- Compatibility with dplyr 1.0.0, vctrs 0.3.0
- Moved a lot of dependencies to Suggests to make package leaner
- there are still many dependencies, but these are mainly tidyverse packages, so depending on one, there is little additional cost to depend also on others
- there are other dependencies I hope to be able to remove soon (e.g., vctrs is only used in testing and for one edge case that a bugfix in haven can eliminate)
- Removed functions related to scaleDiagnosis, which are now implemented in
- Updated citation to published paper
- Unfortunately, I have had to wrap some examples using the codebook function in dontrun, because I haven't yet figured out how to make rmdpartials switch to "interactive" mode when testing/checking. Once I fix this problem in rmdpartials, I will remove dontrun
- I also had to wrap the example for
in dontrun, because even a minimal example sometimes takes longer than 10s. I considered using donttest instead, but according to what I could find online donttest is also tested & timed.
- local OS X install, R 4.0.1
- local Linux install, R 3.6.2
- win-builder (release)
- Rhub
- Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, R-devel, 32/64 bit
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
- This package uses rmarkdown partials, i.e. some of the functions are designed to render Rmd files as children of larger Rmd files. I put these files in the inst/ folder, their names start with _ (suggested convention in the rmarkdown documentation). I tried to make sure that these were still well-tested and they are part of the testing run. Still, this leads to some packages being imported that are only used inside the Rmds (and tests, namely graphics and pander). I tried to put nontrivial R code into functions, but some minor processing happens in the Rmds.