match({direction:"left",match:t.leftCtx,index:i,branchSymbols:"[]"}).result:void 0!==t.rightCtx&&(c=this.match({direction:"right",match:t.rightCtx,index:i,branchSymbols:"[]"}).result)),c===!1)a=!1;else if(t.successors){var h,u;t.isStochastic&&(u=Math.random()*t.weightSum,h=0);for(var f=t.successors,d=Array.isArray(f),m=0,f=d?f:f[Symbol.iterator]();;){var v;if(d){if(m>=f.length)break;v=f[m++]}else{if(m=f.next(),m.done)break;v=m.value}var y=v;if(!(t.isStochastic&&(h+=y.weight)=s.length)break;e=s[o++]}else{if(o=s.next(),o.done)break;e=o.value}var n=e,a=n.symbol||n,c=n.params||[],h=n;if(this.productions.has(a)){var u=this.productions.get(a);h=this.getProductionResult(u,i,n,c)}"string"==typeof t?t+=h:h instanceof Array?Array.prototype.push.apply(t,h):t.push(h),i++}return this.axiom=t,t},this.iterate=function(){var t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:1;this.iterations=t;for(var i=void 0,s=0;s=s.length)break;e=s[o++]}else{if(o=s.next(),o.done)break;e=o.value}var n=e,a=n;if("object"==typeof n&&n.symbol&&(a=n.symbol),this.finals.has(a)){var c=this.finals.get(a),h=typeof c;if("function"!==h)throw Error("'"+a+"' has an object for a final function. But it is __not a function__ but a "+h+"!");c({index:i,part:n},t)}i++}},this.match=function(t){var i=t.axiom_,s=t.match,r=t.ignoredSymbols,o=t.branchSymbols,e=t.index,n=t.direction,a=0,c=0;i=i||this.axiom,void 0===o&&(o=void 0!==this.branchSymbols?this.branchSymbols:[]),void 0===r&&(r=void 0!==this.ignoredSymbols?this.ignoredSymbols:[]);var h=[],u=void 0,l=void 0,f=void 0,d=void 0,m=void 0,v=void 0,y=void 0;if("right"===n){if(d=v=1,f=e+1,m=0,y=s.length,o.length>0){var b=o;u=b[0],l=b[1]}}else{if("left"!==n)throw Error(n,"is not a valid direction for matching.");if(d=v=-1,f=e-1,m=s.length-1,y=-1,o.length>0){var g=o;l=g[0],u=g[1]}}for(;f=0;f+=d){var x=i[f].symbol||i[f],p=s[m];if(x===p){if((0===a||c>0)&&(x===u?(c++,a++,m+=v):x===l?(c=Math.max(0,c-1),a=Math.max(0,a-1),0===c&&(m+=v)):(h.push(f),m+=v)),m===y)return{result:!0,matchIndices:h}}else if(x===u)a++,c>0&&c++;else if(x===l)a=Math.max(0,a-1),c>0&&(c=Math.max(0,c-1));else if((0===a||c>0&&p!==l)&&r.includes(x)===!1)return{result:!1,matchIndices:h}}return{result:!1,matchIndices:h}},this.ignoredSymbols=l,this.debug=x,this.branchSymbols=h,this.allowClassicSyntax=d,this.classicParametricSyntax=v,this.forceObjects=b,this.setAxiom(s),this.clearProductions(),e&&this.setProductions(e),a&&this.setFinals(a),this}return a.transformClassicStochasticProductions=t,a.transformClassicCSProduction=r,a.transformClassicParametricAxiom=s,a.testClassicParametricSyntax=i,a}(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 48b99f2..5510599 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ "scripts": { "test": "npm run build && mocha test/tests.js", "test-stochastic": "npm run build && mocha test/stochastic_tests.js", - "build": "rollup -c && npm run build-minified && cp dist/lindenmayer.browser.js docs/examples/lindenmayer.js", + "build": "rollup -c && npm run build-minified && cp dist/lindenmayer.browser.min.js docs/examples/lindenmayer.js", "build-minified": "rollup --environment minify -c", "prepublish": "npm test && npm run build" }, diff --git a/test/lindenmayer.js b/test/lindenmayer.js deleted file mode 100644 index 31069af..0000000 --- a/test/lindenmayer.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,519 +0,0 @@ -var LSystem = (function () { -'use strict'; - -// Get a list of productions that have identical initiators, -// Output a single stochastic production. Probability per production -// is defined by amount of input productions (4 => 25% each, 2 => 50% etc.) - - -// These transformers get a classic ABOP snytax as input and return a standardized -// production object in the form of ['F', -// { -// successor:String/Iterable -// [alternatively]stochasticSuccessors: Iterable of standardized objects with mandatory weight fields, -// leftCtx: iterable/string, -// rightCtx: Iterable/String, -// condition: Function }] - -function transformClassicStochasticProductions(productions) { - - return function transformedProduction () { - let resultList = productions; // the parser for productions shall create this list - let count = resultList.length; - - let r = Math.random(); - for(let i= 0; i < count; i++) { - let range = (i+1) / count; - if( r <= range) return resultList[i]; - - } - - console.error('Should have returned a result of the list, something is wrong here with the random numbers?.'); - } - -} - - -// TODO: implement it! - - -// TODO: Scaffold classic parametric and context sensitive stuff out of main file -// And simply require it here, eg: -// this.testClassicParametricSyntax = require(classicSyntax.testParametric)?? -function testClassicParametricSyntax (axiom) { - return (/\(.+\)/).test(axiom); -} - -// transforms things like 'A(1,2,5)B(2.5)' to -// [ {symbol: 'A', params: [1,2,5]}, {symbol: 'B', params:[25]} ] -// strips spaces -function transformClassicParametricAxiom (axiom) { - - // Replace whitespaces, then split between square brackets. - let splitAxiom = axiom.replace(/\s+/g, '').split(/[\(\)]/); - // console.log('parts:', splitAxiom) - let newAxiom = []; - // Construct new axiom by getting the params and symbol. - for (let i = 0; i < splitAxiom.length-1; i+=2) { - let params = splitAxiom[i+1].split(',').map(Number); - newAxiom.push({symbol: splitAxiom[i], params:params}); - } - // console.log('parsed axiom:', newAxiom) -} - - -function transformClassicCSProduction (p) { - - // before continuing, check if classic syntax actually there - // example: p = ['AC', 'Z'] - - // left should be ['A', 'B'] - let left = p[0].match(/(.+)<(.)/); - - // right should be ['B', 'C'] - let right = p[0].match(/(.)>(.+)/); - - // Not a CS-Production (no '<' or '>'), - //return original production. - if(left === null && right === null) { - return p; - } - - let predecessor; - // create new production object _or_ use the one set by the user - let productionObject = (p[1].hasOwnProperty('successor')) ? p[1] : {successor: p[1]}; - if(left !== null) { - predecessor = left[2]; - productionObject.leftCtx = left[1]; - } - if(right !== null){ - predecessor = right[1]; - productionObject.rightCtx = right[2]; - } - - - return [predecessor, productionObject]; - -} - -function stringToObjects (string) { - if(typeof string !== 'string' && string instanceof String === false) return string; - let transformed = []; - for (let symbol of string) transformed.push({symbol}); - return transformed; -} - -// TODO: continue here -//normalizeSuccessorArrays - - - - -// transform p[1] to {successor: p[1]} -// if applicable also transform strings into array of {symbol: String} objects -// TODO: make more modular! dont have forceObject in here -function normalizeProduction (p, forceObject) { - if(p[1].hasOwnProperty('successor') === false){ - - p[1] = { successor: forceObject ? stringToObjects(p[1]) : p[1] }; - } - return p; -} - -function LSystem({axiom = '', productions, finals, branchSymbols='', ignoredSymbols='', allowClassicSyntax=true, classicParametricSyntax=false, forceObjects=false, debug=false}) { - - - this.setAxiom = function (axiom) { - this.axiom = (this.forceObjects) ? stringToObjects(axiom) : axiom; - }; - - // if using objects in axioms, as used in parametric L-Systems - this.getString = function(onlySymbols = true) { - if(typeof this.axiom === 'string') return this.axiom; - if(onlySymbols === true) { - return this.axiom.reduce( (prev, current) => { - if(current.symbol === undefined){ - console.log('found:', current); - throw new Error('L-Systems that use only objects as symbols (eg: {symbol: \'F\', params: []}), cant use string symbols (eg. \'F\')! Check if you always return objects in your productions and no strings.'); - } - return prev + current.symbol; - }, ''); - } else { - return JSON.stringify(this.axiom); - } - }; - - - - - this.setProduction = function (A, B, doAppend = false) { - let newProduction = [A, B]; - if(newProduction === undefined) throw new Error('no production specified.'); - - // Apply production transformers and normalizations - if(this.allowClassicSyntax === true) { - newProduction = transformClassicCSProduction(newProduction, this.ignoredSymbols); - } - newProduction = normalizeProduction(newProduction, this.forceObjects); - - let symbol = newProduction[0]; - - if(doAppend === true && this.productions.has(symbol)) { - - let existingProduction = this.productions.get(symbol); - let succ = existingProduction.successor; - - // Make succesor an array if it not already is - if(succ[Symbol.iterator] === undefined || typeof succ === 'string' || succ instanceof String) { - succ = [succ]; - } - succ.push(newProduction[1]); - existingProduction.successor = succ; - this.productions.set(symbol, existingProduction); - - } else { - - this.productions.set(symbol, newProduction[1]); - } - - - }; - - // set multiple productions from name:value Object - this.setProductions = function (newProductions) { - if(newProductions === undefined) throw new Error('no production specified.'); - this.clearProductions(); - - // TODO: once Object.entries() (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/entries) is stable, use that in combo instead of awkward for…in. - for (let condition in newProductions) { - if( newProductions.hasOwnProperty( condition ) ) { - this.setProduction(condition, newProductions[condition], true); - } - } - }; - - this.clearProductions = function () { - this.productions = new Map(); - }; - - this.setFinal = function (symbol, final) { - let newFinal = [symbol, final]; - if(newFinal === undefined) { - throw new Error('no final specified.'); - } - this.finals.set(newFinal[0], newFinal[1]); - }; - - // set multiple finals from name:value Object - this.setFinals = function (newFinals) { - if(newFinals === undefined) throw new Error('no finals specified.'); - this.finals = new Map(); - for (let symbol in newFinals) { - if( newFinals.hasOwnProperty( symbol ) ) { - this.setFinal(symbol, newFinals[symbol]); - } - } - }; - - - var hasWeight = el => el.weight !== undefined; - this.getProductionResult = function (p, index, part, params) { - let precheck = true; - let successor = p.successor; - let contextSensitive = (p.leftCtx !== undefined || p.rightCtx !== undefined); - let conditional = p.condition !== undefined; - let stochastic = false; - let result = false; - - // Check if condition is true, only then continue to check left and right contexts - if(conditional && p.condition() === false) { - precheck = false; - } - else if(contextSensitive) { - if(p.leftCtx !== undefined && p.rightCtx !== undefined){ - precheck = this.match({direction: 'left', match: p.leftCtx, index: index, branchSymbols: '[]'}).result && this.match({direction: 'right', match: p.rightCtx, index: index, branchSymbols: '[]', ignoredSymbols: ignoredSymbols}).result; - } else if (p.leftCtx !== undefined) { - precheck = this.match({direction: 'left', match: p.leftCtx, index: index, branchSymbols: '[]'}).result; - } else if (p.rightCtx !== undefined) { - precheck = this.match({direction: 'right', match: p.rightCtx, index: index, branchSymbols: '[]'}).result; - } - - } - - // If conditions and context don't allow product, use fallback - if(precheck === false) { - result = false; - } - // if successor is a function, execute function and append return value - else if (typeof successor === 'function') { - - result = successor({index, currentAxiom: this.axiom, part, params}); - - /* if p is no function and no iterable, then - it should be a string (regular) or object - directly return it then as result */ - } else if (typeof successor === 'string' || successor instanceof String || (typeof successor === 'object' && successor[Symbol.iterator] === undefined) ) { - result = successor; - - // if p is a list/iterable - } else if (successor[Symbol.iterator] !== undefined && typeof successor !== 'string' && !(successor instanceof String)) { - - if(stochastic) { - - } else { - - - /* - go through the list and use - the first valid production in that list. (that returns true) - This assumes, it's a list of functions. - */ - - result = successor; - - - // for (let _succ of successor) { - // let _result; - // if (_succ[Symbol.iterator] !== undefined && typeof _succ !== 'string' && !(_succ instanceof String)) { - // // If _p is itself also an Array, recursively get the result. - // _result = this.getProductionResult(_succ); - // } else { - // _result = (typeof _succ === 'function') ? _succ({index, currentAxiom: this.axiom, part, params}) : _succ; - // } - // - // if (_result !== undefined && _result !== false) { - // result = _result; - // break; - // } - // - // } - } - - - } - - return (result === false) ? part : result; - - - }; - - this.applyProductions = function() { - // a axiom can be a string or an array of objects that contain the key/value 'symbol' - let newAxiom = (typeof this.axiom === 'string') ? '' : []; - let index = 0; - // iterate all symbols/characters of the axiom and lookup according productions - for (let part of this.axiom) { - - let symbol = part; - - // Stuff for classic parametric L-Systems: get actual symbol and possible parameters - // params will be given the production function, if applicable. - let params = []; - if(typeof part === 'object' && part.symbol) symbol = part.symbol; - if(typeof part === 'object' && part.params) params = part.params; - - let result = part; - if (this.productions.has(symbol)) { - let p = this.productions.get(symbol); - result = this.getProductionResult(p, index, part, params); - } - - // finally add result to new axiom - if(typeof newAxiom === 'string') { - newAxiom += result; - } else { - // If result is an array, merge result into new axiom instead of pushing. - if(result.constructor === Array) { - Array.prototype.push.apply(newAxiom, result); - } else { - newAxiom.push(result); - } - } - index++; - } - - // finally set new axiom and also return for convenience - this.axiom = newAxiom; - return newAxiom; - }; - - // iterate n times - this.iterate = function(n = 1) { - this.iterations = n; - let lastIteration; - for (let iteration = 0; iteration < n; iteration++, this.iterationCount++) { - lastIteration = this.applyProductions(); - } - return lastIteration; - }; - - this.final = function() { - let index = 0; - for (let part of this.axiom) { - - // if we have objects for each symbol, (when using parametric L-Systems) - // get actual identifiable symbol character - let symbol = part; - if(typeof part === 'object' && part.symbol) symbol = part.symbol; - - if (this.finals.has(symbol)) { - let finalFunction = this.finals.get(symbol); - let typeOfFinalFunction = typeof finalFunction; - if ((typeOfFinalFunction !== 'function')) { - throw Error('\'' + symbol + '\'' + ' has an object for a final function. But it is __not a function__ but a ' + typeOfFinalFunction + '!'); - } - // execute symbols function - finalFunction({index, part}); - - } else { - // symbol has no final function - } - index++; - } - }; - - -/* - how to use match(): - ----------------------- - It is mainly a helper function for context sensitive productions. - If you use the classic syntax, it will by default be automatically transformed to proper - JS-Syntax. - Howerver, you can use the match helper function in your on productions: - - index is the index of a production using `match` - eg. in a classic L-System - - LSYS = ABCDE - BDE -> 'Z' - - the index of the `BD -> 'Z'` production would be the index of C (which is 2) when the - production would perform match(). so (if not using the ClassicLSystem class) you'd construction your context-sensitive production from C to Z like so: - - LSYS.setProduction('C', (index, axiom) => { - (LSYS.match({index, match: 'B', direction: 'left'}) && - LSYS.match({index, match: 'DE', direction: 'right'}) ? 'Z' : 'C') - }) - - You can just write match({index, ...} instead of match({index: index, ..}) because of new ES6 Object initialization, see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Object_initializer#New_notations_in_ECMAScript_6 - */ - - this.match = function({axiom_, match, ignoredSymbols, branchSymbols, index, direction}) { - - let branchCount = 0; - let explicitBranchCount = 0; - axiom_ = axiom_ || this.axiom; - if(branchSymbols === undefined) branchSymbols = (this.branchSymbols !== undefined) ? this.branchSymbols : []; - if(ignoredSymbols === undefined) ignoredSymbols = (this.ignoredSymbols !== undefined) ? this.ignoredSymbols : []; - let returnMatchIndices = []; - - let branchStart, branchEnd, axiomIndex, loopIndexChange, matchIndex, matchIndexChange, matchIndexOverflow; - // set some variables depending on the direction to match - - if (direction === 'right') { - loopIndexChange = matchIndexChange = +1; - axiomIndex = index + 1; - matchIndex = 0; - matchIndexOverflow = match.length; - if (branchSymbols.length > 0) [branchStart, branchEnd] = branchSymbols; - } else if (direction === 'left') { - loopIndexChange = matchIndexChange = -1; - axiomIndex = index - 1; - matchIndex = match.length - 1; - matchIndexOverflow = -1; - if (branchSymbols.length > 0) [branchEnd, branchStart] = branchSymbols; - } else { - throw Error(direction, 'is not a valid direction for matching.'); - } - - - - for (;axiomIndex < axiom_.length && axiomIndex >= 0; axiomIndex += loopIndexChange) { - // FIXME: what about objects with .symbol - let axiomSymbol = axiom_[axiomIndex]; - // For objects match for objects `symbol` - if(typeof axiomSymbol === 'object') axiomSymbol = axiomSymbol.symbol; - let matchSymbol = match[matchIndex]; - - // compare current symbol of axiom with current symbol of match - if (axiomSymbol === matchSymbol) { - - if(branchCount === 0 || explicitBranchCount > 0) { - // if its a match and previously NOT inside branch (branchCount===0) or in explicitly wanted branch (explicitBranchCount > 0) - - // if a bracket was explicitly stated in match axiom - if(axiomSymbol === branchStart){ - explicitBranchCount++; - branchCount++; - matchIndex += matchIndexChange; - - } else if (axiomSymbol === branchEnd) { - explicitBranchCount = Math.max(0, explicitBranchCount - 1); - branchCount = Math.max(0, branchCount - 1); - // only increase match if we are out of explicit branch - - if(explicitBranchCount === 0){ - - matchIndex += matchIndexChange; - } - - } else { - returnMatchIndices.push(axiomIndex); - matchIndex += matchIndexChange; - } - } - - // overflowing matchIndices (matchIndex + 1 for right match, matchIndexEnd for left match )? - // -> no more matches to do. return with true, as everything matched until here - // *yay* - if(matchIndex === matchIndexOverflow){ - return {result: true, matchIndices: returnMatchIndices}; - } - - } else if (axiomSymbol === branchStart) { - branchCount++; - if(explicitBranchCount > 0) explicitBranchCount++; - - } else if(axiomSymbol === branchEnd) { - branchCount = Math.max(0, branchCount-1); - if(explicitBranchCount > 0) explicitBranchCount = Math.max(0, explicitBranchCount-1); - - } else if((branchCount === 0 || (explicitBranchCount > 0 && matchSymbol !== branchEnd)) && ignoredSymbols.includes(axiomSymbol) === false) { - // not in branchSymbols/branch? or if in explicit branch, and not at the very end of - // condition (at the ]), and symbol not in ignoredSymbols ? then false - return {result: false, matchIndices: returnMatchIndices}; - } - } - - return {result: false, matchIndices: returnMatchIndices}; - - }; - - - this.ignoredSymbols = ignoredSymbols; - this.debug = debug; - this.branchSymbols = branchSymbols; - this.allowClassicSyntax = allowClassicSyntax; - this.classicParametricSyntax = classicParametricSyntax; - this.forceObjects = forceObjects; - - this.setAxiom(axiom); - - this.clearProductions(); - if(productions) this.setProductions(productions); - if (finals) this.setFinals(finals); - - this.iterationCount = 0; - return this; -} - -// Set classic syntax helpers to library scope to be used outside of library context -// for users eg. -LSystem.transformClassicStochasticProductions = transformClassicStochasticProductions; -LSystem.transformClassicCSProduction = transformClassicCSProduction; -LSystem.transformClassicParametricAxiom = transformClassicParametricAxiom; -LSystem.testClassicParametricSyntax = testClassicParametricSyntax; - -return LSystem; - -}()); diff --git a/test/tests.js b/test/tests.js index c6842c3..84ef01c 100644 --- a/test/tests.js +++ b/test/tests.js @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ let chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised'); let expect = chai.expect; chai.use(chaiAsPromised); -let LSystem = require('../dist/lindenmayer.js'); +let LSystem = require('../dist/lindenmayer.min.js'); describe('Basic String based L-Systems', function() {